These past few years have been challenging, hard and, with the influx of the omicron variant this Christmas season, seemingly never-ending. It's been nearly two years since we began what was to have been a two-week pause to stop COVID-19. Since then, we've endured lockdowns, masking, sickness, death, fear, overwork, underwork, government stimulus, vaccine creation, the fast-tracking of new antiviral technology, work from home, school closures, supply-chain snafus, tight political elections, protests and rapidly changing guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just to name a few items. The list is ever-exhausting.
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In the ultimate irony, those who get more boosters appear more at risk to get the new variant of coronavirus. At the same time, God appears to be offering natural boosters by making this variant a mild illness that doesn’t cause lung inflammation or blood clotting, and new evidence suggests that it might offer protection against more serious strains of the virus. So why aren’t the public health “experts” taking “yes” for an answer and ending the failed vaccines and panic-induced mandates? Inquiring minds would like to know.
As the new year approaches, we close out 2021 with a nativity-focused edition of Spotlight. In our first segment, we feature the homily given by the Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki, Bishop of the Springfield Diocese, at the blessing of the nativity scene displayed in the Capitol rotunda of the Illinois Statehouse. The nativity crèche is a public expression of Christian faith and is presented, through private funding, by the Springfield Nativity Scene Committee.
In the name of “democracy,” Democrats want to get rid of our current system of government.

That’s no small thing, given that the Constitution has held up for 240 years — longer than any other. The founders’ design of a federal republic with representative decision-making and checks and balances has ensured unparalleled freedom and prosperity, unlike “democratic people’s” regimes worldwide.
A "temporary" COVID pandemic regulation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now been made permanent and allows women across the country to purchase their own chemical abortion kit without ever seeing a doctor. The FDA announced last week that it is lifting the requirement that the first pill (mifepristone) in the two-part abortion drug regimen be dispensed in-person. Now, women nationwide can obtain abortion pills through the mail and then perform their own private abortions at home.
A couple of weeks ago I wrote that it’s that time of year, that “most wonderful time of year,” when our country’s thought police come out of the woodwork to tell us what we can and cannot say. I wrote of stories too numerous to count where our culture’s minions of mind control stand barricaded behind their cash registers at Target and Starbucks, telling us what greetings we can and cannot use. I wrote of doublespeak and hypocrisy. I wrote of intolerance while claiming to be tolerant. I wrote of Orwell’s obedient lemmings waving their Christmas banners of inclusion while shamelessly excluding anyone who dares to say, “Merry Christmas.”
Why is there a record number of criminals on the streets? Well, if they are being removed from the prisons, where else do you think they will land?

It’s not enough for Republicans to only focus on funding the police. What point is there in funding the police if prosecutors, judges, and new laws from the legislature will just let out all the repeat violent offenders? A new Bureau of Justice Statistics report easily sheds light on why there is so much rampant crime in the streets. Here are some of the key takeaways:
While most Illinois schoolchildren are currently enjoying Christmas break, David Smith and Monte Larrick are exploring a viable alternative to government schools. This week on Spotlight, Pastor Randy Blan of Families of Faith Church in Channahon, Illinois joins David and Monte to discuss the school he and his church started in 2005 – Families of Faith Christian Academy. Pastor Blan begins by addressing Common Core, the alienation of parents in the educational process, and the recent emergence of significant learning gaps in Illinois students.
Former President Donald Trump will soon launch his new social media platform, Truth Social, and it can’t come any too soon. 

The reigning Big Tech powers, so full of hubris that they banned the former president, are a massive part of the leftist cabal that is remaking America in the image of San Francisco, Chicago and New York. These cities are amid moral meltdowns, crime waves and an epidemic of homelessness.
Over the past few days, we've seen a setback in the cause for sanctity of life. In their pursuit of women's so-called "autonomy," abortion cheerleaders have successfully secured some dangerous policy victories.
It is now an incontrovertible fact that closing or opening schools had zero bearing on the course of the pandemic or the safety of children who were never at an elevated risk from this pandemic. It’s clear from schools reopening during the worst Delta wave with no extra repercussions that all of the academic, mental health, physical health, and behavior development problems we foisted upon the children were absolutely senseless. This, despite the fact that so many of us knew this for months on end, but our cries fell on deaf ears.