Posts tagged: Joe Biden

The Siren Call of Pete Buttigieg

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

When Pete Buttigieg, the little-known mayor of South Bend, Indiana, announced his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination, he stunned the political world with his meteoric rise in the polls.  Buttigieg was everywhere in the news and on television, thanks to a savvy campaign team that included political operative Lis Smith, who boasted, “I want him on everything.”  In a month, he had raised 7 million dollars, a significant sum for a political nobody starting from scratch in a national campaign.… Continue Reading

Democrats Lurch Ever Leftward

Written by Robert Knight

Adults in the Democratic Party, who seem like flustered parents at an out-of-control toddler birthday bash, have been warning about the public’s perception of them.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has reason to worry. The 22 declared candidates for the presidential nomination lean far to the Left.  Which means they represent the center of their now-far-Left party.

The mini-wave for “moderate” Joe Biden reflects a desperate pullback from the zany public image fostered by wild-haired Vermont socialist U.S.… Continue Reading

Regressive Progressives’ Hypocrisy

Written by Laurie Higgins

It’s difficult to take seriously “progressives”—you know, those who endorse human slaughter and sexual deviance—who caterwaul about Trump’s character. What are their criteria for assessing character?

We know “progressives”—henceforth referred to more aptly as “regressives”—don’t care about sexual continence or sexual propriety: They love John F. Kennedy, his Lady Killer brother Ted, and credibly-accused rapist Bill Clinton. They even reelected Lady Killer Kennedy multiple times. They also reelected Barney Frank 11 times after

it was discovered that Barney Frank’s boyfriend, Stephen Gobie, whom Frank had once hired as a male prostitute, was running a male-brothel out of the Congressman’s home.

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The Dems’ Plan to Make Elections Obsolete

Written by Robert Knight

With a fraudulent Russian collusion claim no longer in their hip pocket, Democrats are still optimistic about recapturing the White House and the U.S. Senate in 2020.

But they are tired of competing.  To ensure the desired outcome, they’ve proposed steps that would finish off the national, two-party system for all intents and purposes.

First, they oppose any efforts to strengthen the border and reduce illegal immigration.  They want to ensure a massive flow of undocumented Democrats and recruits for the Free Stuff Army.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden’s Pathetic Pandering

Written by David Limbaugh

Joe Biden has reached new heights of pandering. He has achieved the Olympic gold in cultural groveling. He must really want to be president.

I am always amazed that people think Biden is so transparent and genuine. Yes, he shoots his mouth off before thinking sometimes, as we all do, but way more than a high-profile public official should. But that’s more a function of his impulsiveness and arrogance than his authenticity.… Continue Reading

Chicago’s Clues for the 2020 Democrats

Written by Michael Barone

There was a record-sized field of candidates containing as many women as men. Their surnames ranged from the long familiar to the novel and exotic; they had multiple racial and ethnic backgrounds, and at least one gay candidate was in the running. This sounds like the ever-expanding list of candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, but it’s also a description of the field in last month’s primary election for mayor of Chicago.… Continue Reading

Infanticidal Democrats Took Their Cues from Barack Obama

Written by Trevor Thomas

When it comes to the most significant moral issues of our time, no one should be surprised by immoral actions of modern liberals. You can be saddened, shocked, angry, disgusted, and the like, but you should not be surprised.  This is certainly true when it comes to the issue of even infanticide.

For decades, Democrats have dehumanized the unborn and argued against protecting the most innocent and helpless among us, even when they escaped death in their mothers’ wombs.  … Continue Reading

What The Rise Of Kamala Harris Tells Us About The Democratic Party

Written by Perry Bacon Jr.

In the days after Hillary Clinton’s defeat, the two people who seemed like the Democratic Party’s most obvious 2020 candidates, then-Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, hinted that Clinton had gone too far in talking about issues of identity. “It is not good enough for somebody to say, ‘I’m a woman; vote for me,’” Sanders said.

Other liberals lamented that the party had lost white voters in such states as Ohio and Iowa who had supported Barack Obama, and they said Democrats needed to dial back the identity talk to win them back.… Continue Reading

5 Reasons The FBI’s New Email Investigation Is HILARIOUS


Written by Ben Shapiro

The Democrats are in full-scale panic.

They should be.

Hillary Clinton has been dropping like a stone in the polls. Weeks ago, she was up well over seven points in the RealClearPolitics poll average; she’s now down to a 2.8 percent lead in a four-way race. In the state polls, Donald Trump has been gaining steadily, to the point where Axiom Strategies has Trump down just one point in Colorado and two in Pennsylvania, and up four in Florida, four in Nevada, two in North Carolina, five in Ohio.… Continue Reading

Progressive Socialists Sanders Takes Nine-Point Lead Over Clinton In New Hampshire


Written by Patrick Rucker

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, a self -described socialist, has opened a nine-point lead over fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton among party supporters in New Hampshire, according to an NBC News/Marist Poll released on Sunday.

The survey showed that 41 percent of Democratic voters would back Sanders while 32 percent would cast a vote for Clinton if the poll were held today and Vice President Joe Biden were on the ballot.

Support for Biden, who has yet to decide whether to run after the death of his son Beau in May, was at 16 percent.… Continue Reading