“It’s a Wonderful Life” is considered one of the greatest movies of all time. Every year, it tops the list of America’s favorite Christmas films. The American Film Institute cites it as one of the 100 best cinema productions ever made. Hollywood historians have celebrated it as an inspirational classic. Frank Capra said it was his favorite among all the films he directed, and Jimmy Stewart added that playing George Bailey was one of his most cherished roles.
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On December 18th, officials at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported a record number of foreign nationals at the southern border, with over 12,600 apprehensions in a single day. Those apprehended are often processed and released — which allows "undocumented" immigrants to remain in the U.S. while awaiting immigration proceedings. CBP agents are mandated, by executive order, not to hold illegal aliens for more than 72 hours.
In case you missed it last week, it seems some small outfit called the Satanic Temple won the right - on religious freedom grounds - to display a statue of Baphomet, a satanic occult figure, in the Iowa capitol building. The spectacle was to appear for a period of two weeks, but thanks to a Navy veteran named Michael Cassidy, the freakish ram's head-on-a-mannequin didn't quite make it that long.
Sometimes, you have to laugh at how obvious the leftists and their media have become in their quest to orchestrate “build back better.” When they’re not shoving irreversible surgery at vulnerable children or abusing the legal system to persecute a former president, they’re pushing the latest iteration of climate hysteria.
Is President Joe Biden treating the press better than former President Donald Trump did? It's a low bar to argue he doesn't describe the media as "enemies of the people." Is he really treating them as they view themselves — as representatives of the people? Or is he not interested in addressing the people? Are they all too negative?
In February, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government began a lengthy investigation into the FBI’s categorization of Catholic Americans as potential “domestic terrorists.” The committees recently published a 30-page interim report titled, “The FBI’s Breach of Religious Freedom: The Weaponization of Law Enforcement Against Catholic Americans.”
While Border Patrol agents are learning the finer points of preferred pronouns, criminal gang members are crossing the southern border unmolested. And if border agents happen to confront them, they’re often cited and released. Where do they go? Everywhere.

What is the Republican plan to stop them? Good question.
This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features Peter Breen's speech at the Will County Republican Banquet in the first half and a Q&A session with Scott Klusendorf, President of the Life Training Institute, in the second half.
There are few worthless establishments more in need of disbanding than international governing bodies. Whatever the original desire was - naïve as it may have been - the United Nations stands today as a testament to the galling corruption, exploitation, and sleaze unremarkable men are capable of committing.
Headlining this week’s news from the heartland is the story of an up-and-coming country-western singer known as Tennessee Jet, who has just been canceled from a venue in Tulsa, Oklahoma, because his new song “2+2” is deemed hateful, intolerant and transphobic by the management of the Mercury Lounge, where he was scheduled to perform.
According to a recent Wall Street Journal/NORC survey, just 36% of Americans believe that “the American dream still holds true.” This figure is a significant drop from surveys taken in 2012 (when 53% of Americans believed that the American Dream remained viable) and in 2016 (when 48% of Americans believed that the American Dream was real). Furthermore, a recent NBC News survey showed that 19% were “confident that life for their children’s generation would be better than for the current one—a record low.”