Justice David Overstreet is running for retention for IL Supreme Court in the 5th District. By the deceitful accusations in her advertising against him,  his opponent, Judy Cates, has demonstrated her partisan political bias by knowingly misrepresenting a decision in order to follow the party line and steal your vote by whatever means necessary.
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This past month, America’s Progressives showed they will do anything to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This includes having social media, along with “legacy” media, spike articles by America’s fourth largest newspaper, The New York Post.

But that’s not all. These Marxists are even vowing revenge on Trump supporters if they get back the reins of power.
In addition to the candidates on the November 3rd ballot is an important issue that will have a far-reaching impact on Illinois. Voters will be asked to consider changing Illinois’ income tax from a flat tax to a graduated or progressive tax.

If approved, this change will further harm the finances of Illinois families and damage our already-fragile state economy.
Difficult questions deserve wise, well-reasoned, and truthful answers. During the Q&A session of the 2020 IFI Worldview Conference, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Robert Gagnon provided just such answers to some tough questions. Drawing from the authority of Scripture and their areas of expertise, Drs. Brown and Gagnon addressed queries regarding pro-life activism, freedom of speech and religious freedom, the Equality Act, homosexuality and transgenderism issues, and the implications for Christians in the upcoming election.
What bona fide presidential candidate would arrogantly hide in his basement during the heat of a campaign, especially in the last few weeks of an ever-tightening one?

If the liberal media weren't providing Biden cover, he couldn't get away with this. If they were even raising questions about his intentional invisibility, this campaign would look far different, and far less surreal.
That Trump’s nontraditional behavior is not really the issue for the Left is revealed by their hatred for Vice-President Mike Pence. No one can fault the language or actions of the Vice-President, but Leftists are on record saying that he is even worse than President Trump! That Trump has governed in many ways more conservatively than anyone expected is certainly part of the Left’s problem. But I believe something far deeper and theological in nature is the real source of their hatred.
There are many people who do not like the personality of President Donald J. Trump and his unorthodox methods of communicating. Some have even go so far as to say that they couldn’t vote for him because of temperament and/or boorishness.
Across our country this year, Christians have suffered as governors and elected and unelected judges have attacked our most fundamental rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. In Illinois, under Gov. JB Pritzker's so­ called "emergency" order, churches have been closed and worship has been restricted. Businesses have been arbitrarily closed, and gatherings of pro-life and pro-family groups have been greatly restrained.
If you’re interested in detailed information about Illinois politics and the upcoming election, this Spotlight is for you! The podcast (originally a Zoom webinar) presents IFA-endorsed candidates Jim Oberweis and Jeanette Ward. Both candidates share their motivation to serve our state and nation and the issues that are at the heart of their campaigns.
Evangelical Leftists Ronald Sider and Richard Mouw recently launched a group calling itself “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden.” While claiming to be against abortion -- the intentional taking of a human life -- they are openly support the pro-abortion candidate for President of the United States.
Evangelicals stumble over themselves to endorse a political party and a candidate openly against life...