Category: Federal Issues

GOP Governors Must Repel The Invasion

Written by Daniel Horowitz

It’s unparalleled in human history. No other sovereign nation has ever voluntarily invited millions upon millions of invaders, primarily young men, to line up at the border and march into the country. With over 140,000 estimated illegal aliens just in the past two weeks (which would be an annual flow of 3.7 million) – even before the official rescission of Title 42 on Thursday – we are out of time to stop this invasion through traditional means.… Continue Reading

A Fight For Our First Amendment Rights!

Written by Nancy Hayes

The RESTRICT ACT combined with Albert Sensors….What could possibly go wrong?

Most of us remember this famous Ronald Reagan quote: “The most horrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.

Unfortunately, the government doesn’t always tell us what we SHOULD know, but rather what they THINK we should know or what they WANT us to hear.


SPOTLIGHT: A Conversation with Allen West

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Lt. Colonel Allen West at the 2023 Black Conservative Summit. Allen West is the executive director of the American Constitutional Rights Union, is a constitutional conservative, former member of Congress, and combat veteran.

In this interview, Colonel West speaks on the issues of military competence, international security, border control, and a plethora of domestic issues. West capitalizes on the issue of corruption in the federal government and states,

We have to get back to constitutional governance, which means that laws are made by a legislative branch.

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Biden’s Idea of ‘Freedom’ Should Frighten Every Liberty-Loving American

Written by Robert Knight

In this week’s column, I was going to summarize President Biden’s reelection video from last Tuesday. But George Orwell did it 74 years ago.

Big Brother’s slogan in the 1949 novel “1984” mirrors our sunglass-sporting “unity” president. Everything he says is the polar opposite of the truth.

As violent imagery flashes by, he says: “The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom.… Continue Reading

Media’s Hits Continues To Delegitimize SCOTUS

Written by David Harsanyi

As with ProPublica’s recent smear of Clarence Thomas, there’s a lot of excitement across the left-wing Twittersphere over a Politico hit on Neil Gorsuch. But even as a transparent piece of partisan propaganda, it is poorly conceived.

Politico kicks off the piece, “Law firm head bought Gorsuch-owned property,” with a purposefully deceptive claim: “For nearly two years beginning in 2015, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch sought a buyer for a 40-acre tract of property he co-owned in rural Granby, Colo.”… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Cruz Grills Secretary Mayorkas On His Failure To Protect America

Written by Gabriel Syme

Government officials go before U.S. Senate Committees all the time to testify about various things. When they do so, they are expected to answer the questions posed to them by our elected officials – that is the purpose of such inquiries. But lately, we have increasingly seen Democrats stonewall, obfuscate, and demonstrate an outright inability to answer basic questions about their respective jobs. A prime example of this is when U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) recently questioned the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, about the disaster that is the United States’ southern border.… Continue Reading

Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Game-Changing Medical Freedom Bill

Written by Daniel Horowitz

There is no life or liberty so long as our health care is controlled by an artificial government-created cartel. Endless government programs, regulations, subsidies, and market distortions have created a monopoly of health care providers and health care insurers. Government tax policies tether health care to medical insurance and medical insurance to place of employment, while boxing out the patient from being the true consumer. As we saw with COVID, this monopoly is not only a problem with costs, but has deadly consequences, as the government was able to channel tyranny and dangerous protocols through a narrow network of health care administrators, while censoring the few remaining independent practice physicians questioning the narrative.… Continue Reading

Ranked Choice Voting Will Exasperate Our “Crisis of Confidence”

Written by Carol Davis

Among many Americans, there is a “crisis of confidence” in our nation’s election processes and procedures. The myriad of problems that have been exposed in recent election cycles have only added to that crisis. How can we encourage Americans to continue to cast their ballots if they think their votes don’t count? As someone who has been both on the frontlines and behind the scenes in America’s elections for over a decade, I’m grateful to say I’m more encouraged now than ever.… Continue Reading

Why Did Speaker McCarthy Keep Pelosi’s House ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ Office?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Is it too much to ask that nearly 250 years after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, we finally treat people equally?

For decades, Republicans have engaged in a drag race with Democrats to pander to the gods of “diversity” and affirmative action rather than supporting a pure meritocracy in which all public policy and legal decisions are 100% blind to the physical identity of a human being. However, over the past few years, there has finally been a great awakening among conservatives, largely impelled by the radical push for “critical race theory” and “diversity, equity, and inclusion” programs, to shed their fear of being called names and rather pursue truth, equality, and justice in a color-blind meritocracy.… Continue Reading

Biden Is Vilifying Efforts To Protect Children

Written by Robert Knight

I had thought that President Joe Biden could not sink any lower than his bitter, Third Reich-style speech on Sept. 1, 2022, at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall. That’s when he projected himself as a sweet angel of light while labeling MAGA Republicans as “extremist” and a “threat to democracy.”

But Mr. Biden outdid himself last Monday on “The Daily Show.” He came out for sexually mutilating children, disparaging those who would stand in the way of such horrors.… Continue Reading