Posts tagged: border security

Mary Miller is Correct

Written by Christine Misner and David E. Smith

Why are left-wing Democrats lying about Mary Miller?

Because she stands for your values!

U.S. Representative Mary Miller is serving her first term in Congress, representing Illinois’ 15th District in Washington, D.C. Her husband, Chris Miller, is a state representative who has served in the Illinois General Assembly since 2019. They are a hardworking Christian couple who have raised seven children, operate a family ranch and farm, and are well-respected leaders in their local church and community.… Continue Reading

Calling on ‘Moderate’ Democrats

Written by David Limbaugh

Everyone knows President Joe Biden ran as a moderate and is governing as a leftist radical, yet we see little evidence of Democrats, including the liberal media, breaking ranks from him. Why?

I’ve previously written about the lack of Democrats’ dissent from their party’s undeniable extremism and have always been met with the response that they don’t dissent because there are no longer any moderate Democrats. Yet when I talk to my Democratic friends, they vehemently deny that they personally are extremists.… Continue Reading

Bottom line: Do Illegal Aliens Matter More Than American Citizens?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court will likely “give permission” for the president to obey immigration law and not Obama’s illegal amnesty, both parties will now clamor to enact the amnesty in a lawful manner. But there is no sense of urgency in Congress to enact immigration legislation to reinforce current laws and protect Americans from the ill effects of illegal immigration.

From reading the current media narratives, one would come away with the impression that nobody exists other than illegal alien “dreamers,” most of whom are valedictorians and the highest order of creation.… Continue Reading

Denial of Reality Could Become a Democratic Campaign Slogan

Written by Dr. Everett Piper 

On Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump for allegedly asking the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden. U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy responded: “Facts be damned. Democrats are insisting this is their moment to impeach President Trump. Speaker Pelosi’s decree changes nothing.”

And, thus, without even intending it, Mr. McCarthy just stumbled into what will be the campaign slogan for the Democratic Party from now until November 2020.… Continue Reading

It’s Time to Designate the Mexican Cartels as Terrorist Organizations

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Imagine for a moment that groups of Islamic terrorists set up shop at our border, killed tens of thousands of Mexicans, mutilated bodies, controlled a flow of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants every year over our border, and flooded our country with drugs and gangs. These organizations, in our “hypothetical,” operate in over 40 countries, are flush with weapons, money, and military-style tactics, control operations inside our country, and bring in drugs like fentanyl and carfentanil that are essentially chemical weapons.… Continue Reading

A Crisis When It Suits Their Purpose

Written by Robert Knight

Since the federal shutdown began [four] weeks ago, the liberal media have presented dozens of Chicken Little stories claiming that the sky is falling.

“Three dead in national park system accidents as shutdown wears on,” screamed a six-column headline in the Washington Post on January 5.

“The deaths follow a decision by Trump administration officials to leave the scenic — but sometimes deadly — parks open even as the Interior Department has halted most of its operations,” the article said.… Continue Reading

Why Democrats’ New “Morality” Messaging Will Fail

Written by Jon Schweppe

If you’ve been paying attention to the rhetoric coming from elected Democrats and progressive activists in recent weeks, you’ve probably noticed a calculated effort to frame issues in the vein of morality.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared to reporters that building a border wall would be an “immorality.” Abortion activist Amelia Bonow told children in a viral video that aborting her baby was “part of God’s plan.” Even social media superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — who apparently works part-time as a Member of Congress — clumsily invoked morality to excuse her aversion to the truth, telling Anderson Cooper that it’s more important to be “morally right” than factually accurate.… Continue Reading

“You’re Pro-Birth, Not Pro-Life” Is Just a Terrible Argument

Written by Peter Heck

I know that abortion apologists have come to believe it is their strongest counterpoint to say, “You are pro-birth, not pro-life,” but it is not.  At all.

The bizarre statement is utterly false, of course, given the overwhelming numbers of Christian and pro-life adoption agencies, care centers, churches, missions, and foster homes that nurture hurting and abandoned children.  But to demonstrate how morally repugnant of an argument this is for the left, suppose for a second that it was a true statement.… Continue Reading

Why Christians Should Support Building a Wall – Part II

Written by Jonathan Clay de Hale

In just the week since Part I of this two-part series was published, we’ve learned from a new study that the number of foreigners illegally living in the United States is twice as high as the conventionally accepted level of 11.3 million (and could be as high as 29.1 million, as suggested earlier); that Democrats intend to pressure President Donald Trump to raise the refugee resettlement number to 110,000 refugees a year (five times the number of foreign refugees taken in 2018); and that the Border Patrol found nearly 200 illegal aliens from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador wandering in the Arizona desert—the third such finding in the last month.… Continue Reading

Why Christians Should Support Building a Wall – Part I

“Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.” ~Leviticus 19:16

Written by Jonathan Clay de Hale

Another murder by an illegal alien fails to rouse the nation

What is it going to take for Americans to overthrow the inertia of their political masters in Washington with regard to keeping illegal aliens out of the country? Apparently, more than the cold-blooded murder of its citizens by foreign trespassers.

In July, Mollie Tibbetts’ mutilated body was found after a month-long search, dumped in a cornfield in Brooklyn, Iowa.… Continue Reading