SPOTLIGHT: Christians, Politics & A Springfield Update

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Spotlight the IFI Forum for pastors & leaders, hosted by the Spirit of Liberty Church of God in Markham, IL.

In the first segment of this episode, IFI’s Executive Director, David Smith, explains why Christians should be active in politics, public policies, and the 40 Days for Life campaigns that operate outside of abortion facilities. In his speech, David Smith emphasizes the first three words of the Constitution: “We the people…”

We have lots of opportunities as American citizens. We have this gift of self-government and a Constitution where we can exercise our freedom of speech… Where we can be politically active, socially active, where we can be sidewalk counselors…

The second segment of this episode features a legislative update from IFI’s Springfield Lobbyist, David Curtin.

This is an episode you won’t want to miss.

Listen to “Christians, Politics & A Springfield Update” anywhere you find podcasts, or click the link below!

If you are interested in learning more about 40 Days for Life, CLICK HERE.