Posts tagged: Bob Chapek

From Hunter’s Laptop to the LGBTQ Mouse and the White House

Written by Robert Knight

There are many column-worthy topics, but I’m going to limit this to the Hunter Biden laptop, President Biden’s troubling gaffes and Disney’s latest plunge into “wokeness.”

The Washington Post, like The New York Times, has finally admitted the validity of Hunter Biden’s laptop 16 months after the New York Post broke the story. Like Big Tech, they suppressed it until after his father, Joe Biden, was safely ensconced in the White House.… Continue Reading

Disney’s Sex Ed for Kindergartners Crusade

Written by Tim Graham

The libertine left seems extremely aggressive in every corporate workplace today, and they demand that everyone conform with their Orwellian lingo of “inclusivity.” No dissent is allowed from the orthodoxy of the Church of LGBTQIA+.

The folks at Disney — who many moons ago were seen as an entertainment factory for children — have been heavily pressured into submission on a proposed law in Florida that dares to suggest, “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”… Continue Reading

Disney, Big Pharma and Media’s War on Children

Written by Robert Knight

So, Mickey, Goofy and the gang have joined the war on children’s innocence. If Walt could spin one more time in his grave, it would be now.

Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Chapek announced this past week that the entertainment giant has joined the leftist mob opposing a bill backed by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis and passed by the legislature that would protect young children from exposure to LGBTQ themes.

In the latest example of corporate genuflection to all things radical, Mr.… Continue Reading