Category: Political

Last Pro-Life Democrat in the U.S. House in Trouble as Recent Ratings Changes Confirm

by John Lopez

The first primary in 2022 is Texas on March 1, and in-person early voting began on Monday, February 14.

Like Illinois, Texas has an open primary election, and voter registration in Texas does not require the declaration of a political party for a registered voter, meaning any registered voter can vote in the primary of their choice on primary election day.

But unlike Illinois, Texas’ nominating primary is not winner-take-all. The winner of the primary must earn 50%+1 of the vote. … Continue Reading

GOP Must Apply Discernment when Nominating Challenger to Bill Foster in the 11th District

Written by John Lopez

Editor’s note:  Originally published on February 16, an additional candidate filing and other news in this race prompted the revision of this article.  Edited March 26 reflects the candidates who actually filed nominating petitions with the State Board of Elections. Edited April 3 upon the withdrawal of Juan “Johnny” Ramos on April 1.

The fight for control of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022 includes battleground districts in the state of Illinois. … Continue Reading

Media Hostile to Republicans While Democrats’ ‘Gaffes’ Ignored

Written by Robert Knight

If the lockstep media are good at anything, it’s repeating phrases out of context until they’re a mantra of shame.

This is done only to Republicans, of course. When Democrats commit awful misstatements, the media dismiss them as harmless “gaffes.”

By the way, if you think otherwise, you’re a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier,” as President Joe Biden said to a student. She was crushed, while the media gave Mr. Biden cover, saying he was only “joking.”… Continue Reading

Christian Conservatives Candidates Wanted, Needed

Written by David E. Smith

The self-government called for in the first sentence of the U.S. Constitution (“We the people”) doesn’t ever take a breather. With elections every two years in our state and nation, one election season ends and another begins. Primary election cycles give way to the General Election cycle whether in presidential years and elections for state constitutional offices or our local consolidated elections.

In the wake of two contrived impeachments against President Donald J.Continue Reading

The Dark Side of The Left’s Tyrannical ‘Democracy’

Written by Robert Knight

In the name of “democracy,” Democrats want to get rid of our current system of government.

That’s no small thing, given that the Constitution has held up for 240 years — longer than any other. The founders’ design of a federal republic with representative decision-making and checks and balances has ensured unparalleled freedom and prosperity, unlike “democratic people’s” regimes worldwide.

Some liberals are so angry at U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, West Virginia Democrat, for capsizing Joe Biden’s $5 trillion socialist Build Back Better bill that they want to do away with the U.S.… Continue Reading

I’m Done With The Democrats’ ‘Good Intentions’

Written by Robert Knight

I used to chalk up liberal policy failures to good intentions gone awry.

Having embraced liberalism in college, I thought it was the best way to help poor people. But as evidence mounted that it hurt them, I had to reassess. Many people also do that after taxes shred their paychecks, especially if they marry and have children.

This is one reason Democrats have been reflexively hostile to marriage, using the courts to redefine it.… Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton Should Apologize for the Biggest Political Hoax Since Titus Oates

Written by Michael Barone

It’s the biggest political hoax since Titus Oates’s allegations of a “Popish Plot” to assassinate King Charles II in 1678. Oates’s charge of a Jesuit conspiracy swept through London and led to the execution of four innocent men before Oates was proved a fraud.

The full consequences of the great political hoax of our time — the charge that former President Donald J. Trump was colluding with Russia — are not yet fully apparent.… Continue Reading

Democrats: Killing With Misinformation Since 1840

Written by Trevor Thomas

In 1840, item seven of the Democrat Party Platform read,

Resolved, That congress has no power, under the constitution, to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several states, and that such states are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs, not prohibited by the constitution; that all efforts by abolitionists or others, made to induce congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences, and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people, and endanger the stability and permanency of the union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend to our political institutions.

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American Marxism

Written by David Limbaugh

Most people sense that America is under assault by America-hating forces and worry that our freedoms are actually in jeopardy. Mark Levin‘s new book, “American Marxism,” confirms those fears, exposes the chilling aims and methods of these malicious groups, and provides a blueprint to restore America to a path of recovery.

Levin has a gift for distilling abstract ideas into understandable terms for lay consumption. I’ve personally written and discussed many of the ideas he addresses in this compelling book but had not considered the term “counterrevolution” to describe what we’re witnessing.… Continue Reading

Texas Democrats Walk Off Publicly Subsidized Jobs

Written by Nicholas J. Stojakovich

Let me see if I’ve got this right.

Texas State Democrats are filibustering by walking out and going to Washington D.C. to lobby Congress to get rid of the filibuster so that the federal government can take over their constitutional responsibilities by controlling elections in the state.

The legislation that they refer to as “voter suppression” actually expands voting, giving Texans more time, days, and opportunities to vote.

While ignoring their democratic, constitutional duties that they swore an oath to uphold, they claim that they are “taking a stand” for democracy by “walking out” on democracy in Texas.… Continue Reading