Written by John Lopez
Illinois Review reported Monday, February 28, former congressional candidate Kathy Salvi of unincorporated Fremont Township in Lake County, is circulating petitions to run for U.S. Senate in 2022.
Click HERE to download Salvi’s nomination petition. Collect as many signatures as you can in the next few days and mail them to her no later than Monday, March 7th. Petitions do not have to have every line filled and every signature will help!… Continue Reading
Written by L. Brent Bozell III
One reason many Americans don’t trust those “fact-checker” websites is because to know them is to see right through their incessantly liberal worldview. These impartial arbiters of truth routinely defend Democrats as being “Mostly True” on everything while savaging Republicans as just the opposite. It’s not just Donald Trump, mind you. It’s Ted Cruz. And Rick Santorum. And Newt Gingrich. And pretty much anyone who challenges liberal orthodoxy.… Continue Reading
Tags: 2020 Election, Beto O’Rourke, Cory Booker, Democratic Debate, Donald Trump, Eddie Glaude, Elizabeth Warren, Jane Timm, Joe Scarborough, Julian Castro, L. Brent Bozell III, Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC, NBC News, Newt Gingrich, OxyContin, PolitiFact, Purdue Pharma, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, The Washington Post, Tim Ryan
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
July 1, 2019 6:00 AM |
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Written by Luke Hamilton
It’s not difficult to imagine the heady excitement of a presidential election day which culminates in a victory rally for Donald Trump. The crisp November wind cutting through the crowd, which has huddled together to await The Donald’s speech. Barely-suppressed glee infuses the audience, as the realization that the reign of Barack Hussein Obama has ended, sets in. President-Elect Trump steps out on stage, his hair flapping in the breeze as if waving to the throng of supporters.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Chuck Schumer, Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly, Mike Huckabee, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, Sarah Palin, Saul Alinsky, Ted Cruz
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
February 26, 2016 8:00 AM |
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Written by Ray Nothstine
Calling U.S. Senator Ted Cruz “a proven champion,” the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) endorsed Ted Cruz for president and promised to do everything possible to make his election possible.
“Sen. Ted Cruz is a proven champion for marriage and religious freedom and someone we can absolutely count on to fight to restore marriage to our nation’s laws and defend the religious liberty of the tens of millions of Americans who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president in a Wednesday press release.
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Tags: Bobby Jindal, Brian Brown, Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, National Organization for Marriage, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz
Federal Elections, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political | David E. Smith |
December 12, 2015 6:21 AM |
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Written by Doris O’Brien
Jeb could soon become a burning Bush, flamed-out by poor judgment, inept campaigning, and an unusual display of mean-spiritedness. His self-serving attack on protégé Marco Rubio in the last debate might well be the straw that breaks the back — if not the bank — of the Bush candidacy.
Naturally, the Bush camp is denying all pessimistic prognosticating. And there are plenty of talking heads who still stick to the scenario that Bush could win the GOP nomination.… Continue Reading
Tags: Benjamin Carson, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Herman Cain, Jeb Bush, John McCain, Karl Rove, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
November 6, 2015 8:08 AM |
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Written by Frank Newport
Late in August New York Times columnist Frank Bruni expressed puzzlement over what he cited as Donald Trump‘s high level of support among evangelical Republicans. A piece this week in The Christian Post similarly, albeit from a different perspective, ponders why Trump is “receiving so much support from evangelicals.” CNN carried a recent report on the battle for evangelical voters between Trump and Ben Carson. A recent report in The Wall Street Journal indicatedthat Donald Trump plans on meeting with evangelical leaders later in September in his office.… Continue Reading
Tags: Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie, Donald Trump, Election 2016, George Pataki, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz
Faith & Religion, Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
September 14, 2015 11:30 AM |
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The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has made public the presidential candidates who signed their “Marriage Pledge,” which promises to support a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.
Four of the 17 Republican presidential hopefuls signed the pro-marriage, pro-child, and pro-family document: Texas U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, former Pennsylvania U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson put their signatures to the pledge.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bobby Jindal, Dr. Ben Carson, Election 2016, Jeb Bush, Jimmy Carter, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham, Marriage Pledge, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
September 4, 2015 4:00 AM |
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Santorum, Huckabee, Cruz, Jindal make the A Team
Written by Maggie Gallagher
On June 26, a narrow majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices struck down the traditional definition of marriage, ruling all 50 states must recognize same-sex unions as marriages.
The four dissenters included the usually mild-mannered Chief Justice John Roberts, who called the majority opinion “dangerous to the rule of law”: “The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judgment. The right it announces has no basis in the Constitution or this Court’s precedent.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal, Candidate, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, Commentary, Donald Trump, First Amendment Defense Act, George Pataki, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham, Maggie Gallagher, Marco Rubio, marriage, Mike Huckabee, Obergefell v. Hodges, Rand Paul, religious liberty, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, same-sex marriage, Scott Walker, SCOTUS, Social Issues, Ted Cruz, U.S. Supreme Court
Federal Elections, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political | David E. Smith |
August 21, 2015 4:00 AM |
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Written by Jeffrey Lord
In every town large enough to house a college there is a faculty lounge at the back of which sits the local George Will, nursing his ever-present pipe and innumerable elitist delusions.
Because the actual George Will is a syndicated columnist, he can turn himself into an unprecedentedly and incorrigibly sniffy public preacher. It is his right to use his considerable intelligence as he pleases. His supercilious performance and its haughty disdain of civic life are costs of freedom that an open society must be prepared to pay.
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Tags: Donald Trump, George H.W. Bush, George Will, Gerald Ford, Howard Baker, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, William F. Buckley
Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith |
August 17, 2015 6:37 AM |
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Written by Samuel Smith
As the question “Would you attend a same-sex wedding?” has been thrown at many Republican presidential candidates following June’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Ohio Gov. John Kasich declared during Thursday night’s Fox News Republican presidential debate that he has, in fact, attended a gay wedding.
When asked by Fox host Megyn Kelly how he would explain his opposition to gay marriage to a hypothetical gay son or lesbian daughter, the former chairman of the U.S.… Continue Reading
Tags: Election 2016, John Kasich, Republican, Rick Santorum, Robert George, Ryan T. Anderson, same-sex marriage, Tony Perkins
Federal Elections, LGBTQ Agenda, Political | David E. Smith |
August 10, 2015 4:00 AM |
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