Written by Jon A. Zahm
By Allowing EVERY GOP Primary Voter an Equal Vote for Party Leadership
When you donate money to the Illinois Republican Party to fight back against President Joe Biden, Governor JB Pritzker, and the supermajority of liberal Democrats in both chambers of the General Assembly, how are the funds spent?
It is up to a 17-member governing board, the State Central Committee (SCC), one person from each Congressional District chosen by party insiders ranging from Precinct Committeemen to Township Committeemen to County Chairmen.… Continue Reading
Tags: Chris Lauzen, Dennis Hastert, George Ryan, Illinois Republican Party, JB Pritzker, Joe Biden, Jon A. Zahm, Lee Daniels, Mike Madigan, precinct committeeman, State Central Committee, Tom Cross
Exclude From Homepage, Illinois Politics | v.kathy |
May 23, 2024 3:00 PM |
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by James M. Odom, Esq.
Senior Policy Analyst, The Illinois Family Institute
“You shall appoint judges and officers in all your towns…they shall judge the people with righteous judgment.” Deuteronomy 16:18
Justice David Overstreet is running for retention for Illinois Supreme Court in the 5th District. By the deceitful accusations in her advertising against him, his opponent, Judy Cates, has demonstrated her partisan political bias by knowingly misrepresenting a decision in order to follow the party line and steal your vote by whatever means necessary.… Continue Reading
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Across our country this year, Christians have suffered as governors and elected and unelected judges have attacked our most fundamental rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. In Illinois, under Gov. JB Pritzker‘s so called “emergency” order, churches have been closed and worship has been restricted. Businesses have been arbitrarily closed, and gatherings of pro-life and pro-family groups have been greatly restrained.
Unlike Michigan and Wisconsin where State Supreme Courts have overruled these unconstitutional decrees by tyrannical governors, the Illinois Supreme Court has failed to oppose these illegal lock-down decrees.… Continue Reading
Written by Jon A. Zahm
As pro-family conservatives, we know that the judiciary is of vital importance in our day-to- day lives. For example, we have seen courts recently elevate casinos to greater importance than churches. We have seen biological males granted full access to female locker rooms, bathrooms, and team sports in our public schools. And we all know how our country was forever changed by 7 U.S. Supreme Court Justices one day in 1973.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anne Burke, ComEd scandal, David Overstreet, Ed Burke, Fair Map Amendment, Illinois Supreme Court, Jon A. Zahm, Michael Burke, Mike Madigan, Reproductive Health Care Act, Tazewell County GOP, Tom Kilbride
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
August 28, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by Christine Misner
Could Mike Madigan’s luck have finally run out? That’s what many in Illinois are wondering as news of a federal investigation into a bribery scheme linked to the longtime Democrat and Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives have revealed. Calls for him to resign are starting to come from around Illinois. Plus, court records are showing that the scandal may have a link to fellow Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker.… Continue Reading
Tags: Carrie Zalewski, Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago’s Daily Herald, ComEd, Commonwealth Edison, Democratic Party of Illinois, Effingham Daily News, Illinois Commerce Commission, Illinois Republican Party, Illinois Tollway, J. B. Pritzker, John Hooker, Jose Alavarez, Michael McClain, Michael Zalewski, Mike Madigan, Peoples Gas, Public Official A, State Journal-Register, Tim Schneider, Will Evan
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
July 25, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by Cal Skinner
McHenry County Blog – Former Illinois State Representative
In 2010 State Senator Bill Brady (R-Bloomington) lost the gubernatorial race to Pat Quinn by 31,834 votes–less than one percentage point. Brady took a pounding from the pro-abortion Personal PAC’s television ads starting in early August.
Unlike Bill Clinton in his 1992 contest against George Bush, Brady never responded when he was attacked. On the abortion issue, he stood there like a punching bag and took the blows.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bill Brady, Joe Walsh, Kevin Burnett, Mike Madigan, Pat Quinn, Penny Pullen, Personal PAC, Peter Roskam, Randy Hultgren, Rosemary Mulligan, Tammy Duckworth
Illinois Politics, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
February 8, 2019 6:00 PM |
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Chicago Has Stricter Revolving Door Lobbying Rules
than the Illinois General Assembly
Written by Cal Skinner
McHenry County Blog – Former Illinois State Representative
With the current budding scandals in Chicago, it’s hard to believe that the city council’s ethics rules are stricter than Springfield’s, but, that is the case.
Former Chicago Alderman Will Burns broke the revolving door rule which prohibits Aldermen from lobbying the city within a year after leaving office. He resigned, went to work for Airbnb and, before twelve months had elapsed, Burns called a city official on behalf of his new employer and appeared on WTTW’s “Chicago Tonight” to talk about the regulatory ordinance being considered by his former colleagues. … Continue Reading
Tags: Advantage Government Strategies, Airbnb, AT&T, Brian Calley, Chicago Sun-Times, Chris Nygo, Enterprise Car Rental, Exelon, Illinois General Assembly, Justin Chenette, Lou Lang, Lyft, Margo McDermed, Mark Batnick, Mike Madigan, Pam Althoff, Tom Bennett, Uber, Will Burn
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
February 2, 2019 7:41 AM |
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Written by John Biver and David E. Smith
Illinois Republicans never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Whether it is reaching enough Illinoisans with the facts about the dire fiscal state of Illlinois or about the terrible consequences of the misnamed “Equal Rights Amendment,” GOP leaders can’t seem to make use of the many teachable moments that occur weekly in Illinois politics.
One such teachable moment presented itself in a shocking investigative report by the Chicago Tribune on pervasive child sexual abuse within the Chicago Public School system that exposed that “Over a decade, police investigated more than 520 cases of juvenile sexual assault and abuse in Chicago’s public schools.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Bill Brady, Bruce Rauner, Chicago Public Schools, Chicago Tribune, Illinois GOP, Jim Durkin, Mike Madigan, sex abuse scand, Tim Mapes, Tim Schneider
Illinois Politics, LGBTQ Agenda, Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
June 14, 2018 4:00 AM |
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Written by John Biver
A lot can be said in a matter of a couple of minutes as State Representative Tom Morrison demonstrates in this short video endorsing Jeanne Ives for governor.
Election day is this coming Tuesday, and Ives is going to need every vote the pro-family community can help her get. Unlike so many primary races, this time conservatives have a genuine choice: genuine conservative Jeanne Ives or failed governor Bruce Rauner who has struck out on all 44 of his “turn around agenda” items and signed into law some of the most radical social policy legislation in the country.… Continue Reading
Tags: 2018 GOP Primary Election, Bruce Rauner, Greg Hinz, Jeanne Ives, Jim Slusher, John Kass, Laurie Higgins, Mike Madigan, Tom Morrison, Tucker Carlson
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
March 16, 2018 8:00 AM |
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The discussion focused on next Tuesday’s primary election, and began with Dave Smith, Laurie Higgins, and John Biver highlighting incumbent Bruce Rauner’s deceitful campaign ads attacking his opponent Jeanne Ives.
Higgins’ recent masterful article outlines the five big lies in “Rauner’s Deceitful Campaign Ads.” The claims are “absurd,” she said in the podcast, and #1 on the list, that “Ives is a career politician,” is just plain silly. As Higgins wrote:
Truth: The 53-year-old Ives began her career in the Illinois State House in January 2013, so she just completed her 5th year in Springfield.
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