Raja Krishnamoorthi and the CCP
Written by Paul Hurst
Upon reading a recent article in The Diplomat, written by Illinois Democrat Congressman, Raja Krishnamoorthi, I wanted to present some analysis and context to what he shared.
Congressman Krishnamoorthi was considering whether competing with the Chinese Communist Party meant “kicking it when it’s down.” His answer was, “No,” and he instead offered up his 4 Ps of “people, production, partnerships, and protection” and advocated for American “self-examination.”
Let’s unpack this. One would hope Raja would hold his fellow Americans in higher regard than the Communist Chinese Party but as Democrat Eric Holder famously said,
“When they go low, we kick ‘me. That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.”
This attitude seems to be pervasive in Raja’s Party, recalling his party leader, President Joe Biden, when he said about President Trump,
“If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.”
While Krishnamoorthi wants to go easy on China, he’s not so tolerant of his fellow Americans who disagree with his politics. Some of them remain imprisoned without a trial in the aftermath of January 6th, 2021. When one thinks about Communist tactics, imprisoning political opposition is usually at the top of the list. We have to wonder if like-mindedness is behind Raja’s “soft on China” approach.
Instead of a direct, “tough on China” approach, Raja proposes “reaffirming of a commitment to investing,” which here in Illinois, we’ve come to understand as giving more money away to special interests, unconnected to the real issues. His fancy 4 Ps, sparkle with press-pleasing alliteration but what’s absent is substance and solutions, to add a little alliteration of my own.
Raja gives the familiar call for American “self-examination.” In the context of Democrats prosecuting their political opposition, these seem like “just words,” to take a line from one of President Obama’s famous speeches. There’s no real actions behind them. It’s like the man written about in Scripture, who looks in a mirror and immediately forgets what he looks like. It’s the blame America game, instead of addressing the real problems we face.
Had the Biden Administration and Democrat Representatives including Raja, focused less on dismantling all the successes of the prior administration, we could be celebrating America and leading the rest of the world into an era of increased freedom, prosperity and peace. Instead we’re told to be soft on our Communist “friends” and “examine ourselves.” Meanwhile, the world is on fire and the wind is picking up.
I think America needs some “Representative Examination” for a change. Upon applying that concept, we can see Congressman Krishnamoorthi and the failed policies he supports, have put us all in increasingly grave danger. Instead of addressing why we’ve led poorly, armed our enemies, opened our borders, tanked our economy and turned a blind eye to the needs of our most at-risk citizens like homeless vets and the elderly, he’s adding soft on Communism to the Democrat “soft on” list, which includes soft on crime and soft on illegal immigration. The only thing they’ve been hard on, is the American People.
In the article, Krishnamoorthi calls for “building up our democracy, our economy, and our partnerships across the world,” but the American people don’t see it. The Biden Administration gave billions in top notch military equipment to the Taliban. Is that the partnership he’s referring to? We’re flooded with Chinese fentanyl.
That may fuel some local economies in the big, Democrat-run cities, but the illegal drug trade comes at a much higher price, in lives ruined and systems overloaded. No one believes the fantasy that these policies are working and we’d like to feel safe and secure once again.
Raja wrote that “Chinese Americans have greatly enriched the United States.”
Chinese people have indeed enriched America but this is a deflection. They’ve enriched us to the extent that they came here legally to take part in the American Dream and are now law-abiding, productive citizens, not because them came from Communist China. The migrants flooding our borders now, are in large part, not coming through legal channels, they are coming through criminal and political channels. This will harm our nation, not enrich it and Krishnamoorthi knows it.
So do the American people, especially those in the large cities, where the welcome matt is becoming tattered and increasingly hard to see, from the endless stream of exploited foreigners and the homeless U.S. citizens, now being pushed to the back of the line.
Raja admitted that Xi Jinping has declared that “capitalism will…be destroyed” and that China engages in widespread theft of billions of dollars of U.S.’s intellectual property. These destroy businesses and jobs. He admitted that China engages in human rights atrocities and that we’ve made “misjudgments in national security.” So why is this long-time Congressman still involved in the process of governing, after presiding over so many failures? It’s not like he’s been an uninvolved observer of all this.
Maybe it’s time We The People make him one.
Raja’s “media darling” image is wearing thin, gushing with repentance and apologies until action is required on behalf of the American people. Then, it’s the Party-line and the same failing, wrong-headed policies. My 50+ years of experience being lied to by Illinois Democrats makes me somewhat of an expert here and I know that bad federal policies are magnified in states with bad local policies.
I have some more alliteration of my own: Replace Radical Raja.
He should work for the Chinese government if they’ll have him, but free societies need people who are tough on Communism, not allied with it, assuring that America has a future that is prosperous and free.
In closing, Raja’s “4 Ps” solution should have included “pandering” when he wrote about “renewing our commitment to education.” We’ve come to know that’s all about teachers’ unions and not about educating kids. He also wrote about wanting to “secure high skilled workers and building a competitive advantage.” None of that makes any difference with his soft on Communism approach.
Our innovation will continue to be stolen. I can assure Mr. Krishnamoorthi that the American People would rather he attach the word “secure” to the border instead of “securing high skilled workers,” when talking about immigration. The tents going up around the police precincts of Chicago are not filled with high skilled workers. They’re filled with coughing, cold, poor people who have been lied to. Raja knows it. He just hopes if he says it with a little alliteration, enough of us will believe it’s not true.
It takes courage and guts to fight a formidable enemy like Communism. With Raja’s white flag of surrender and Biden’s family “business deals,” what we’re seeing is the selling out of America and the destruction of the American Dream. The only way out of the dark days ahead is to vote out our failed leaders and replace them with ones interested in an America that is free, safe and prosperous.
I’m happy that a Republican, Mark Rice, has stepped up to give District 8 voters an alternative in November.
Tags: America, CCP, China, Constitution, Eric Holder, Joe Biden, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Trump, we the people
Federal Issues, Political, Religious Liberty | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
January 27, 2024 5:00 AM