Posts tagged: abortion

PODCAST: Sen. Hawley Launches Deserved Attack Against Roe v. Wade

On Sunday, in an interview with the Washington Post, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) took a dagger to the heart of Roe v. Wade like abortionists take a needle to the hearts of babies floating in their mothers’ wombs. Hawley made this statement about the infamous Supreme Court decision—a statement that has sent shock waves into the fetid, swampy “progressive” pond in which pro-feticide cheerleaders ferociously swim:

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PODCAST: Sen. Hawley Launches Deserved Attack Against Roe v.
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“If Democrats Get In, Say Goodbye to America the Beautiful and Hello to America the Ugly” (Illinois Family Spotlight #208)

The continued lockdowns–allegedly due to COVID-19–are not inhibiting pro-life activists like Joseph Scheidler from taking to the streets. The Face the Truth Tour consists of pro-lifers demonstrating in front of abortion clinics with graphic abortion photos to demonstrate the reality of abortion. Mr. Scheidler and Monte talked about how this tour got started, and why it is so effective and convicting. They also discussed the pro-life situation in Illinois and America, the hypocritical nature of the BLM activists, and election 2020.… Continue Reading

“Killing More Babies During the Pandemic” (Illinois Family Spotlight #206)

A new Planned Parenthood has opened in Waukegan; even in the midst of a pandemic the evil want to shed innocent blood. Monte Larrick joined a civil protest outside the new murder center recently and conducted a short interview with the Pro-Life Action League’s Executive Director Eric Scheidler. They discussed the need for a constant pro-life presence outside the clinic, possible legal challenges to the facility, and legislative action issues.

"Killing More Babies During the Pandemic" (Illinois Family Spotlight #206)
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“Freedom Also Bears Responsibility” (Illinois Family Spotlight #205)

On this edition of spotlight, multiple interviews are featured to discuss a range of related issues. The first guest is Kelly Shackelford, the president of First Liberty Institute, he discusses the court situation in America with Monte. The next is John Stonestreet to discuss the precarious state of abortion in America, especially Roe v. Wade.

The second half of this spotlight features Dr. Del Tackett and David Shestokas. Dr. Tackett talks about responding to our cultural storm and David Shestokas brings wisdom from America’s founding documents, especially as we exit a shutdown and celebrate the nation this weekend.… Continue Reading

Democrat Party Should be Dismantled Over History of Slavery, Racism

Written by Alex Newman

With mobs of indoctrinated young people now targeting America’s Founding Fathers and even the foundations of the nation under the guise of tearing down “racism,” a much more logical place to start would be dismantling the Democratic Party. The party’s shameful history is literally filled with vicious racism, violence and oppression of black Americans.

It was America’s Founding Fathers who enshrined the then-revolutionary idea that “all men are created equal” and are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”… Continue Reading

Because Black, Red, Yellow, Brown, and White Lives Matter, Let’s Help Them

Written by Laurie Higgins

Black lives do matter, but not because they’re black—which, as “progressives” continually tell us—is just a social construct. Black lives—like red, yellow, brown, and white lives–matter not because of the color of their skin but because they are human lives created in the image and likeness of God and endowed by God with unalienable, intrinsic rights.

Since society is composed of fallen humans with desperately wicked hearts, many forces conspire against people of color and colorless people, including some toxic systemic forces that demand solutions.… Continue Reading

Pritzker, Planned Parenthood, and the Pandemic

Written by Laurie Higgins

Calculated Carnage—known euphemistically as Planned Parenthood (PP)—won’t let a little thing like a pandemic keep it from its bloody and profitable business.  Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL) has opened a new facility in Waukegan, Illinois, a Lake County city where one quarter of the families and one quarter of the population are under the poverty line.

Calculated Carnage calculates that targeting the babies of the poor is a more profitable business model than targeting the babies of the affluent (You’ll never find PP trying to sneak an abattoir into Glencoe, Lake Forest, or Winnetka).… Continue Reading

Joe Biden’s “Moral Fiber,” or Lack Thereof, on Abortion

Written by Adelaide Holmes

On April 14, 2020, former President Barack Obama endorsed his former Vice President and presidential candidate Joe Biden. In his video announcement, he says of Biden, “Through all his trials, he’s never once forgotten the values or the moral fiber that his parents passed on to him and that made him who he is.” But Obama is incorrect.

When it comes to the issue of abortion, Biden has evolved from the moderate he claimed to be into a radical supporter of abortion rights.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Mary Louise Hengesbaugh on the Right to Life

Written by David E. Smith

Right to Life issues have been under attack for quite some time in our state, so it should come as no surprise that Illinois’ “progressive” legislators have their sights trained on yet another pro-life, pro-female protective measure. In a conversation at the SpeakOut Illinois conference in February, Mary Louise Hengesbaugh, director of Illinois Citizens for Ethics PAC, and Monte Larrick discuss the crucial benefits and protections afforded minors by the Parental Notice of Abortion Act.… Continue Reading

A Genuine Life Leader: Ceasar LeFlore Accepts SpeakOut Illinois Award (Illinois Family Spotlight #193)

Yes, the outlook is decidedly bleak in Illinois when it comes to pro-life issues, but the Rev. Ceasar LeFlore declares that pro-life Illinoisans don’t have the option of silence. In accepting the Henry Hyde Life Leadership Award at the recent SpeakOut Illinois conference, Pastor LeFlore thanks the many men and women who encouraged and discipled him as he answered God’s call to the abortion ministry. Likewise, he encourages and challenges the conference attendees and us to stand up and speak out for the sanctity of the unborn.… Continue Reading