Posts tagged: Joe Biden

Suicide by “Migration”

Written by David E. Smith

The Biden Administration’s intentional and flagrant disregard for national security has dramatically fostered and escalated an ongoing crisis at our southern border as record levels of illegal immigrants and deadly drugs pour into our nation. We also cannot overstate the egregious problem of human trafficking that has exploded in scope over the past few years.

Additionally, more than a few political pundits have expressed their grave concerns about the alarming number of military-age men streaming in through the southern U.S.… Continue Reading

Projection and Denial: That’s the Biden Way

Written by Robert Knight

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, chronicled neurotic disorders, including “projection” and other psychological defense mechanisms.

Projection occurs when someone projects their own feelings, motives, behaviors and thoughts onto others. It’s a way of coping with one’s own insecurities and to blame one’s problems on others.

Another Freudian concept is denial. That’s when someone dismisses external reality and formulates his or her own “truth.”

Both disorders are not only rampant among America’s political left but have become tools in their war on common sense, truth and decency.… Continue Reading

Pritzker’s Myopia Ignores Open Borders

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker is back in front of his liberal friends in the news media to complain about the immigration crisis, which is trickling up to the Midwest.

As you may remember, Pritzker sent an open letter to President Joe Biden three months ago begging for federal tax resources to deal with the so-called “asylum seekers” being bussed to Illinois from Texas. Not once in this three-page appeal did he ask the administration to shut down the border or reinstate the quasi-successful “Remain in Mexico” policy of the Trump Administration.… Continue Reading

These Vacuous Words Can Mean Anything a Democrat Wants Them to Mean

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

January 6 has come and gone, and we need no longer be confused. Our wise and learned betters in the White House and the media have graciously reminded us that they are the final authority. They determine definitions. They decide what the words we use daily to define our laws, culture and freedoms mean. We no longer need to wonder what our overseers intend when they talk about such things.

Here is a glossary of terms for your convenience.… Continue Reading

Internal Democrat Worries Aired on NPR

Written by Tim Graham

National Public Radio is a sandbox for the Left. The “news” there is manufactured by leftists, for leftists. You can find it easily in the latest interviews about the Biden reelection campaign. The interviewers are clearly nervous that President Joe Biden’s messaging isn’t working. It’s not that Biden’s incompetent; it’s that voters are ignorant.

On the Jan. 9 “Morning Edition,” NPR host Michel Martin interviewed Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison and worried that the Biden focus on “saving democracy” from the “far right” threat of Trump wasn’t working.… Continue Reading

High Stakes in 2024 Election Are Cause for Anxiety

Written by Robert Knight

Anything can happen in 2024.

But right now, as the new year dawns, former President Donald Trump holds an insurmountable lead for the GOP presidential nomination, barring an unforeseen circumstance.

The former president also holds a slim but steady lead in polls over President Biden, notably in several battleground states.

Even a conviction on one or more of the many bogus charges filed in four different courts by Democratic prosecutors and being heard by Democratic judges would not derail him.… Continue Reading

Hordes of Illegals Continue to Surge at Border

Written by David E. Smith

On December 18th, officials at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported a record number of foreign nationals at the southern border, with over 12,600 apprehensions in a single day. Those apprehended are often processed and released — which allows “undocumented” immigrants to remain in the U.S. while awaiting immigration proceedings. CBP agents are mandated, by executive order, not to hold illegal aliens for more than 72 hours. We are now learning that Immigration and Customs Enforcement asylum hearings are being scheduled eight years from now.… Continue Reading

The Left’s Climate Fear-Mongering, Christian-Bashing, Race-Baiting Fever Dreams

Written by Robert Knight

Sometimes, you have to laugh at how obvious the leftists and their media have become in their quest to orchestrate “build back better.” When they’re not shoving irreversible surgery at vulnerable children or abusing the legal system to persecute a former president, they’re pushing the latest iteration of climate hysteria.

This past week, the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Dubai, of all places, released an agreement that calls for “transitioning away from fossil fuels,” which The Washington Post called “the root cause of the climate crisis.”… Continue Reading

Biden and the Press: Is He the Bumper-Bowling President?

Written by Tim Graham

Is President Joe Biden treating the press better than former President Donald Trump did? It’s a low bar to argue he doesn’t describe the media as “enemies of the people.” Is he really treating them as they view themselves — as representatives of the people? Or is he not interested in addressing the people? Are they all too negative?

Ben Smith at reported on the White House holiday party for journalists, described as a chance “to dispel his main problem with the U.S.… Continue Reading

The Media Mourn End of Biden-Big Tech Censorship ‘Partnership’

Written by Tim Graham

Inside the silo of the “legacy media,” they are alarmed that left-tilting government bureaucrats are being discouraged from telling social media platforms what speech they should suppress … in the name of “democracy.”

In 2020, these platforms crushed damaging stories about Hunter Biden and “conspiracy theories” about COVID emerging from a Chinese lab. It doesn’t matter now that the “suppressed” side was correct, and the “misinformation” actually came from the Left. The Washington Post expressed alarm under the headline: “U.S.… Continue Reading