The 3 Biggest Media-Deep State Scams
Written by Wayne Allyn Root
Remember the old warning from President Dwight D. Eisenhower about the “military industrial complex”? He was right.
But the defense industry has nothing on the D.C. Swamp, the Deep State, the Democrat Party and the group that does their bidding: the Liberal Media Industrial Complex. They will do anything, lie about anything, slander and manipulate in order to make government bigger and more powerful. And they will go scorched-earth to destroy anyone who opposes them.
President Donald J. Trump opposes them.
Trump has exposed them as frauds. He has embarrassed them by turning around the terrible Obama economy and “making America great again.” Trump has turned the great American middle class against the lying mainstream media and the D.C. Swamp. He has even dared to expose the Deep State by publicly criticizing the CIA, FBI and Department of Justice.
The liberal media are the key to all of this. They lie with impunity on behalf of this big government cabal. The liberal media make Bernie Madoff look like a pickpocket.
Here are the three biggest scams of the past decade:
—Obamacare. The media — on behalf of Barack Obama — created a crisis that didn’t exist. I paid $500 per month for health insurance at the moment Obama was crusading for Obamacare. My health insurance was fantastic. But the media backed Obama’s lies. It turned out you couldn’t keep your health insurance or your doctor. Prices wouldn’t go down because of Obamacare; they would skyrocket. Health care became far more expensive and complicated. My rates soared to $2,000 per month. Obamacare was sold with nonstop cooperation, lies and conspiracy by all the parties who benefited from these lies and the Liberal Media Industrial Complex.
—Climate change. Sure there’s “climate change.” Climate has changed since the beginning of time. The media try to convince us there’s a crisis (just like Obamacare) and that it’s in our best interest to dramatically raise taxes and regulations, kill middle-class jobs and quadruple our fuel and electric bills — all while China, India and other developing nations belch pollution into the atmosphere. It’s Obamacare all over again.
—Trump’s “crime.” Trump must be destroyed, so this cabal creates a crime that never existed: Trump used his own money to pay off two women with whom he allegedly had affairs a decade before becoming president. No one in history been charged with this phantom crime.
If it’s a crime, what about the $17 million congressional slush fund that used taxpayer dollars to pay off those who made harassment charges against members? Shouldn’t we lock up hundreds of congressmen? They used taxpayer money to cover up crimes. Trump didn’t.
And what about Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC using campaign funds to hire a British spy to produce a fake dossier to destroy candidate Trump? What revelation was more important for the election — Trump having sex a decade ago or Hillary’s fake dossier? It’s not even close.
It’s all a scam, folks. This is the Liberal Media Industrial Complex at work to punish Trump for daring to expose the corruption of the D.C. Swamp, the Deep State and the Democrat Party.
Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, entrepreneur, best-selling author, nationally syndicated talk show host on USA Radio Network and the host of “The Wayne Allyn Root Show” on Newsmax TV nightly at 8 p.m. ET. To find out more about Wayne Allyn Root and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com