Remember the old warning from President Dwight D. Eisenhower about the "military industrial complex"? He was right. But the defense industry has nothing on the D.C. Swamp, the Deep State, the Democrat Party and the group that does their bidding: the Liberal Media Industrial Complex. They will do anything, lie about anything, slander and manipulate in order to make government bigger and more powerful. And they will go scorched-earth to destroy anyone who opposes them.
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Addictions to help mitigate decades of irresponsible political spending? It’s preposterous, but that is out-going left-wing Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s prescription to reduce (not solve) the nagging pension crisis.
I know my title may be a bit presumptuous but something dawned on me as I watched the Kevin Hart being unceremoniously forced out of his gig as host of the Academy Awards show: the same people who for years have insisted that Bible-believing Christians are sour, stuff-shirt, legalistic prudes have been projecting.  It’s a little embarrassing that it’s taken me this long to figure it out.
This special edition of Spotlight features highlights from a post-Thanksgiving dialogue between David Smith, IFI’s Executive Director, and Stephanie Trussell on the Stephanie Trussell Show (WLS 890 AM). 
The left pretends to care about the environment.  It sounds as though Bernie Sanders is going to make this faux interest in protecting the environment a salient point of any 2020 presidential run.  In fact, leftism – both economic leftism and social leftism – is the primary cause of environmental problems.
As the final weeks of the GOP-controlled Congress draw to a close, pro-life voters look on with great disappointment at the Republican politicians who failed to follow through on their most crucial promise: to defund Planned Parenthood. In about a month, Democrats will take over the House of Representatives and any hope of stripping the abortion giant of federal funding will pass away.
Meaning no disrespect to climate alarmists of the past half-century, who have been quite formidable in their doomsday warnings, the modern era has ushered in a new wave of scaremongers who threaten to eclipse their predecessors.
The State Journal-Register recently reported that a display from the Satanic Temple in Chicago is joining the nativity scene and menorah in the State House rotunda this Christmas season. Make no mistake, this is a monument to evil next to a depiction of the most holy of nights.
A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51 percent of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country. Only 42 percent prefer the latter. Twenty-five percent of millennials who know who Vladimir Lenin was view him favorably. Lenin was the first premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Half of millennials have never heard of Communist Mao Zedong, who ruled China from 1949 to 1959 and was responsible for the deaths of 45 million Chinese people.
This week’s podcast episode spotlights an eye-opening breakout session on Islam from AM 560’s Freedom Summit (November 2017). Dr. Bill Warner and Usama Dakdok discuss the errant label “Radical Islam,” They also explain why Mohammed was the greatest warrior ever and how we (as a Western Civilization) can win a civilizational war with Islam.

Almost one month has passed since the November 6th midterm elections. Many have analyzed the losses suffered by the Republican Party in Illinois. To the base of the Party – Conservatives who stand firmly on the adopted Republican Party platform – the causes are abundantly clear. Party leadership made no attempt to unify the Party, failed to support good candidates and failed to effectively communicate to voters the principles of the Republican Party. Due to this failure of leadership and lack of accepting any responsibility for the losses, Illinois Conservative Union (ICU) calls for Tim Schneider to step down from his position as Chairman.… Continue Reading
