Posts tagged: election fraud

Too Big to Rig

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

“We want a landslide that is TOO BIG TO RIG.” – President Donald Trump

As many recall, the 2020 election results came as a shock. Logically, the results did not make sense.

Sure enough, only days after the election was called, fraud allegations were circulating on social media and conservative networks.

The burning question was this: Was the election stolen?

In response to this question, The Heartland Institute, a free-market platform, sponsored a Rasmussen Poll that surveyed 1,085 voters from Nov 30th through December 6th of 2023, releasing the results on December 13th.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Fight for Free Speech with Pastor Stephen Lee

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

If we fear God, we fear nothing else. If we don’t fear God, we fear everything, and everyone else.

~Pastor Stephen Lee

This special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features an interview with Attorney David Shestokas and the charges that have been brought against his client, Pastor Stephen Lee.

Pastor Lee is the interim pastor of the Living Word Church in Orland Park, is a former police officer, and a former police chaplain.… Continue Reading

Real Threats to Democracy Still Come From the Left

Written by David Limbaugh

A dark cloud looms over the United States today — a storm cloud of tyranny. All the rest is noise — a diversion.

If self-congratulatory pats on the back could cause skin damage, Trump haters would have leprosy. Having been on a witch hunt to burn him at the impeachment stake since he took office, they believe they are vindicated forevermore.

But apart from their brutal mistreatment of President Donald Trump from the beginning through their coordinated and malicious hoaxes that incidentally rejected lawful election results (in 2016), and apart from the question of whether they have some legitimate complaints against him, this is still not mainly about him.… Continue Reading

The Night the Rights Went out in Georgia

Written by Tony Perkins

What Americans witnessed on November 3rd didn’t just happen. A lot of people don’t remember, but the seeds for this election mess were planted way back in 2018 when Democrats won the House. The coronavirus didn’t hurt, of course, but the cheat was on long before Joe Biden was nominated. Why does that matter? Because — the president’s attorneys warn — if Republicans don’t keep fighting, the damage to our democracy is here to stay.… Continue Reading

Things That Make You Wonder About Trump’s “Loss”

Written by Micah Clark

Few media outlets are significantly reporting the President’s legal arguments or questions surrounding the stalled counts in several swing states that moved from Trump to Biden in the wee hours of the morning after Election Day. Most of the media could not care less about election fraud and want the President to concede right now, even though they had no such calls during Al Gore’s 37-day court fight after the 2000 election.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: How To Swing an Election, Illinois Style

Written by David E. Smith

Two hundred and two years after achieving statehood, Illinois – the Land of Lincoln – is more commonly associated with political and electoral corruption than with Honest Abe. Voter fraud is a sad reality that few people are willing to stand against, but, thankfully for Illinois, Carol Davis, chairman of Illinois Conservative Union, is fighting for a fair and honest election process.

Carol Davis joins Monte Larrick to discuss President Trump’s refusal to concede the election and disturbing voting irregularities in specific cities and states.… Continue Reading

“How To Swing an Election, Illinois Style” (Illinois Family Spotlight #225)

Two hundred and two years after achieving statehood, Illinois – the Land of Lincoln – is more commonly associated with political and electoral corruption than with Honest Abe. Voter fraud is a sad reality that few people are willing to stand against, but, thankfully for Illinois, Carol Davis, chairman of Illinois Conservative Union, is fighting for a fair and honest election process.

Carol Davis joins Monte Larrick to discuss President Trump’s refusal to concede the election and disturbing voting irregularities in specific cities and states.… Continue Reading

Election Integrity- “I See Dead People Voting”

Written by Jerry Newcombe

[This week we celebrate] the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Compact (November 11, 1620)—the document that initiated American democracy that culminated in the Constitution and our freedoms. Is that Constitution at risk.

This is not a banana republic. This is the United States of America.

Election integrity is at risk. How this is resolved may well determine what kind of a country we become and what kind of a legacy we leave for our children and posterity.… Continue Reading

“Election Fraud and Christian Patience” (Illinois Family Spotlight #224)

Written by David E. Smith

A week has passed since the general election and still, questions loom – among them, who and why? Election fraud has left the outcome of the presidential race (as well as other national and state contests) up in the air, and serious doubts remain as to the integrity of the voting and tabulating process. Many Christians are also wondering why God has allowed such confusion to happen and where is He in the midst of this political mess.… Continue Reading