Written by Illinois Family Action
Illinois Family Action was contacted by another dad, whose story deepened our concerns about the race for Illinois Supreme Court and about the Democrat Candidate, Judge Elizabeth Rochford.
A third person has reached out, unsolicited and previously unknown to us, who felt compelled to share their story of injustice and bias, at the hands of Judge Rochford. (The same Elizabeth Rochford who donated to corrupt and indicted Chicago Alderman, Ed Burke and is getting millions from Governor J.B.… Continue Reading
Tags: 2020 Election, abortion, Ann Burke, Corruption, Democrat, discrimination, Ed Burke, Election integrity, Elizabeth Rochford, Illinois Family, Illinois Supreme Court, J. B. Pritzker, Judicial Activism, Judicial Ethics, Lake County Court, Legend Lee, Mark Curran, Mary Kay O'Brien, Michael Burke, Michael Madigan, Parents Rights, Red Wave, Redistricting, Republican, Rochforded, Senate President Harmon, Speaker Welch, Supreme Court
Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture, Uncategorized | Paul Hurst |
November 5, 2022 3:00 PM |
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Written by James M. Odom
Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3, of the U.S. Constitution requires legislative districts to be based upon an actual count of population every 10 years. The Illinois Constitution also requires this.
The procedure for drawing legislative districts prescribed by the Illinois Constitution is for the Legislature to complete a redistricting plan for legislative districts according to the new federal census, in the year following the census.
If the redistricting plan is not complete by June 30th, a commission of 8 members (half to be non-legislators), appointed by July 10th by each of the majority and minority political leadership, “no more than four of whom shall be members of the same political party,” will complete the redistricting plan.… Continue Reading
Tags: census data, Cook County Democrats, Dan McConchie, Illinois Constitution, Illinois Supreme Court, Jim Durkin, legislative districts, Redistricting, remapping, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Constitution
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
June 16, 2021 7:17 AM |
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Written by David E. Smith
Monte Larrick caught up with Peter Breen, Vice President and Senior Counsel for the Thomas More Society, at the recent SpeakOut Illinois event in Oakbrook Terrace. They talk about Breen’s candidacy for the 48th House district and his work on the Fair Maps petition. Breen also addresses a threat to Illinois families in the form of the erasure of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act.
After the break, Monte and Peter consider the possibility of abortions becoming available in Illinois public schools.… Continue Reading