Posts tagged: Clarence Thomas

‘Respect for Marriage Act’ is The Latest Example of The Left’s Outright Lying

Written by Robert Knight

If you want to know what Democrats are attacking at any given time, just watch how they label something. It’s the opposite of what it would mean to any normal person.

For instance, “reproductive care” is not about reproducing, that is, having babies. It’s about abortion or preventing pregnancies.

“Gender affirming” or “gender confirming” policies do not verify actual genders. Instead, they deny biology and elevate delusions into enforced falsehoods. They should be called “gender denying” policies.… Continue Reading

Two Lame Duck Republicans from Illinois Vote Against Marriage

Written by David E. Smith

The U.S. House passed H.R. 8404 yesterday to repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act, also known as DOMA. It passed by a vote of 267-157 with 47 Republicans joining every Democrat. Seven Republicans did not vote.

The bill’s sponsor is leftwing U.S. Representative Jarrold Nadler (D-NY), who has been in Congress for 30 years. There were 179 cosponsors in the U.S. Houseall Democratswho are working feverishly to respond to the Dobbs opinion and U.S.Continue Reading

SCOTUS Unleashes the Left’s Outrage

Written by Robert Knight

You know it’s a good sign when President Joe Biden and lefty celebrities go bat crazy.

At a press conference in Spain, Mr. Biden trashed the U.S. Supreme Court as “destabilizing” because of its “outrageous” rulings on abortion and guns. He pledged to do an end-run on the U.S. Senate filibuster to pass a national abortion bill.

On June 24, a 6-3 court majority overturned Roe v. Wade in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.… Continue Reading

A Slip of the Tongue in the Supreme Court

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

When lawyer Sarah Weddington stood up in the U.S. Supreme Court on Oct. 11, 1972, to present the pro-abortion argument in the case of Roe v. Wade, she was legalistically careful in the language she used to describe whom exactly an abortion aborted.

She avoided normal human terms like “unborn child” or “baby” — and, most importantly, “person.” She preferred “fetus.”

Presumably, this was because the Fourteenth Amendment states,

“nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

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NPR’s Fake News From the SCOTUS

Written by Tim Graham

CNN anchor Brianna Keilar is hosting a temporary program pompously titled “Democracy In Peril.” On Jan. 18, Keilar huffed: “We can’t discuss the tsunami of disinformation, jeopardizing American democracy, without talking about the mothership, Fox.”

On the very same day, NPR U.S. Supreme Court reporter Nina Totenberg aired a story claiming that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was callously ignoring requests from Chief Justice John Roberts to wear a mask during oral arguments in deference to diabetes-suffering colleague Justice Sonia Sotomayor.… Continue Reading

Will Roberts and Kavanaugh Stand With the Unborn or the Unjust?

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, both nominated by Republican presidents, have both written absurd opinions on abortion laws.

The case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which the U.S. Supreme Court will hear this year, could give them an opportunity to redeem themselves.

At issue in this case is a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after a baby’s 15th gestational week. The question: Can a state prohibit doctors from killing unborn babies who are not yet old enough to survive outside the womb?… Continue Reading

Exposing The Left’s Radical Version of ‘Normal’

Written by Robert Knight

Given the level of insanity erupting at all levels in America, it wasn’t really a shock when the huge, multinational corporation Unilever announced in early March that it was pulling the word “normal” from at least half of its products.

No more soap for “normal skin care,” or shampoo for “normal hair.” It’s offensive.

A global study by Unilever found that the word “normal” made 56 percent of the respondents feel excluded and that 70 percent felt that using the word on packaging has a negative impact on people.… Continue Reading

Democrats Leap Into the Abyss of Hypocrisy

Written by Laurie Higgins

Just when you thought Leftists couldn’t be more cynical, hypocritical, dishonest, tyrannical, and cruel, they step up to prove you wrong. When Democrats, by whatever janky standards they’ve made up, think Republicans have gone “low,” they–that is, Democrats–dive headlong into the abyss of hypocrisy and nastiness.

They’ve been doing their theatrical performative best to argue that the attack on the Capitol is particularly heinous because of the building’s symbolic significance—which, of course, it has.… Continue Reading

The Disastrous Co-Belligerence of Never-Trumpers and Leftists

Written by Laurie Higgins

Listen to this article:

Never-Trumpers in a de facto alliance with leftist Trump-loathers of various stripes have apparently succeeded in their effort to elect a cognitively impaired man who claims to be Catholic while heartily endorsing a legal right to slaughter the unborn and making the public pay for their deaths.… Continue Reading

Dark Days in the U.S. Senate

Written by Laurie Higgins

Every day, “progressives” provide evidence for their unfitness for any positions of leadership, power, or influence. Senate minority leader and master of hyperbole and prevarication Chuck Schumer (D-NY) provides a case in point.  In response to the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, Schumer made this comment on the U.S. Senate floor:

It will go down as one of the darkest days in the 231-year history of the United States Senate.

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