Posts tagged: Barack Obama

The Bergdahl Progressives

Written by Robert Knight

I’m minding my own business in a bookstore near the University of Maine’s campus here when I hear two women talking.

One of them is trashing Donald Trump as the other sagely nods. Then they start gushing about Barack Obama’s “greatness” and what “a fine president” he was.

Tempted almost beyond endurance to say something, I buried my head in the Brad Thor thriller that I had been thumbing through. Nothing I would have said could have changed their minds.… Continue Reading

Guarding Election Integrity

Written by Robert Knight

In 1993, when President Bill Clinton signed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), its boosters claimed that it would solve, once and for all, a plethora of problems plaguing the nation’s voter registration rolls.

However, like many ballyhooed efforts, the Motor Voter Law, as it is best known, resulted in an even crazier system, with such absurdities as millions of people registered in more than one state, cemeteries full of active “voters,” and noncitizens “inadvertently” placed on voter rolls.… Continue Reading

Russian Collusion in Democrat Inner Circle?

Written by Karin McQuillan

There has been enthusiastic collusion by the leadership of the Democratic Party with the Russian disinformation campaign to destroy President Donald Trump.  (See “A Brief History of ‘Fake News'” on  The Democrat willingness to collude with Russia to overturn our democratically elected president is unprecedented.  There is the infamous case of Ted Kennedy approaching the Kremlin to help Democrats defeat Reagan, but never before has collusion with our enemies by a non-communist party been sustained and widespread.… Continue Reading

GOP Governor Issues Warning of Plot Underway by George Soros

Written by Dennis Michael Lynch

In an opinion piece published in Saturday’s Washington Examiner, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a warning to the GOP that “Democrats in Washington, D.C. are plotting to pour hundreds of millions of dollars in state and local elections across the country” in an effort to buy back power.

Abbott pointed a finger at hedge fund billionaire George Soros, who is helping to fund the National Democratic Redistricting Committee so that it can take away control from voters, noting that congressional re-districting will go into effect in 2021, “when booming conservative states such as Texas will gain seats in the U.S.… Continue Reading

John McCain Joins Pro-Abortion Republicans to Defeat U.S. Senate Bill Defunding Planned Parenthood

Written by Steven Ertelt

Christmas is months away but U.S. Senator John McCain is already on the naughty list for pro-life Americans.

U.S. Senator McCain joined two probation Republicans to defeat the Senate bill that would defund Planned Parenthood. Called the skinny Bill to repeal portions of Obamacare, pro-life organizations and Senate Republican leaders hoped the bill would get enough votes to be able to land a repeal and defund measure on President Donald Trump’s desk.… Continue Reading

Double Standards in the War between White House and Media

Written by Michael Medved

For all his vast power, the President of the United States—any president—is always at a structural disadvantage in a “war” with the media. The First Amendment protects press rights to criticize the government, and everyone expects such criticism. But if government—or the president, as head of government—strikes back by assailing media, there’s an uneasy hint of bullying or oppression.

President Donald Trump isn’t exceptional in generating media hostility, but Barack Obama was exceptional in avoiding such scrutiny for eight years.… Continue Reading

Ineffective GOP Messaging Leads to Tax Hikes Without Reforms Every Time

Written by John Biver

Every time state spending increases and taxes are raised, Republicans and conservatives issue statements expressing disappointment and disgust with those who played a part in making it happen. For many of us watching this Illinois tax and spend train wreck year after year, these statements are tiresome.

Bad things happen. Our side reacts to those bad things with statements.

These pages have outlined and linked to other articles explaining that Illinois’ problem is a simple math problem.… Continue Reading

Exposé of Fake News Machine CNN

Written by Laurie Higgins

A bombshell undercover video narrated by James O’Keefe and released on Tuesday, June 27, 2017, shows CNN supervising producer John Bonifield admitting that the Trump collusion tale is “mostly bullsh*t” that CNN pushes because it’s a ratings blockbuster.

Bonifield admits what is obvious to many Americans about the mainstream media’s evidence for the endless Russia story: “We don’t have any big giant proof….I just feel like they don’t really have it, but they want to keep digging.”… Continue Reading

Kathy Griffin Is Not the Only One Guilty of Anti-Trump Hysteria

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Without a doubt, Kathy Griffin crossed a dark and ugly line when she posted her instantly infamous, beheading picture. And she is suffering the consequences for her foolish actions. But is she alone to blame? Have not others contributed to the toxic atmosphere that provided the backdrop for her misdeed?

Certainly, she alone is responsible for her decisions, and she took responsibility for those decisions in her apology. No one made her do what she did.… Continue Reading

America’s Betrayal by the Democratic Party

Written by Jeffrey Ludwig

Are you aware that we are facing a political and cultural tragedy right now?  The Democratic Party, one of two great parties of the USA, has been co-opted by the communist ideologues, the power-mad neo-Marxists, in our political establishment.  They can call it liberalism or social justice or togetherness, but it is my considered judgment that, without exaggeration, we are facing an intent to subvert the electoral will of the American people.… Continue Reading