This Spotlight episode features Shannon Adcock's speech that she presented at Foundations of Faith and Family Conference.

Shannon Adcock is the founder of Awake Illinois, a grassroots organization that was founded to expose the public schools' sexualization of children.
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The Left is very good at making up bogeymen, and one of their favorites is Christian nationalism. The latest iteration of this madness is an article in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion; a subsequent analysis of it was recently published in As a sociologist, I am particularly interested in this issue: sociologists are the ones most responsible for promoting the fiction that America is threatened by Christian nationalists.
The late, great humorist P.J. O'Rourke used to quip that everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to wash the dishes. Well, now that can be said for traditional environmental groups that seem to have lost their way.
Obama judge approved widespread surveillance not only on Trump but also on anyone who liked his tweets. The legacy media did not give this outrageous data gathering and invasion of privacy action the coverage it deserved, nor did they identify it as a the collection of an enemy's list of the current federal regime.
Inside the silo of the "legacy media," they are alarmed that left-tilting government bureaucrats are being discouraged from telling social media platforms what speech they should suppress ... in the name of "democracy."
Like many Americans who pay at least some level of attention to the news out of Washington, I watched some of the footage of the January 6th riot which the congressional committee that led the inquiry intentionally omitted. If you haven't, check this out:
The first segment of this episode of Spotlight features remarks made by IFI's Executive Director David Smith at the annual banquet. The second segment features a Q & A time with Eric Metaxas. You will love how he answers some pressing questions from notable Illinois pastors.
We’re living in a time of moral confusion. Or moral cowardice. Or fatal indifference. Or all three.

How else to explain the inability to draw any meaningful distinction between an after-school Good News Club for children that imparts the love of Jesus and an After School Satan Club?
There are a few days left to file candidate petitions in Illinois! That's plenty of time to collect the mere 10 petition signatures needed to get on the ballot as a candidate for Precinct Committeeperson for the March 19 election in Illinois. The drop-dead deadline to file with your County Clerk is close of business, Monday, December 4.
I agree with the articles I’m reading that we need to boldly defend the Pro-Life position, but I have a suggestion for an entirely new strategy to do so. I think this would not only be a winning strategy, but would also strongly win over the black vote. We need to start saying over and over again:

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