Category: Federal Elections

Democrats’ Excessiveness Will Backfire

Written by David Limbaugh

How many times do Democrats get to cry wolf before a rational body politic tells them to go fly a kite? Instead of retreating with tails between their legs over their failed Russia hoax, they’re at it again.

Did any Democrats leading the false charge that President Donald J. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election ever apologize for putting the country through this nightmare? Did any of their media water carriers ever backpedal from their anti-Trump sensationalism?… Continue Reading

Denial of Reality Could Become a Democratic Campaign Slogan

Written by Dr. Everett Piper 

On Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump for allegedly asking the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden. U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy responded: “Facts be damned. Democrats are insisting this is their moment to impeach President Trump. Speaker Pelosi’s decree changes nothing.”

And, thus, without even intending it, Mr. McCarthy just stumbled into what will be the campaign slogan for the Democratic Party from now until November 2020.… Continue Reading

Buttigieg Distorts Logic and Scripture on Abortion

Written by David Limbaugh

Perhaps Mayor Pete Buttigieg would have a better shot at appealing to Christian voters if he would not go to such extreme lengths to contort Scripture to rationalize his party’s abominable stance on abortion.

The Democratic presidential candidate openly expresses his Christian faith and was the first candidate to hire a national faith outreach director. He believes political conservatism is less compatible with Christianity than political liberalism.

Buttigieg says the GOP likes “to cloak itself in their language of religion” and accuses Republicans of hypocrisy for their alleged callousness about family separations at the border.… Continue Reading

Climate Change and the Democrats

Written by R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

Climate change is one of those issues that the bien-pensants around the world all agree upon. We must act! If we do not act, people will lose their beach houses. Plants will wither and die. Birds will fall from the sky. Just last week, whole communities in the Caribbean were swept away.

There are, however, problems with eliminating or ameliorating climate change. For one thing, modern technology cannot seem to keep up with people’s ability to dream.… Continue Reading

Democrats Once Again Embrace Population Control to Save the Planet

Written by Stephen Moore

Is the left once again embracing Malthusian population control in order to save the planet?

Of all the preposterous proposals put forward by the Democratic presidential candidates during the CNN climate change town hall meeting last week, the dumbest wasn’t outlawing plastic straws, incandescent light bulbs or air travel. It wasn’t the contention that climate change is the globe’s greatest threat since World War II. It wasn’t even the fantastical hypothesis that hurricanes are racist because they target “communities of color” more than white areas.… Continue Reading

Stone-Age Democrats Are Crazy With the Heat

Written by David Limbaugh

If you’re a political conservative, don’t feel so picked on by the Stalinist Democratic Party. It doesn’t allow dissent among its own ranks either, being the party of the ideological straitjacket.

In watching some of the clips from the Democratic climate change marathon, I was struck by how willing each candidate was to grovel and play dumb to retain favor with the crazy leftist base. And that should tell us all we need to know about how dangerous this party is for America.… Continue Reading

Democrats Put Their Faith in the Faithless

Written by Robert Knight

Democrats can’t seem to figure out whether they want to use the government to drive Christianity underground or just replace the biblical version with fake Christianity.

These aren’t mutually exclusive goals; either one brings America closer to a secular, socialist state whose unofficial religion is atheism.

Democratic presidential contenders like former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, New Jersey U.S. Senator Cory Booker, California U.S. Senator Kamala Harris and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg invoke Christianity to shill for taxpayer-funded, unrestricted abortion and the family values of Sodom, plus confiscation of wealth and redistribution.  … Continue Reading

Pocahontas’ Worst Lie

Written by Robert Knight

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has again apologized – sort of – for lying about being an American Indian back when it helped advance her academic legal career.

At a Native American presidential forum in Sioux City, Iowa last week, the Massachusetts Democrat framed her prevarications as a mistake:

“I want to say this, like anyone who’s been honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes. I am sorry for harm that I have caused.

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Five New GOP Women to Watch in 2020

Written by Carol Davis

It’s a great time to be a woman in Congress — if you’re a Democrat.

Women make up nearly a quarter of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate with 127 voting members, the highest percentage in history. Only 21 of these members are Republican. That’s one Republican woman for every six Democratic women serving in Congress. In last year’s historic midterms, the number of Republican women in Congress actually decreased.

I’ve never been a fan of identity politics, but I understand from experience that identity matters, whether one likes it or not.… Continue Reading

Joe Walsh’s Misguided Self-Serving Candidacy

Written by David E. Smith and John Biver

Some Illinoisans wonder how Joe Walsh morphed from a Trump-supporter into a Trump-hater so intense he’s decided to run against Trump in the 2020 primaries. What strikes many as odd about Walsh’s transformation is that Trump has accomplished much of what he promised and has governed more conservatively than many expected.

Perhaps Walsh, like other Trump-haters, paid too much attention to Trump’s tweets and too little attention to all the good Trump has accomplished for the American people, including record low unemployment among blacks and Hispanics, good judicial appointments, deregulation, moving the U.S.… Continue Reading