Posts tagged: Antifa

SPLC: The Biggest Bully in The Room

Written by Robert Knight

The national parental rights group has again made the latest “hate map” of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the most prominent leftist smear machine outside of the legacy media itself.

Despite a scandal in 2019 that ousted its leadership, “SPLC annual revenue still reaches nine figures, and its assets are just shy of $700 million,” the Capital Research Center reports.

The Moms last year were designated partly because they supported reform-minded school board candidates who won elections.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Empty Promise of Returning to Normal

Written by Robert Knight

In 2020, a lot of people went for Joe Biden because they wanted a return to normal life.

A vote for the Democrat, it was said, would be a way to “turn down the heat” and calm a nation riven by the deadly Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the media and deep state’s nonstop circus surrounding then-President Donald Trump.

“History, faith and reason show the way,” President Biden said in his inaugural address on Jan.… Continue Reading

Erasing The Southern Border is About More Than Flooding Voter Rolls

Written by Robert Knight

There’s more than meets the eye to the Democrats’ erasure of the nation’s southern border.

Sure, the Biden administration plans to keep allowing millions of aliens to enter the United States illegally, hook them on government aid, and turn them into permanent Democratic voters.

This is so obvious that denying it makes the Democrats and their media look ridiculously dishonest.

But I submit that it’s even more sinister. The aim is not to establish permanent, one-party Democratic power, although that’s crucial.… Continue Reading

America-Hating Members of The U.S. Congress Side With Hamas

Written by Robert Knight

The left is becoming unhinged and exposed.

During Hamas’ murderous invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and her group of America-hating congresswomen actually sided with Hamas.

U.S. Representative Rashid Tlaib (D-MI), called for Israel to end its “occupation of Palestine” and for the U.S. to stop aiding Israel.

U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MI) who has called Israel “evil,” said that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had called all Palestinians “human animals,” even though he was clearly referring only to the Hamas terrorists who had committed unspeakable atrocities.… Continue Reading

Intimidation 101: From Trump to Transgender Mania, Leftists’ War on America is Intensifying

Written by Robert Knight

In the space of a week, we saw three children and three adults executed at a Christian school in Nashville, the indictment of former President Donald Trump, and the advent of the national “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

We also saw the current White House occupant awkwardly joking at length about his love of ice cream before addressing the Nashville massacre. The word “inappropriate” is wildly inadequate. Within moments, he segued into a gun control rant.… Continue Reading

“Insurrection” vs. Numerous Subversions of the American Left

Written by Trevor Thomas

With U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s release of thousands of hours of Capitol surveillance video footage to Tucker Carlson, and Carlson’s subsequent airing of the footage on his popular FOX News show, it’s more clear now than ever: What the American left did to Trump, on COVID, on crime (especially the ANTIFA/BLM riots), at the border, and the like, was FAR worse than anything that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.… Continue Reading

The Lies That Blind American Citizens

Written by Robert Knight

It’s not healthy when citizens automatically discount whatever the government or media tell them.

That’s what happens in totalitarian countries like North Korea, China or Venezuela.

We have this now in America, thanks to a ruling elite who lie ever more boldly. Girls can be boys. Men can be women. The border is secure. Inflation is all in your head. COVID-19 will kill you unless you do exactly what we tell you to do.… Continue Reading

The Left’s Victim Mentality and Diabolical Plot to Divide Us by Race

Written by Robert Knight

Well, it’s official. The only cheap gasoline that President Biden seems to like is the stuff he keeps pouring on the bonfire of racial grievance politics.

“Evil will not win,” he said during his speech in Buffalo in the wake of the supermarket mass murder of mostly Black victims by an unhinged nutcase, white supremacist suspect. “We have to refuse to live in a country where fear and lies are packaged for power and profit.”… Continue Reading

Will the Real Richard Irvin Please Stand Up?

Written by Fran Eaton

Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin’s campaign backers’ mantra is “Irvin’s the only one that can beat Pritzker in the General.”

But is Richard Irvin really the only Illinois Republican candidate that can beat the current governor in the upcoming 2022 General Election? And who is this Richard Irvin? Let’s take a closer look.

Interesting Facts About the REAL Richard Irvin

  • Irvin publicly applauded Gov. JB Pritzker for his tyrannical COVID-19 policies
  • Irvin has consistently supported Leftist activist groups such as Planned Parenthood, Gay Pride Parades, and Black Lives Matter – which works hand in hand with radical anarchists such as Antifa
  • Irvin has questionable financial dealings as Aurora mayor with Ken Griffin projects
  • Irvin has made vicious and untruthful campaign attacks on fellow Republicans
  • Irvin has very confusing family values

The Democratic Governors’ Association’s ads are already attacking Irvin’s criminal defense law practice by pointing to sleazy criminals they claim Irvin helped to escape stronger punishment — launching the effort to undermine Irvin’s claims he will fight crime and defend law enforcement.… Continue Reading

Corrupt Democrats And Their Fake ‘Justice’

Written by Robert Knight

The wheels of justice sometimes grind very slowly.

Or not at all.

In our current system, it appears that the only thing that matters is which party you belong to.

Corrupt Democrats almost never face punishment for their crimes. It doesn’t matter how glaring the evidence.

IRS official Lois Lerner retired with full benefits after getting caught using the IRS to target conservative groups such as tea parties during the Obama years.… Continue Reading