Posts tagged: Jake Tapper

Joe Biden’s Age Will Be an Issue in 2024

Written by Tim Graham

Associated Press reporters were blunt about their latest poll:

“Americans actually agree on something in this time of raw discord: Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president in a second term.”

In the poll, fully 77% said Biden is too old to be effective for four more years, as he would turn 86 in the White House. Naturally, 89% of Republicans agreed — but so did 69% of Democrats and, most importantly for the general election, 74% of independents.… Continue Reading

GOP’s Moral Cowardice Leads to More Concessions, Acceptance of Dems’ Unthinkable Agenda

Written by Robert Knight

What is it with Republicans who try to fight the culture war with one hand tied behind their backs? They shift to a defensive crouch even when their position is clearly right.

G.K. Chesterton mocked this tendency years ago. Some politicians, he wrote, would loudly oppose the deadly mugging of a grandmother in a city park not because it’s immoral but because it would be a “waste of a perfectly good grandmother.”… Continue Reading

CNN’s Mostly False Take on Biden’s Stance on Abortion

Written by Tim Graham

As CNN looks for a new leader, former CNN host Brian Stelter proposed this as the most important question: “What should an anchor do when a guest says something untrue?”

The public could turn this question around: “What should a politician do when a CNN host says something untrue?” The Stelters of this world cannot imagine anyone at CNN would ever say anything false. They arrogantly presume they always defend the “truth.”… Continue Reading

Joe Walsh Wants More Bipartisanship, Which Means Less Joe Walsh

Written by Peter Heck

I admit I know very little about former one-term congressman Joe Walsh of Illinois. Some quick online research reveals that he was a tea party activist elected in the anti-Obamacare Republican wave of 2010. During his short tenure in office, Walsh appears to have carved out a reputation as a staunch and sometimes harsh critic of former President Obama, and a reliable vote for conservative policy.

When he lost his re-election bid to Tammy Duckworth in 2012, Walsh went on to host a conservative talk radio show before announcing a presidential primary run against Donald Trump‘s re-election bid in the 2020 cycle.… Continue Reading

Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd Prove (Again) Why Media Trust is So Low

Written by Peter Heck

When Gallup released the results of their recent Coronavirus crisis trust poll, I can’t help but think there were several jaws that hit the floor in America’s newsrooms. Having asked the American people whether they approved or disapproved of the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by a host of various leaders and institutions, there was only one that found more disapproval than approval, on average.

President Trump? No, by a wide 22 points, Americans approved of his leadership.… Continue Reading

The Left Stokes Racist Flames and Demonizes Millions

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

It is insidious to watch the left do its dirty work of demonization. It starts with a narrative constructed on false accusations and misleading innuendos. Then, the narrative is repeated enough until it becomes accepted truth. Finally, wider conclusions are drawn from it, casting ugly aspersions on the innocent.

In the current iteration, the narrative began with accusations that President Donald Trump was a white supremacist and racist, fueled by selective quotes from his Charlottesville press conference.

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Kathy Griffin Is Not the Only One Guilty of Anti-Trump Hysteria

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Without a doubt, Kathy Griffin crossed a dark and ugly line when she posted her instantly infamous, beheading picture. And she is suffering the consequences for her foolish actions. But is she alone to blame? Have not others contributed to the toxic atmosphere that provided the backdrop for her misdeed?

Certainly, she alone is responsible for her decisions, and she took responsibility for those decisions in her apology. No one made her do what she did.… Continue Reading