Posts tagged: Joe Biden

‘Equity’ Is a Mandate to Discriminate

Written by Charles Lipson

On his first day as president, Joe Biden issued an “Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities.” Mr. Biden’s cabinet nominees must now explain whether this commitment to “equity” means they intend to abolish “equal treatment under law.” Their answers are a confused mess.

Arkansas U.S. Senator Tom Cotton raised the question explicitly in confirmation hearings. Attorney General-designate Merrick Garland responded: “I think discrimination is morally wrong. Absolutely.”… Continue Reading

The Case for Closing Public Schools… Indefinitely

Written by Sarah Lilly

For the past year, parents and students across the county, mostly in Democrat-run municipalities, have been experiencing excessive levels of stress due to unending school closures. Red states like Florida, Texas, and South Dakota have been open for months. Meanwhile, the teacher’s unions have a stranglehold on the public schools in Democrat states, refusing to open for a litany of absurd reasons.

Part of me sympathizes with the conservative parents who are struggling to cope with working from home and the online curriculum management of their children.… Continue Reading

Woke Coke is No Joke
(and Nothing New)

Written by Trevor Grant Thomas

As much as conservatives in America love capitalism, many U.S. capitalists sure seem to hate conservatives—especially Christian conservatives. On virtually every issue important to conservatives of all stripes, large U.S. corporations (“Big Corp” for this column) stand opposed—almost unanimously!—to American conservatives.

In other words, to the detriment of America and the truth, Big Corp has gone “woke.” Coca-Cola provides the most recent and egregious example of gross corporate wokeness. According to a whistleblower, Coca-Cola is forcing its employees to complete online training that instructs them on “What it Means to Be White” and how to “Try and be less white.”… Continue Reading

The Equality Act And The Abolition Of Women

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Equality Act by a vote of 224-206.

Proponents of the legislation, such as U.S. Representative David Cicilline, Rhode Island Democrat, declared, “Every American deserves respect and dignity and [this is why it’s] important that the Equality Act become law …”

But here’s the thing: He’s lying. And so is every single Democrat who aligns with him and parrots this deceptive blather.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Disgraceful Lies Keep On Giving

Written by Robert Knight

We are awash in so many media lies that I thought it might be useful to list a few for easy reference, in no particular order.

No. 1. The Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6 was an “armed insurrection” in which five people were killed, including a U.S. Capitol officer hit by a fire extinguisher in the head. Reality: The rioters had no firearms or even knives. Two of the five died from a stroke and heart attack.… Continue Reading

The Mark of Faith

Written by State Representative Adam Niemerg

“Any country that accepts abortion,
is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants.”
~Mother Teresa 

On Ash Wednesday, it is not unusual to see politicians walking around government buildings with a cross marked on their foreheads from ashes. In fact, as a devout Catholic, President Joe Biden has attend many an Ash Wednesday service and has had the cross marked on his forehead to commemorate the beginning of Lent, which is the journey to the most sacred and Holy Day in the Church calendar – Easter.… Continue Reading

The Difference Between Washington’s Birthday and ‘Presidents’ Day’ is the Difference Between Liberty and Tyranny

Written by Daniel Horowitz

No, we are not celebrating Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Woodrow Wilson, or Millard Fillmore this week. We are supposed to be celebrating George Washington. In other words, we are not celebrating the majestic power of the chief executive of the United States government in the abstract, but the humble leadership of one man who, until recently, successfully set the precedent of the presidency being wielded as an office of limited power rather than the power of a king.… Continue Reading

Today’s Mad Science: Hijacked and Repurposed to Suit Progressive Agendas

Written by Robert Knight

With Biden/Harris ensconced in the White House, we’re being instructed to cheer the return of “science” as a guide to public policy.

The inference is that all important decisions during the Trump years were made by reading tea leaves or conferring with the Amazing Kreskin.

So, back to “science.” If only.

Like anything else of consequence, much of science has been hijacked and repurposed to suit progressive agendas. As such, it’s no longer real science but selectively publicized “studies,” enforced by guilds like the American Psychological Association or the climate Chicken Littles.… Continue Reading

Southern Illinois GOP Chairs, Others Condemn Rep. Kinzinger’s Statements on Trump

Written by Christine Misner

U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger (IL-16th) upset many of his fellow Republicans around the country with the statements he’s made about former President Donald J. Trump in recent weeks. Perhaps none more so than the county chairman of 36 southern Illinois regional Republican Party committees who issued a letter condemning Kinzinger for his actions including calling for the impeachment of President Trump and failing to support the president’s claims of election fraud.

The GOP county chairs voted to issue their condemnation at the Southern Regional Zoom Meeting Jan.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: RINOs Will Blow Up the GOP Tent

Two news stories broke this week about Washington D.C. RINOs, demonstrating again, why RINOs should not lead the GOP.

First up, there was the exposé of RINO co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, John Weaver, who joined forces with Kellyanne Conway’s husband George Conway to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris get elected.

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PODCAST: RINOs Will Blow Up the GOP Tent
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