Category: Political

An Inquiry into Reparations: Who will pay Whom?

Written by Edward R. Straka, MA

At first blush, one may think that “reparations” are entirely something that has arisen with the context of 21st century American politics, but this is incorrect. The legal concept has been around for quite some time going back centuries here in America and even further in other countries.

Yet to simplify our current discussion, we will focus on the American examples of it, and future demands for it. Equally, we will define it to get our terms correct:


A repairing or keeping in repair

B reparations plural REPAIRS

2 a the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury

bsomething done or given as amends or satisfaction[i]

Historically, the first example of “reparations” in America was in the year 1773 and involved a kidnapping case of one man (white) and another man (molatto).… Continue Reading

Biden Isn’t Going To Make It

Written by Peter Heck

Something dawned on me a few weeks ago. I am far more intrigued and interested in writing about and discussing the frustrations and failures I perceive occurring within the modern Republican Party than I am the absolute fecal show that exists on the left side of the American political spectrum.

Having committed itself to a policy agenda facilitating the destruction of human life, human nature, and the human family, the modern Democrat Party has disqualified itself from serious moral consideration to men and women of a grounded moral conscience.… Continue Reading

Are Conservative Christians Too Political?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week, as we watched the unfolding stories of illegal immigrants beating police in New York, chaos on our southern border, and the Middle East teetering on the edge of World War III, one of the most insidious bits of news that might have escaped your attention is called “the after party.”

What is this “after party,” you ask? It’s a curriculum funded by Democratic billionaires that “evangelicals” such as David French and Russell Moore are promoting in churches across the country.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Conversation with Darren Bailey

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Spotlight, IFI’s Executive Director, David Smith, sits down with Darren Bailey.

Darren Bailey is a former state representative for the 109th district in Southern Illinois, and is now running for U.S. Congress for the purpose of fighting for Southern families, defending the Second Amendment, Protecting the Sanctity of Life, Demanding Border Security, and much more.

In this conversation, David Smith focuses on the issue of border security and asks Bailey what he would do to ensure the safety of the southern border.… Continue Reading

Exposing Deep State Corruption – Illinois State Board of Elections Outed?

Written by Nancy Hayes

Illinois Republican candidate Adam Niemerg was removed from the ballot for the upcoming March primary due to failure to “properly notarize his statement of candidacy.”

This was ruled a failure on Niemerg’s part to fulfill his obligation under the Illinois Notary Act.

Recently, two citizens asked the Illinois State Board of Elections to follow these same statutes for Joe Biden for President. It appears that like Niemerg, Biden is also in violation of the Illinois Notary Act for failure to “properly notarize his statement of candidacy.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Encouragement from Joe Schiedler

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Spotlight features the legacy of Joe Schiedler, who passed away at the age of 93.

Joe Schiedler leaves a 50 year legacy of peaceful, pro-life activism that took him around the nation and the world. Schiedler and his wife, Anne, co-founded the Chicago based Pro-Life Action League, and he authored Closed: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion and Racketeer for Life.

Back in 2017, IFI hosted a Pro-Life Forum where Joe Schiedler reflected on his work and his calling in the pro-life movement.… Continue Reading

Raja Krishnamoorthi and the CCP

Written by Paul Hurst

Upon reading a recent article in The Diplomat, written by Illinois Democrat Congressman, Raja Krishnamoorthi, I wanted to present some analysis and context to what he shared.

Congressman Krishnamoorthi was considering whether competing with the Chinese Communist Party meant “kicking it when it’s down.” His answer was, “No,” and he instead offered up his 4 Ps of “people, production, partnerships, and protection” and advocated for American “self-examination.”

Let’s unpack this.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Christians, Politics & A Springfield Update

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Spotlight the IFI Forum for pastors & leaders, hosted by the Spirit of Liberty Church of God in Markham, IL.

In the first segment of this episode, IFI’s Executive Director, David Smith, explains why Christians should be active in politics, public policies, and the 40 Days for Life campaigns that operate outside of abortion facilities. In his speech, David Smith emphasizes the first three words of the Constitution: “We the people…”

We have lots of opportunities as American citizens.

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Creation or Chaos? It’s Up to You to Decide Come November

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Creatio ex nihilo is a Latin phrase used to describe a central theological point of Christianity. It’s an axiom that captures the first event of Genesis: “In the beginning, God created.”

It says it is God and God alone who can take nothing and turn it into something. He’s the one who sets the field and draws the boundaries. He’s the one who puts the goals in place. He is responsible for the rules and the definitions.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ One-Party Tyranny is The Real Meaning of ‘Saving Democracy’

Written by Robert Knight

The Democrats’ plan to “save democracy” is pretty clear.

Their first order of business is to defeat former President Donald J. Trump by any means possible, wielding the legal system like a stiletto.

The second is to get rid of as many election integrity safeguards as possible. More about that in a moment, with Virginia as a striking example.

Mr. Trump, whose momentum toward the GOP nomination may be unstoppable, is being hounded on absurd charges by Democratic prosecutors in Democratic-run courts in four jurisdictions with jury pools dominated by Democrats.… Continue Reading