Written by Laura Hollis
The political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be as unpredictable as the virus itself, and as potentially monumental as the financial losses it has caused. Although the November election is still almost five months away, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading the charge for states to have mandatory mail-in ballots, purportedly in the interests of public safety.
Some people — including the ever-vocal President Donald Trump — view mandatory mail-in voting as a prescription for widespread voter fraud.… Continue Reading
Tags: Ballot harvesting, Barack Obama, Coronavirus, COVID–19, Department of Justice, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, J. Christian Adams, Jessica Huseman, Nancy Pelosi, photo ID, ProPublica, Public Interest Legal Foundation, Twitter, vote by mail, Voter Fraud
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
May 28, 2020 6:00 AM |
Comments Off on Lack of Vote-Integrity Measures Disenfranchises Voters

Written by John Biver
Here’s a recent headline from the Washington Examiner: “Just 4 in 10 confident vote will be counted accurately.” In the article, Paul Bedard reports that some “elections experts have raised questions about the accuracy of computerized voting systems.” One expert even admitted “that manipulating the total vote count in states is ‘child’s play.’”
Bedard cited a recent study:
Americans are almost evenly divided over what constitutes the more significant problem with U.S.
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