How did our Founders view freedom? In this episode of Spotlight, former Illinois state representative, Peter Breen, tackles this question. 
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The following text is perhaps one of the most insightful appreciations of the Declaration ever pronounced. President Calvin Coolidge gave this speech in Philadelphia on July 5, 1926, marking the 150th anniversary of the amazing Declaration of Independence.
The threat of non-citizens voting is real. It's time to restore confidence in U.S. elections. Congress must pass the 'SAVE' ACT. If 6.4 percent of all noncitizens were to vote in the 2024 general election (which is the same rate as noncitizen voting found in the 2014 study) more than 2 million noncitizens would end up casting a ballot.
Progressives frequently point fingers at those who disagree with them, calling them deplorables, Bible-thumping rubes and science deniers. Yet without fail, our accusers rarely provide any evidence to support their claims. The leftists’ call to “respect the science,” i.e., look at the obvious empirical evidence, almost always works against them rather than for them and their utopian schemes.
The U.S. Supreme Court works in strange and mysterious ways. It can enrage the progressive left with a solidly constitutional ruling like Dobbs, which overturned Roe and sent the issue of abortion to the states.
In the wake of Thursday's Presidential Debate between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, pundits on both side of the political spectrum agreed that President Biden's mental acuity, weak voice and stammering and halting answers were alarming.
This episode of Spotlight focuses on the topic of homeschooling. Kirk Smith, ICHE's (Illinois Christian Home Educator) executive director, gives encouragement to parents who don't know how to homeschool, gives direction on how to choose good curriculum, and much more.
Not long ago, Snopes, a left-wing "fact-checking" site, finally admitted that Donald Trump had never called the neo-Nazis who marched at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017 "very fine people."
From Fortune 500 boardrooms to entertainment companies, media conglomerates to both political parties - even to an increasing number of wayward "churches" - the winds of cultural conformity blow relentlessly gay-ward, attempting but failing to cover over a multitude of sinful inconsistency, illogic, and fatuous, moral incongruity.
In the same week that a 13-year-old girl was raped by recently released illegal immigrants, Joe Biden unilaterally and illegally granted amnesty to more illegal immigrants. Republicans have no better issue, timing, or political opportunity to engage in a government funding fight. Why does U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) refuse to draw a line on September 30 funding?
Putting everyone in the same basket -- for our own good...