Category: Political

You Can Help Clean the Voter Rolls – Part 2

Written by Suzanne Rickman

If you read the article from a few months ago about how to remove yourself or a family member from the voter rolls, you learned that there is a form that makes self-removal pretty easy here in Illinois.

After reading that article you may have asked some obvious questions like these:

  • Is my deceased neighbor, grandparent, or friend still registered to vote?
  • Is my neighbor’s son who moved out of state 15 years ago still registered at his former Illinois address?
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SPOTLIGHT: A Springfield Update with David Curtin

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this edition of Spotlight, David Curtin, IFI’s Illinois General Assembly Lobbyist, gives insight into the coming legislative session.

One piece of legislation that is likely coming to Illinois is Assisted Suicide. Medical Aid in Dying, or Assisted Suicide, is authorized in states such as Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont, California, Colorado, Washington D.C., Hawaii, New Jersey, Main, and New Mexico.

According to the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine,

Excellent medical care, including state-of-the art palliative care, can address and help alleviate many sources of suffering.

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The Left’s Climate Fear-Mongering, Christian-Bashing, Race-Baiting Fever Dreams

Written by Robert Knight

Sometimes, you have to laugh at how obvious the leftists and their media have become in their quest to orchestrate “build back better.” When they’re not shoving irreversible surgery at vulnerable children or abusing the legal system to persecute a former president, they’re pushing the latest iteration of climate hysteria.

This past week, the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Dubai, of all places, released an agreement that calls for “transitioning away from fossil fuels,” which The Washington Post called “the root cause of the climate crisis.”… Continue Reading

Republicans Must Make Democrats Own Their Radical Politics

Written by Robert Knight

Left-wing lunacy should be Republicans’ best friend. Take California — please.

In Democratic-run Los Angeles, a fire from a homeless encampment got out of hand and caused enormous damage to an Interstate 10 overpass, closing the major freeway. It will be weeks before it can reopen to the roughly 300,000 commuters who use it daily.

In Democratic-run San Francisco, officials cleaned up just enough homeless tents, used needles, human excrement and garbage to give visiting Chinese leader Xi Jinping a Potemkin village experience during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit and his visit with President Joe Biden.… Continue Reading

GOP Must Go On The Offensive and Call Out Democrats’ Extremism to Win 2024 Elections

Written by Robert Knight

Most pundits credit the Democrats’ election victories last Tuesday to the nation’s apparently unquenchable lust for abortion.

They have a point.

Democrats kept the focus off potent issues such as crime, raging inflation, millions of illegal immigrants, the war on domestic energy production, and President Biden’s bizarre behavior.

Using abortion like a club, Democrats in Virginia flipped the state House and kept the Senate, albeit by paper-thin majorities. They kept control in Fairfax and Loudoun counties.… Continue Reading

You Can Help Clean Illinois Voter Rolls

This is the first of several articles we will be posting
on citizen involvement to clean the Illinois voter rolls.

Written by Suzanne Rickman

Ever wonder if you’re still registered to vote at a former address? Ever wonder if your name is possibly being used illegally by another to “vote?” Ever wonder how to find out, and remove yourself from the voter rolls at that former address?

Many of us here in Illinois have certainly pondered this possibility, but don’t know what to do, where to go, or who to call.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Fight for Free Speech with Pastor Stephen Lee

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

If we fear God, we fear nothing else. If we don’t fear God, we fear everything, and everyone else.

~Pastor Stephen Lee

This special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features an interview with Attorney David Shestokas and the charges that have been brought against his client, Pastor Stephen Lee.

Pastor Lee is the interim pastor of the Living Word Church in Orland Park, is a former police officer, and a former police chaplain.… Continue Reading

Even High Profile Democrats Claim That Voter Fraud Is A Major Problem

Written by David E. Smith

If you think that voter fraud is a fabricated issue, conjured up by Republicans who were desperate over the 2020 election results, then you need to watch the video at the end of this introduction.


One America News Network’s Pearson Sharp provides us a formidable lineup of Democrat—yes, Democrat—officials who all have sounded the alarm over the vulnerabilities of America’s voting machines. All at various points in time, Democrat politicians such as Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Amy Klobuchar, Adam Schiff, Ron Wyden, and many other government officials have warned Americans about the threat of hackers and foreign agents meddling in American elections. Continue Reading

Joe Biden’s Age Will Be an Issue in 2024

Written by Tim Graham

Associated Press reporters were blunt about their latest poll:

“Americans actually agree on something in this time of raw discord: Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president in a second term.”

In the poll, fully 77% said Biden is too old to be effective for four more years, as he would turn 86 in the White House. Naturally, 89% of Republicans agreed — but so did 69% of Democrats and, most importantly for the general election, 74% of independents.… Continue Reading

GOP POTUS Debaters Failed To Paint The Big Picture

Written by Robert Knight

I caught the Republican debate on Wednesday. By the time you read this, it will have been analyzed to death. But here’s my take.

Some did better than others (Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, and former Gov. Nikki Haley). Vivek Ramaswamy stole the show with his outsider pizazz and snappy answers. A little too snappy perhaps, such as his below-the-belt crack that he was the only candidate not “bought and paid for.”… Continue Reading