Posts tagged: Donald J. Trump

A Wall Is an Absolute Necessity

Written by Walker Wildmon

For decades, America’s southern border has been virtually non-existent. On a map, one would be able to easily identify the border between the United States of America and Mexico. But having an agreed upon border and enforcing that border are two different discussions. The problem that America has faced is that in most places there is no physical barrier to stop or hinder illegal border crossings.

What has this led to? It has led to millions of illegal border crossings over the past few decades.… Continue Reading

Mitt’s Message

Written by Gary Bauer

The past two years have witnessed some of the most brutal political battles in modern American history.  Leftists refused to accept the 2016 election results.  They disrupted the inauguration.  And the Deep State has been attempting to undermine the Trump presidency every day since he was elected.

After having been AWOL for much of this fight, U.S. Senator-elect Mitt Romney (R-UT) has published an opinion piece in the Washington Post offering his critique of Washington. … Continue Reading

The 3 Biggest Media-Deep State Scams

Written by Wayne Allyn Root

Remember the old warning from President Dwight D. Eisenhower about the “military industrial complex”? He was right.

But the defense industry has nothing on the D.C. Swamp, the Deep State, the Democrat Party and the group that does their bidding: the Liberal Media Industrial Complex. They will do anything, lie about anything, slander and manipulate in order to make government bigger and more powerful. And they will go scorched-earth to destroy anyone who opposes them.… Continue Reading

Judicial Nominee Tom Farr and the Left’s Smears

Written by Joseph A. Morris

President Trump’s nomination of my former assistant at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Thomas A. Farr, to be a Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina is finally coming to the floor of the U.S. Senate this week. It’s in the queue and the U.S. Senate may get to it this week.

Tom is a learned, thoughtful, kindly, even-tempered man. He has been an extremely accomplished and successful lawyer in public and private practice.… Continue Reading

How the GOP Has Taken Ownership of Obamacare

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Republicans have not only betrayed their promise to repeal Obamacare, they have made Obamacare popular. They have championed its three core elements while refusing to even make the case against all its vulnerabilities and are now running on preserving it. While we are all focused on the results of November 6, we must gird up for a longer battle that, if not waged and won, will ensure we never have health care freedom in America, because consensus for government-run monopolies is close to fruition.… Continue Reading

My Support for Judge Kavanaugh

Written by David J. Shestokas

Investigating President Trump’s nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh brought back memories of law school and a nettlesome problem I observed in America. Here’s how I came to believe a Justice Kavanaugh will be good for America.

As part of being on law review all members write a piece called a “note”. It’s not an “article” since it’s a piece being written by a law student, not a lawyer.… Continue Reading

Unless We Heed Clarence Thomas’ Warning, SCOTUS ‘Travel Ban’ Victory is Hollow

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Our political system regards the U.S. Supreme Court as superior to the other two branches of government. Why then doesn’t the high court wield its supremacy over its own branch and rein in the lawlessness of the lower courts? Shouldn’t it uproot a growing power grab by the lower courts that are issuing nationwide injunctions over broad policies? Justice Clarence Thomas seems to think so.

In Thomas’ concurrence in the “travel ban” case, he spends just one paragraph dealing with the merits of the case.… Continue Reading

Denying Trump’s Accomplishments Is Increasingly Irrational

Written by David Limbaugh

Some people still can’t stomach the idea of a Donald Trump presidency and so remain in denial about his mounting policy successes, but their resistance is looking increasingly proud and petty.

It’s risky to predict future trends, especially the political fortunes of government leaders and the results they might achieve, because there are so many moving parts. We’ve seen so much volatility and fluidity, and we have a plethora of unknowns. So I admit that it would be foolish to take for granted that President Trump will continue to rack up remarkable, substantive policy achievements, but it would be just as foolish to deny the significance of his accomplishments already, on a variety of fronts — or to pretend that it wouldn’t have mattered much if Hillary Clinton had won the election.… Continue Reading

Trump Should Ignore Judge on Transgenders

Written by Bryan Fischer

U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly is a lowly U.S. District Court judge in the District of Columbia. She is not the Commander-in-Chief.

Yet she has somehow appointed herself commandant of the entire United States military in an astonishing display of hubris and judicial supremacy. She ruled this week that transgenders must be allowed to serve in the military, overturning the president’s executive order on the matter.

U.S. Senatorial candidate Judge Roy Moore, who knows a thing or two about confronting an out-of-control judiciary, today called for this judge’s impeachment, and of course he is right to do so.… Continue Reading

Some Good News Overlooked in all the Media Hysteria

Written by Micah Clark

There have been a whole lot of news distractions since President Donald J. Trump took office.  Some of them he brought upon himself, but most are ploys of the liberal media and part of the far left’s agenda to cripple his presidency.

Daily media obsessions with things like Russia have hidden a very positive result of the Trump election.   In his first 200 days, President Trump has nominated 44 federal judges including U.S.… Continue Reading