Posts tagged: J. B. Pritzker

U.S. House Democrats Launch ‘Court Reform Now’ Task Force

Written by Mia Gradick 

As Election Day approaches, the far Left, politicians and some of the most radical groups in America continue their attacks on the U.S. Supreme Court and our judicial system.

U.S. House Democrats recently announced a new “Court Reform Now” task force that will work to advance legislation that would supposedly fix “political activism” at the U.S. Supreme Court.

The representatives say the U.S. Supreme Court has usurped “legislative and executive authority with activist decisions that disregard established precedent in order to achieve political results.”… Continue Reading

Deepening Concerns Over Illinois Supreme Court Candidate Rochford

Written by Illinois Family Action

Illinois Family Action was contacted by another dad, whose story deepened our concerns about the race for Illinois Supreme Court and about the Democrat Candidate, Judge Elizabeth Rochford.

A third person has reached out, unsolicited and previously unknown to us, who felt compelled to share their story of injustice and bias, at the hands of Judge Rochford. (The same Elizabeth Rochford who donated to corrupt and indicted Chicago Alderman, Ed Burke and is getting millions from Governor J.B.… Continue Reading

Congresswoman Mary Miller Speaks Out Against Funding for Planned Parenthood

Written by Kristi Shaffer

Recent news is filled with the debate over Roe v Wade and the abortion agenda. There is no doubt that the upcoming mid-term elections will be profoundly affected by the dispute. Conservative Christians must show their support for life now and at the ballot box. U.S. Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-Oakland) has shown her support for life and is now fighting the evil industry of abortion and the leftist that supports it.


Miller issued a press release that states that Governor J.B.Continue Reading

Travis Weaver Earns IFA’s Pro-Family Endorsement

Written by IFA Staff

We were very impressed with the energy, conservative values, and the leadership Travis Weaver, running for Illinois State Representative in District 93, showed at our interview session. His record of accomplishment and community involvement, at just 29 years old, gives us great encouragement for the future.

As the state’s only full time Christian pro-life/pro-family organization, Illinois Family Action is proud to endorse the following candidates running for office:

Travis Weaver makes his positions very clear, both spoken, and in writing to his potential constituents.… Continue Reading

Election 2022: Time to Stand in Illinois

Written by Lynn Bowman Tabb

Just 40 miles west of Chicago, the crowd was hot Tuesday night at the Fire Pritzker Rally in St. Charles’ Arcada Theater. And with good cause! “We the people” of Illinois have had enough of J.B. Pritzker’s tyrannical mandates. Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Darren Bailey is proving himself to be the man to lead the people and scale back the reach of government in the lives of Illinoisans.

Throughout the event, speakers echoed the idea of taking a stand.… Continue Reading

Are We Insane or Standing Fast?

Written by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

Supposedly, Albert Einstein gave this definition for insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Whether Einstein actually said this or someone else conceived it, it is a profound definition.

Does this definition apply to all situations? What is the context that needs to be considered? Are we as Christian conservatives in Illinois guilty of insanity?

I am going to answer this question in two ways: first in the negative and then in the positive.… Continue Reading

“The Transing of Public Schools” (Illinois Family Spotlight #251)

On this edition of Spotlight, Laurie Higgins joins Jim Schneider, host of VCY America’s CrossTalk program, for a lively discussion of the ubiquitous indoctrination agenda in our nation’s government schools. Laurie’s experience as an educator and, for the past thirteen years, IFI’s cultural affairs writer has given her valuable insight on the small, subtle, incremental steps that have led public schools away from focusing on academic instruction to prioritizing social and sexual indoctrination.

Laurie and Jim discuss trans-cultism and the “transing” of public schools; the distinction between sex, gender, and gender identity; and the heartbreak of “detransitioners.”Continue Reading

As Criminals Take Advantage of Hands-Off Justice System, Feds Clamp Down on Political Prisoners

Written by Daniel Horowitz

For the past decade, I’ve been trying to raise awareness about the harms of the weak-on-crime policies being advocated by both parties. As crime continues to surge, even the most violent career criminals are released on little or no bail, a growing phenomenon that is responsible for most of the violent crimes committed in the country. The insipid mantra of the de-incarceration crowd is that we shouldn’t lock people up for low-level offenses.… Continue Reading

Madigan’s Troubles Reach Towards Pritzker

Written by Christine Misner

Could Mike Madigan’s luck have finally run out? That’s what many in Illinois are wondering as news of a federal investigation into a bribery scheme linked to the longtime Democrat and Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives have revealed. Calls for him to resign are starting to come from around Illinois. Plus, court records are showing that the scandal may have a link to fellow Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker.… Continue Reading

“The Bill of Rights Has No Emergency Exceptions” (Illinois Family Spotlight #199)

On this edition of Spotlight, the four C’s: Constitution, constitutional rights, churches, and coronavirus share center stage. Our podcast leads off with attorney and constitutional scholar David Shestokas. Monte Larrick and David discuss how Governor J.B. Pritzker has overstepped his authority by issuing coronavirus-related executive orders that masquerade as law. Additionally, they contemplate the Governor’s true motivation, especially as his actions directly target churches, freedom of religion, and the right to peaceably assemble.

Midway through the podcast, Monte and David are joined by Pastor Richard Giovannetti who shares his pastoral perspective on how Illinois’ excessive restrictions are negatively impacting ministry, worship, and fellowship.… Continue Reading