Category: Immigration

We Need to Make Illegal Immigration Illegal

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The most effective form of border security is not at the border itself.

Here’s a novel idea based on observations of the ebb and flow of illegal immigration over the past half-century. If you invite illegal aliens into the country and offer them jobs and benefits, they will come. If you make it clear that they will obtain zero benefits and, if caught, will be removed, they will not come. In other words, this is not some sort of natural disaster that requires more personnel at the border to ameliorate the situation.… Continue Reading

El Paso, TX, Again the Focal Point of Southern Border Crisis

By John Lopez

On December 20, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) sent this communication to President Biden concerning the Southern Border Crisis on the eve of the Winter Solstice.

“With cold temperatures gripping Texas, your inaction to secure the southern border is putting the lives of migrants at risk, particularly in the City of El Paso.  With thousands of men, women, and children illegally crossing into Texas every day, and with the expectation that those numbers will only increase if Title 42 expulsions end, the state is overburdened as we respond to this disaster caused by you and your administration.

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¡No más mentiras! Chicago Media Finally Acknowledging City of El Paso Migrants Busing

Illinois Democrats still blame Republican governors while Biden administration implements new action

Written by John Lopez

No more lies.

Since the first buses arrived in Chicago from southern-border states in late August, both Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) have been publicly critical, even hinting at a criminal investigation into the actions of southern governors, in particular, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R).  Abbott’s “Operation Lone Star” gained national attention when it started to bus illegal immigrants from the Texas-Mexico border to the self-declared “sanctuary cities” of New York City, then Washington, D.C.… Continue Reading

Asylum Seekers & the City of El Paso

Written by John Lopez

The crisis of the southern border is a major issue in the 2022 elections.  With the high profile programs of Republican governors of Texas, Arizona and Florida to bus asylum seekers to sanctuary cities like Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, and Martha’s Vineyard, not a day goes by when another bus with migrants arrive at a sanctuary city from one of the governors.

The left sees the actions of Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) as another way to pin the “MAGA Republican” label, when the governors, particularly Abbott and his “Operation Lone Star”, trying to prevent the asylum seekers from overrunning Texas border cities.… Continue Reading

Impatient Democrats Hear The Clock Ticking

Written by Robert Knight

Once upon a time, Democrats were terrified that a power-mad White House would ignore the “will of the people.” They warned of dire consequences if the president did end-runs around the U.S. Congress.

That was between 2017 and 2021. They subverted the Trump presidency every way they could while he painted within constitutional lines. Now, with an eye on November, they are urging President Biden to go “beast mode.” He already has.… Continue Reading

DHS Released Nearly 100K Illegal Aliens in Just One Month: Tip of The Invasion Iceberg

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In one respect, when DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told U.S. Rep. Chip Roy at a recent U.S. House Judiciary Committee hearing that the DHS has operational control over the border, he wasn’t lying. His department is now releasing close to 100,000 illegal aliens per month into the interior of the country. Thus, this is actually a controlled and purposeful mass migration, although there are many more gotaways that funnel through our border during the chaos.… Continue Reading

Most Open Borders POTUS Has Worse Approval Among Hispanics Than Whites

Written by Daniel Horowitz

It was the blood-letting ritual equivalent of electoral politics. After each election, every GOP consultant for two generations lectured in hushed tones about the need to support some form of amnesty for illegal aliens in order to attract the Hispanic vote. We are suffering from an invasion to this day because of this maniacally false read of the American electorate, which induced Republicans to refrain from shutting down illegal immigration when they were in power.… Continue Reading

Eight Steps States Should Take to Stop Biden’s Border Invasion

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In the eyes of the Biden administration, there is still enough of a public health emergency to criminalize the breathing of 2-year-olds and disabled seniors on planes, but not enough of an emergent matter to prevent millions of illegal aliens from all corners of the globe from invading our border.

At present, the rate of illegal alien apprehensions at the border is averaging 7,000 a day, which is an annualized pace of 2.5 million.… Continue Reading

Ivermectin Being Confiscated by Customs While Chinese Fentanyl Pours Through The Mail

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Never before have drugs as safe as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin been deliberately demonized to the point that pharmacies refused to fill prescriptions. So countless Americans who were desperate for COVID treatment turned to Indian vendors for relief. Now, I’m getting numerous complaints from podcast listeners that they are having their packages confiscated by customs and the FDA. Meanwhile, Chinese fentanyl pours through the mail and other lethal drugs come over our border in plain sight, as even dark red states relax restrictions on marijuana.… Continue Reading

The Federal Government Has Forfeited All Power Over Immigration Enforcement

Written by Daniel Horowitz

This year the Biden administration has orchestrated the most widespread invasion of illegal aliens at our border on record. At the same time, the number of arrests and deportations in the interior have plummeted to the lowest level in recent memory. As such, the federal government is the entity that has seceded from the compact established in 1789. States should respond in kind by doing what it takes to rid themselves of other countries’ criminals at any and all costs.… Continue Reading