The national debt is approaching $30 trillion, and Congress just added 2 more trillion for more “COVID-19 relief.”

The current bill [just passed] by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer is composed of massive pork barrel spending and a bail-out for high-tax Democratic states that have mismanaged their finances. Oh, and some more money for COVID-related economic distress on the heels of the earlier $4 trillion, of which $1 trillion has yet to be released.
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This past week while the nation was distracted by Joe Biden’s dementia-ridden incompetence and Andrew Cuomo’s predatory misogyny, The Satanic Temple of Texas filed suit to defend its religious right to engage in child sacrifice as a spiritual ritual.
Just when Illinoisans thought things couldn’t get any worse, the Illinois State Legislature’s spring session sets out to prove us all wrong. On this week’s podcast, we discuss several of the reprehensible, sin-enabling bills that are on the Democratic Party’s agenda for the 102nd General Assembly. On a more hopeful note, the podcast concludes with a glimpse of future IFI and IFA education campaigns, as well as information about an IFI Worldview Conference scheduled for May.
The new buzzword tries to hide the aim of throwing out the American principle of equality under the law.
U.S. Representative Mary Miller (R-Effingham) is defending her husband, Illinois State Representative Chris Miller (R-Oakland), from claims by "progressive caucus" Illinois Democrats that he violated his oath of office by attending the January 6 rally held by former President Donald J. Trump in Washington, DC. She claimed his critics are targeting conservative Christians.
For the past year, parents and students across the county, mostly in Democrat-run municipalities, have been experiencing excessive levels of stress due to unending school closures. Red states like Florida, Texas, and South Dakota have been open for months. Meanwhile, the teacher’s unions have a stranglehold on the public schools in Democrat states, refusing to open for a litany of absurd reasons.
As much as conservatives in America love capitalism, many U.S. capitalists sure seem to hate conservatives—especially Christian conservatives. On virtually every issue important to conservatives of all stripes, large U.S. corporations (“Big Corp” for this column) stand opposed—almost unanimously!—to American conservatives.  

In other words, to the detriment of America and the truth, Big Corp has gone “woke.” Coca-Cola provides the most recent and egregious example of gross corporate wokeness. According to a whistleblower, Coca-Cola is forcing its employees to complete online training that instructs them on “What it Means to Be White” and how to “Try and be less white.”  
On Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Equality Act by a vote of 224-206. 

Proponents of the legislation, such as U.S. Representative David Cicilline, Rhode Island Democrat, declared, “Every American deserves respect and dignity and [this is why it’s] important that the Equality Act become law …”

But here’s the thing: He’s lying. And so is every single Democrat who aligns with him and parrots this deceptive blather. 
We are awash in so many media lies that I thought it might be useful to list a few for easy reference, in no particular order. 

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Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy, CNN's in-house cheerleaders for censoring or squelching conservative media outlets, celebrated a letter in which Democrats on the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee pressed TV providers to punish right-wing spreaders of so-called "misinformation."