Posts tagged: transgender bathroom

Biden’s Idea of ‘Freedom’ Should Frighten Every Liberty-Loving American

Written by Robert Knight

In this week’s column, I was going to summarize President Biden’s reelection video from last Tuesday. But George Orwell did it 74 years ago.

Big Brother’s slogan in the 1949 novel “1984” mirrors our sunglass-sporting “unity” president. Everything he says is the polar opposite of the truth.

As violent imagery flashes by, he says: “The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Disgraceful Lies Keep On Giving

Written by Robert Knight

We are awash in so many media lies that I thought it might be useful to list a few for easy reference, in no particular order.

No. 1. The Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6 was an “armed insurrection” in which five people were killed, including a U.S. Capitol officer hit by a fire extinguisher in the head. Reality: The rioters had no firearms or even knives. Two of the five died from a stroke and heart attack.… Continue Reading

“The Most Significant Revolution in History” (Illinois Family Spotlight #072)

Written by John Biver

In this week’s podcast, Laurie Higgins joins David Smith to discuss the Trans-Ideology and its effects on our schools, classrooms, and impressionable young children.

Laurie is the cultural affairs writer for the Illinois Family Institute, and “she does an amazing job writing thought provoking and compelling articles that help us think through the contemporary issues and the godless worldviews that dominate the public square.”

Laurie refers to what is going on today as “one of the most significant revolutions in history.”… Continue Reading

Don’t Overlook School Board Elections

‘Transgender’ Use of School Locker Rooms
Policy on the April 4th Ballot

Written by John Biver

Early voting has already begun in some locations. On the ballot will be candidates for municipal, township, park district, school board and other local governing bodies.

Too many voters think these races are not important, so turnout is typically very low. When turnout is lower – every vote carries much more weight. We have the chance to make a greater impact if we vote and encourage like-minded family, friends and neighbors to also vote.… Continue Reading

School District U-46’s Policy Allowing Gender-Dsyphoric Boys to Use Girls Locker Room Challenged

If you live in School District U-46, please pay special attention.

Written by John Biver

U-46 School Board Member Jeanette Ward is providing the kind of leadership that we need to see a lot more of in Illinois. And on April 4th, there’s an opportunity to support two other like-minded candidates running to join Jeanette on the U-46 school board: Cody Holt and Enoch Essendrop.

Cody Holt and Enoch Essendrop have the endorsement of Illinois Family Action.Continue Reading

Candidates for School Board in District U-46

Written by John Biver

If you live in School District U-46, three seats on that school board are up for election on April 4, 2017. You need to be aware that when it comes to the important topic of privacy issues for students, the candidates that deserve your support and are endorsed by Illinois Family Action are challengers Cody Holt, and Enoch Essendrop.

While there are three incumbent candidates and only two challengers, electing Holt and Essendrop (and removing two of the incumbents) will put voices of sanity and common sense on the board.… Continue Reading

Debrief: 2016 Election, Part 2 (Illinois Family Spotlight #016)


Monte Larrick, David Smith, John Biver, and Ralph Rivera reconvene to continue discussing the recent general election.  In this episode, they review the four now-red House seats, the future of life and bathroom legislation, and how voters can influence an election beyond the ballot box.

Debrief: 2016 Election, Part 2 (Illinois Family Spotlight #016)
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Why Rescue Illinois When You Can Flush on Other States?


Sanctimonious Lawmakers Lecture Soverign Officials While Springfield Burns

Written by Monte Larrick and David E. Smith

Illinois is on the brink of bankruptcy, yet dozens of Illinois state senators found time to criticize the public policies of other states. Instead of passing a balanced budget, finding ways to reduce our deficit, cutting out-of-control spending, making Illinois more job-friendly, and fixing the overwhelming pension problem, our state senators are making out-of-state bathroom policies a priority.

Senate Resolution 1752 (SR 1752) passed by 32-14, the last day of the scheduled session. … Continue Reading

Obama’s Coed Bathroom Madness


By J. Matt Barber

President Barack Obama has done lost his mind. He’s just flushed the civil rights of men and women, boys and girls, to pee in peace and shower without having naked, sexually confused or sexually predatory members of the opposite sex ogling them, or intentionally exposing their genitalia for a cheap thrill.

Reports Fox News:

“The Obama administration has sent a letter to every public school district in the country telling them to allow transgender students [meaning students pretending to be the opposite sex] to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their chosen gender identity, as opposed to their birth certificate.

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Which Candidate Will Protect Our Daughters?


Written by Bryan Fischer

An O’Fallon, Missouri man was arrested on April 23 after allegedly secretly filming women in a Target dressing room.

Matthew Foerstel, 26, faces felony charges for invasion of privacy in the second degree and unlawful possession of a firearm.

The Brentwood Police Department arrested Foerstel on April 23 after he allegedly held a camera phone under a dressing room door while a female shopper tried on swim suits at the Target store in Brentwood.… Continue Reading