Written by David E. Smith
We’ve spent months investigating the candidates running for state and federal office. We have emailed/messaged them, compiled voter guide surveys, reviewed their web sites and social media, analyzed voting records, compiled public statements, and met with many of them in person. Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life/pro-family voters.
Therefore, the IFA Board of Directors and staff enthusiastically endorses Rick Laib in the 11th Congressional District.… Continue Reading
Written by David E. Smith
We’ve spent months investigating the candidates running for state and federal office. We have emailed/messaged them, compiled voter guide surveys, reviewed their web sites and social media, analyzed voting records, compiled public statements, and met with many of them in person. Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life/pro-family voters.
Therefore, the IFA Board of Directors and staff enthusiastically endorses Mike Fricilone in the 3rd Congressional District.… Continue Reading
Written by David E. Smith
We’ve spent months investigating the candidates running for state and federal office. We have emailed/messaged them, compiled voter guide surveys, reviewed their web sites and social media, analyzed voting records, compiled public statements, and met with many of them. Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life/pro-family voters.
Therefore, the IFA Board of Directors and staff enthusiastically endorses Jim Oberweis in the 14th Congressional District. We believe Jim will be able to stand up to the Left’s smears and tactics and will help turn Illinois around.… Continue Reading
Written by David E. Smith
We’ve spent months investigating the candidates running for state and federal office. We have emailed/messaged them, compiled voter guide surveys, reviewed their web sites and social media, analyzed voting records, compiled public statements, and met with many of them. Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life/pro-family voters.
Therefore, the IFA Board of Directors and staff enthusiastically endorses Esther Joy King in the 17th Congressional District. We believe Esther will be able to stand up to the Left’s smears and tactics and will help turn Illinois around.… Continue Reading
Written by David E. Smith
Our election-themed podcasts continue with Tom McCullagh, GOP candidate for the Illinois Senate seat in the 49th district. With his commitment to lower taxes, job growth, common sense values, pro-life and pro-family protections, it’s no surprise that McCullagh is strongly endorsed by Illinois Family Action. McCullagh’s opponent is backed by the “Madigan Machine” and has aligned herself with the group of radical, regressive Leftists who brought SB 25 to Illinois.… Continue Reading
Written by David E. Smith
The 6th Congressional District has a remarkable candidate in Jeanne Ives–the kind of candidate conservatives have desperately wanted.
We’ve spent months investigating the candidates running for state and federal office. We have emailed/messaged them, compiled voter guide surveys, reviewed their web sites and social media, analyzed voting records, compiled public statements, and met with many of them. Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life/pro-family voters.… Continue Reading
Written by Chistine Misner
Switching Party Histories and Whatever Else it Takes to Make History Convenient
Have you heard the news? America’s two main political parties have switched. The Party of Lincoln is now the party of slavery and oppression, while the Party of FDR is the party of free speech and people’s rights. Are you surprised? Having earned degrees in and relating to history and political science, it surprised me.
I first learned about the “switch” theory while reading the usual culprits —) Facebook and Twitter.… Continue Reading
Tags: 1964 Civil Rights Act, Bolshevik Revolution, Dr. Eric Wallace, Eric Rauchway, Everett Dirksen, Franklin D. Roosevelt, French Revolution, Jim Crow laws, Live Science, Natalie Wolchover, New Deal, Richard Russell, Robert Byrd, Sam Ervin, social justice, Southern Strategy, Strom Thurmond, The 1619 Project, William Fulbright, William Jennings Bryan
Political | David E. Smith |
October 13, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by David E. Smith
Is 2020 the worst year ever? With the combination of a global pandemic, violence, looting, rioting, and devastating wildfires, plus the drama of a fiercely contested general election, this year might seem to be a strong contender for such a dubious honor. So, what should a Christian do when faced with 2020’s chaos and uncertainty? According to Rev. Franklin Graham we must put our trust in Almighty God!
Although this interview took place just prior to IFI’s 2019 Faith, Family & Freedom Banquet, Rev.… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
Eric Voegelin was born in 1901. In 1919, he enrolled in the University of Vienna. He studied Karl Marx, read “Das Kapital” and embraced Marxism. However, as he watched the Bolshevik Revolution’s bloodlust play itself out in the streets of Russia, Voegelin concluded he was wrong. Therefore, he abandoned socialism and its assumptions of race and class conflict and became a member of the Austrian economics clan.
In addition to having a first-hand account of the ways of Vladimir Lenin, Voegelin also had a front-row seat to the rise of Adolf Hitler.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adolf Hitler, Aristotle, Climate Change, critical race theory, Das Kapital, Edmund Burke, Eric Voegelin, Gnostics, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong, Margaret Sanger, Marxism, National Socialism, Nazi Party, Sexual fluidity, Systematic racism, Vladimir Lenin, W.E.B. Du Bois, white privilege
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
September 14, 2020 5:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the video of a mask-less Nancy Pelosi caught having her hair done at a shut-down San Francisco salon this past week is worth an entire dictionary.
The Speaker of the House immediately deployed the Marion Barry defense. When caught on video smoking crack with a hooker in 1990, the former mayor of Washington, D.C. and city councilman at the time exclaimed, “B**** set me up!”… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Antifa, Bill Clinton, BLM, Coronavirus, COVID19, Democrat cities, Democratic National Convention, Dennis Hastert, Erica Kious, Hair salon, hypocrisy, Jeffrey Epstein, Jerry Falwell, Jim Kenney, Joe Biden, John Edwards, John F. Kennedy, Lori Lightfoot, Marion Barry, mask, masks, Nancy Pelosi, New York Times, President Trump, Robert Knight, San Francisco, Trump Virus, Tucker Carlson, Wall Street Journal
Political | Benjamin D. Smith |
September 12, 2020 4:00 AM |
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