Posts tagged: abortion

The Democratic Party: No More Moderates

Written by Walker  Wildmon

With the rise of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, I have caught myself calling other Democratic candidates moderates compared to Sanders. The reality is there are no moderates left in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic National Convention published its party platform in 2016 which outlines the party’s position on a wide array of issues.

Multiple times throughout the platform, it is made clear that the murder of a baby should be legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy.… Continue Reading

Chuck Schumer’s Embarrassing Escapade with Feticide Shouters at SCOTUS

Written by Laurie Higgins

On Wednesday, Chief Justice John Roberts issued a sharp public admonition to U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer following this irresponsible threat expressed by the always divisive Schumer at a pro-feticide rally on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court where the Justices were hearing a case on abortion:

I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!

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For the Unborn, a Bernie Sanders Presidency Would Be Very Dangerous

Written by Blake Elliott

While Bernie Sanders’ stances on most policies are troubling for most conservatives in America, his stance on abortion is one that all Americans should find particularly troubling. Sanders is a clear-cut, elderly socialist, which should be a huge red flag to all Americans. He is also completely pro-abortion and pro-Planned Parenthood. The fact that he is the frontrunner for the Democratic party should not shock any of us as the Democrats continue to push the limits of radical ideology; supporting abortions up until birth is just as radical as defending the dictatorship of Fidel Castro.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Durbin Wants Some Preemies to Live and Others to Die

Written by Laurie Higgins

Dead-baby supporters U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, along with 42 collaborators helped defeat Senator Ben Sasse’s attempt to prohibit infanticide. Durbin took to the Senate floor to lie about Sasse’s bill by referring to it as an abortion bill despite the fact that he knows it has nothing to do with restricting access to abortion. Sasse’s bill, the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act, would have required doctors to treat babies who survive abortions just as they would treat any other babies who are born alive.Continue Reading

Liberals’ ‘Big Brother’ Push for Federally-Funded Abortion

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On Jan. 17, 2020, Kenneth Roth, the president of the purported human rights organization euphemistically known as the Human Rights Watch, testified before the U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights.

The topic under discussion was abortion.

Mr. Roth was straightforward and to the point. “Abortion,” he contended, “is a fundamental right” for “anyone who wants or needs it.”

He then proceeded to tell the commission that the right to terminate a child is simply an assumed corollary to the right to health care.… Continue Reading

“Chicago March for Life 2020: Life Empowers” (Illinois Family Spotlight #183)

Recent abortion legislation have had no effect on the energy of setbacks for the Illinois life movement, in fact it seems to have had quite the opposite effect. Despite unfavorable weather, over nine thousand people marched for life on January 11 essentially saying we as a pro-life movement might be down, but we are not out. This edition of spotlight features the various speeches from the rally.

"Chicago March for Life 2020: Life Empowers" (Illinois Family Spotlight #183)
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“Why Rally, Why March?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #180)

In advance of the upcoming March for Life Chicago, Monte Larrick interviewed Eric Scheidler to talk about the big March, but looming in the background is the recent passage of a big anti-life law in Illinois, which prompts some to ask: why should we rally and march for life?

After that, they discuss activating more people for the pro-life movement, what the Pro-Life Action League does for the unborn, a potential legislative reversal of the parental notice of abortion in Illinois, how constituents could lobby their pro-abortion lawmakers against it, sex trafficking and parental notice, and is abortion coming to the public schools?… Continue Reading

2020 Democrats Want Unsafe, Unregulated, Do-It-Yourself Abortions

Written by Patrina Mosley

In today’s Democratic Party, anything goes—from applauding parents who encourage their children to reject their God-given identity and mutilate their young bodies, to bizarrely championing “abortion rights for trans-females,” to now happily supporting the dangerous do-it-yourself abortion method known as the abortion pill.

When the New York Times surveyed the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, all of them (unsurprisingly) vowed to defend abortion. However, when asked if they were in favor of lifting the restrictions on abortion pills and making them available over-the-counter (OTC), many of the candidates were unwilling to take a public position.… Continue Reading

Christianity Today’s Call for Trump’s Removal

Written by Laurie Higgins

Mark Galli, editor-in-chief of the former evangelical flagship magazine Christianity Today (CT) wrote a stunning editorial calling for President Trump’s removal from office via either impeachment or the next election. While acknowledging that “Democrats have had it out for him from day one, and therefore nearly everything they do is under a cloud of partisan suspicion,” Galli remarkably asserts that the case for Trump’s removal by hook or crook is indisputable:

But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents.

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Should Politicians in the Wealthy West Promote Abortion in Poor Countries to Curtail Climate Change?

Written by Vijay Jayaraj

Some issues transcend partisan politics. This is one of them.

In a special debate on climate change hosted by CNN in September, United States presidential candidate U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) suggested using taxpayer money to fund abortion in poor countries. He believes doing so would help fight climate change.

In the debate, an audience member said, “Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth….… Continue Reading