Posts tagged: Democrats

RINOs and Never-Trumpers Help Leftists Destroy America

Written by Laurie Higgins

In the past year, we saw anarchists savagely beat innocent people in the street; take control of city blocks; incinerate police precincts; burn Bibles; attack churches; loot businesses; tear down federal monuments; deface public property; and parade naked in front of, hurl obscenities at, and even assault police officers.

We saw Democratic mayors and governors command law enforcement to stand down while the lawless destroyed communities and livelihoods.

We saw Democratic governors ban socially distanced corporate worship of God while permitting shoulder-to-shoulder street protests and riots—riots that were praised by Democrats in our neighborhoods, halls of Congress, and press as “mostly peaceful protests.”… Continue Reading

PODCAST: RINOs and Never-Trumpers Help Leftists Destroy America

In the past year, we saw anarchists savagely beat innocent people in the street; take control of city blocks; incinerate police precincts; burn Bibles; attack churches;  loot businesses; tear down federal monuments; deface public property; and parade naked in front of, hurl obscenities at, and even assault police officers. We saw….

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PODCAST: RINOs and Never-Trumpers Help Leftists Destroy America
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Democrats Use Pandemic and Riots to Unseat Trump

Written by Laurie Higgins

Pre-pandemic, the economic policies of the Trump administration had the economy soaring, providing the black community with the lowest unemployment rate in history. Then the Chinese Communist government unleashed a horror on the world, which became the crisis for which Democrats longed and are exploiting.

In their devilish quest to shepherd befuddled Biden into the Oval Office in January, Democrats are desperately trying to keep schools and businesses shut down no matter the cost in unnecessary human suffering.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Democrats Use Pandemic and Riots to Unseat Trump

Pre-pandemic, the economic policies of the Trump administration had the economy soaring, providing the black community with the lowest unemployment rate in history. Then the Chinese Communist government unleashed a horror on the world, which became the crisis for which Democrats longed and are exploiting. In their devilish quest to shepherd befuddled Biden gently into the Oval Office in January, Democrats are desperately trying to keep schools and businesses shut down no matter the cost in unnecessary human suffering.… Continue Reading

Bitter, Shortsighted Never-Trumpers Harming America

Written by Laurie Higgins

Those who refuse to vote for President Trump because they find his tweets and temperament off-putting are small-minded, myopic, self-indulgent traitors to America. They are indulging their antipathy for Trump at the expense of America’s future.

There is a loathsome campaign afoot by Never-Trumpers/RINOs/Establishment Republicans (aka the D.C. swamp) to bequeath to the next generation a country of far more oppression, far less liberty, far greater educational indoctrination, a darker economic future, and more threats domestic and foreign.… Continue Reading

America the Beautiful, Going, Going, Gone, If Republicans Abandon Trump

Written by Laurie Higgins

Those who have eyes to see not just trees but forests too, likely see the toppling of America right before their eyes. The blinkered eyes of the tree-lookers ignore all the good President Trump has done and instead notice only the tangy appearance of the leftist-tagged “bad Orange Man.” They can’t hear the prophetic calls of wise men like Victor Davis Hanson who warns that electing marionette Joe Biden will prove cataclysmic for the American Republic.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: The Democratic Agenda: Is this Really What Americans Want?

Democrats label those who object to the Black Lives Matter organization and Critical Race Theory “racist.”

Democrats label as “racist” or Uncle Toms those who have different ideas from Democrats on how to address the problems that plague urban black communities.

Democrats label as ” racist” anyone who objects to police brutality and acts of racism by police but supports police departments.

Democrats fire people for…

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PODCAST: The Democratic Agenda: Is this Really What Americans Want?
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The Media’s Broadcast Brutality Against Trump

Written by Tim Graham

Liberals are beginning to swagger around as if the 2020 election is already over. Eugene Robinson at The Washington Post exclaimed that President Donald Trump‘s reelection campaign is “beginning to look like the Titanic.” Joe Biden should be preparing his inauguration remarks.

One reason for this arrogance is the absolutely punishing media coverage of Trump. The coronavirus pandemic did what some might have thought was impossible: made Trump coverage even more negative.… Continue Reading

Limbaugh Gives Judgmental, Intolerant “Progressives” the Fake-Vapors–Again

Written by Laurie Higgins

I have a lot to say about presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg and hope to say it soon, but first I have to address the kerfuffle generated by Rush Limbaugh who speculated last Wednesday that Democratic operatives must be asking themselves if the country is ready for a man-kissing man-president:

They’re looking at Mayor Pete, 37-year-old gay guy, mayor of South Bend, loves to kiss his husband on the debate stage. And they’re saying, ‘OK, how’s this going to look, 37-year-old gay guy kissing his husband on stage next to Mr.

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Much Ado Over Not Very Much

Written by William Murchison

A history professor I once studied under tended to offer weary responses to technical and highly dispensable questions of the sort that arise in weary seminars. To wit: “But what’s that got to do with the price of eggs?” Or, more pointedly sometimes, “the price of eggs in Arkansas?”

I thought of this aptly characterized boredom threshold as I watched the impeachment — um — hearings on Monday. Hearings? Snorings seems more to the point: a canopy of mingled objections and arguments and the preening of elected officials who know well enough they are on television.… Continue Reading