If you need an accurate update on some of the madness at the nation's institutions of higher learning, check out Minding the Campus, a nonprofit independent organization. John Leo, its editor in chief, says that the organization's prime mission is dedicated to the revival of intellectual pluralism and the best traditions of liberal education at America's colleges and universities. Leo's most recent compilation of campus madness leaves one nearly breathless.
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While the 40 Days for Life fall campaign will come to a close in a few weeks, this edition of Spotlight features highlights from an address given by Rev. Ceasar LeFlore at a 40 Days launch event in Tinley Park – and his message is just as timely now as it was at the start of the campaign.  
ACT for America, a nationwide grassroots group that educates the public about radical Islam, was founded in 2007 by my vigilant activist friend and Lebanese Christian immigrant journalist Brigitte Gabriel. I was honored to accept Gabriel's invitation to speak at her organization's annual banquet at Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Nov. 7.
Here’s a novel question: We are all struggling with a cumbersome and expensive health care industry, trying to find ways to fix a broken system for Americans. Why on earth would we invite the rest of the world to access our system for free?
For decades now, in violation of the public trust, liberals in the American mainstream media — including the news, information, and entertainment media — have willfully corrupted the values and institutions that made the United States of America into the greatest nation in the history of humanity.  Their lies and immorality have wrought havoc on families, churches, schools, businesses, corporations, governments, and so on.
The 2019 fall 40 Days for Life campaign is in full swing and will run through November 3rd. At a recent launch event in Tinley Park, David Smith, Executive Director of Illinois Family Institute and Illinois Family Action, shares from his heart regarding the apathy and disinterest he has witnessed among Illinois Christians toward public policy and the political process. He also outlines the sordid details of Illinois’ radical Reproductive “Health” Act (SB 25) and the resultant devastating consequences.
A recent editorial in the New York Times confirms the results of my own online polling. President Trump appears to be gaining more conservative Christian voters than he is losing. Writing for the Times on October 5, Jeremy W. Peters compiles an impressive list of former Never Trumpers who are now firmly in his camp. And quite a few of those on his list would identify as conservative religious voters.
An ardent, prayerful, and moral Nancy Pelosi has been called from sitting for her holy-card portrait to lend her aid in getting the president impeached — and the nation torn apart in the process. She's been on TV constantly, lecturing America that it's the moral burden of Democrats to undo the 2016 election by any means necessary.  The U.S. Constitution, she keeps saying, demands it.  She just never mentions where.
Every Democrat presidential candidate and too many Republicans repeat the lie that too many people are locked up for too long for first-time, non-violent offense. The dirty little secret is that most of the prison population is composed of repeat violent criminals, who are already given too many leniencies and not locked up long enough. Continuing this trend of loosening sentences, avoiding incarceration, and sometimes even avoiding arrests just to lower the prison population will induce a massive crime wave. And we are already seeing it on the horizon.
The wealth tax seems to have wide support. A Quinnipiac Poll claims that 60% of those surveyed support a 2% annual wealth tax on the rich. Perhaps these people support it, or perhaps they’re misinformed about what they approved. But that 60% number does give pause, that this many people are willing to “sell out” the wealthy. This willingness for class warfare is what the leftists are clamoring for.
A friend of mine's third grade daughter came home from school a few weeks ago with tears streaming down her cheeks. "My teacher says we only have 10 years before the oceans rise and we are underwater," she moaned. "Are we all going to die?" That's a heavy burden to place on the shoulders of a 9-year-old.