Category: Federal Issues

Trump’s Agenda Must Survive His Presidency

Written by David Limbaugh

I am saddened by what occurred at the nation’s Capitol building on Wednesday. Such mob violence, especially against the nation’s institutions of government, must be firmly and unequivocally condemned.

For my entire lifetime, the Republican Party has been the party of law and order and has zealously honored the U.S. Constitution. We must and will continue to be.

Most conservatives are rightly condemning the violence, but it should be noted that this is not typical of people on the right.Continue Reading

Who and What Caused the Capitol Assault

Written by Laurie Higgins

Yesterday the growing schism in America opened wider when a mob—allegedly Trump supporters—from the mostly peaceful assembly of Americans critical of an election rife with “irregularities,” broke into the U.S. Capitol.

As of this writing, some are asking whether the mobsters who broke windows and scaled walls at the Capitol may have been members of Antifa wearing MAGA hats in order to cause the explosion of rage at Trump that ensued and to stop U.S.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Cabinet Picks Avoid Left-Wing Loons But Show What He Means By ‘Unity’

Written by Robert Knight

Some progressives are grousing that Joe Biden’s Cabinet choices aren’t sufficiently Marxist. They want Bernie Sanders named as Labor secretary, for instance. The Nation magazine is less critical but also wants more lefties.

You just can’t please some people. The fabricated “Office of the President-Elect” has announced what amounts to a reunion of the Obama administration’s radical crew, and then some.

Take Susan Rice. After the United Nations ambassador was caught lying about the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi on Sept.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: LaBarbera on the Biden-Harris Administration Threat

Written by David E. Smith

This week’s Spotlight features Monte Larrick’s conversation with our friend Peter LaBarbera, Executive Director of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality. Monte and Peter discuss the Biden-Harris administration’s top priorities: advancing gay and transgender rights and passing the Equality Act, or in Peter’s words, the Criminalizing Christianity Act. They examine ways in which the “legal sledgehammer” of this act could affect churches’ and faith-based schools’ hiring practices, as well as possible changes we might experience on a state level.… Continue Reading

9 Laws Republicans Must Pass to Stop Voter Fraud

Written by Daniel Horowitz

How is it that in the year 2020, our elections look more dysfunctional than other modern countries’ and more chaotic than our elections were during the time of our grandparents? The answer is that Democrats have institutionalized fraud by subverting the entire concept of Election Day and basic verification standards. If this election is not a wake-up call for Republicans to clean up election fraud, at least in the states they control, they deserve to be victims of these “glitches” and will likely never win a national election again.… Continue Reading

Why the Fuss?

Written by Thorin Anderson

Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 78 that the U.S. Supreme Court would be the weakest branch of government because it had “no influence over either the sword or the purse.”  Why then the panic and flaming hair on the Democrat side of the isle with the elevation of Amy Coney Barrett to that Court?  What gives?  She claims to be an originalist, and by definition an originalist ignores his or her own policy preferences and yields to the intention of the U.S.… Continue Reading

The Truth About Border Children

Written by Israel Wayne

The liberal media has tried to cast a negative light on the Trump administration’s handling of children who are detained at the border. While the situation is undoubtedly heartbreaking, there is more to the story than the media has been highlighting.

1.) The Obama administration, not the Trump administration, built the “cages” that were used for detaining children at the border.

Even the most liberal of media sources acknowledge this, though in the small print, amidst a slew of accusations against Trump.… Continue Reading

Dark Days in the U.S. Senate

Written by Laurie Higgins

Every day, “progressives” provide evidence for their unfitness for any positions of leadership, power, or influence. Senate minority leader and master of hyperbole and prevarication Chuck Schumer (D-NY) provides a case in point.  In response to the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, Schumer made this comment on the U.S. Senate floor:

It will go down as one of the darkest days in the 231-year history of the United States Senate.

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“Trans” Cultism IS an Election Issue

Written by Laurie Higgins

In 2018, in a video series titled “Conception,” and posted on YouTube, the New York Times profiled “Gabrielle” Darone, a man who pretends to be a woman and who, with his wife, has fathered two children. Two years after the New York Times’ sympathetic portrayal of Darone’s envy of his wife’s pregnancy and his claims that he is a much better parent now that he pretends to be a mother, Darone is about to be divorced.… Continue Reading

Biden Corruption Runs Through Ukraine, Russia, and China

Written by Robert Knight

You know something’s up when the media bury a story that would have been a no-brainer for Page One if the subject was a Republican.

A new U.S. Senate report exposes shocking corruption involving Hunter Biden, who made millions in Ukraine at the natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, when his father, Vice President Joe Biden, was President Obama’s Ukraine point man.

We’ve long known some of this, but the sheer scope of the influence peddling and sums involved are stunning.… Continue Reading