Written by Christine Misner
U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger (IL-16th) upset many of his fellow Republicans around the country with the statements he’s made about former President Donald J. Trump in recent weeks. Perhaps none more so than the county chairman of 36 southern Illinois regional Republican Party committees who issued a letter condemning Kinzinger for his actions including calling for the impeachment of President Trump and failing to support the president’s claims of election fraud.
The GOP county chairs voted to issue their condemnation at the Southern Regional Zoom Meeting Jan.… Continue Reading
Written by John Biver
The leaders of six pro-life organizations issued a public statement on Friday criticizing the 8 Republican state senators who joined the Democrats this past week to pass the “Equal Rights” Amendment (ERA).
In the letter, the pro-life leaders mention that left-wing U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has admitted that the “intended scope of the ERA is to greatly increase the scrutiny of pro-life legislation.”
A vote for the ERA is a vote for overturning abortion restrictions and enshrining abortion rights in the U.S.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bonnie Quirke, Chris Nybo, Curran, David E. Smith, Dawn Behnke, Elise Bouc, Equal Rights Amendment, Jason A. Barickman, John F, Karen McConnaughay, Michael Connelly, Pamela Althoff, Phyllis Schlafly, Ralph Rivera, Reverend Robert Vanden Bosch, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sue Rezin, Tom Rooney
Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
April 14, 2018 5:00 AM |
Comments Off on Pro-Life Groups Withdraw Support from Republican Senators that Supported the ERA
This week’s Spotlight features the conversation of IFA’s David E. Smith and Stephanie Trussell, on joined the Stephanie Trussell Show on 890 AM this Saturday.
Stephanie questions him about the recreational marijuana question on the ballot in Cook County.
At the very start of the show, host Trussell spoke about “the significance of a sitting president speaking at the March for Life.” “No other president in modern times has had the courage to come out and speak for those who can’t speak for themselves.”… Continue Reading
Written by John Biver
It is becoming increasingly difficult for those in positions of responsibility — such as leaders in the U.S. Army, the FBI, or in the dominant media — to ignore the facts about the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Conservative organizations and individuals victimized by the SPLC’s “hate map” have been getting aggressive in getting out the truth. Any media outlet that claims it is unaware of the fact that the SPLC labels anyone they disagree with as a “hate group” is either lying or incredibly uninformed.… Continue Reading
Because racial tension continues to run high in our nation, it’s imperative that we take a few moments to address it.
Despite all the negativity dominating the headlines, the Internet, and airwaves, we must be mindful of the Biblical truths and principles that override sinful prejudices, biases, and emotions.
Serious Christians must rise above the chaos, anger, and anxiety. We must refuse to respond in kind. Satan wants to frustrate and distract us. He wants us to take our eyes off the ultimate prize of our calling.… Continue Reading

Three of the major Pro-life and Pro-Family political action committees in the State have come together in strong support of the candidacy of State Senator William “Sam” McCann for the 50th Senate District in the March 15, 2016 Republican Primary.
“Senator McCann has been a strong voice for the pro-life cause, recently voting against a bill that would have forced crisis pregnancy centers, that devote their efforts to helping women choose Life for their unborn babies, to participate in abortion” said Ralph Rivera, Chairman of Illinois Citizens for Life PAC and state lobbyist for Illinois Citizens for Life at the State Capitol.… Continue Reading