The Next IL GOP Chair Will Be…

Written by David E. Smith and David E. Curtin

The Illinois Republican State Central Committee (SCC) will be meeting tomorrow to consider how to fill the vacancy left by Chairman Don Tracy, who resigned in June. We are only aware of a couple of candidates who are up for consideration. Of course, we want to see someone who is fully committed to uphold the planks on the sanctity of human life, marriage, family, immigration security and religious liberty.… Continue Reading

Biden, Democrats, and Landing a Plane

Written by David Curtin

What with the free-falling Biden fiasco and what’s going on at the national level with our presidential election, it’s pretty easy to lose sight of other important issues we should be talking about. But that’s what happening (temporarily) because something big did happen at the national level. It’s a watershed moment where we’re all paying attention, even as we enjoy our summer. No doubt the presidential election was already a “big” deal and obviously was getting bigger each day as we marched toward Nov.… Continue Reading

Pro-Life/Pro-Family/Parents Rights in GOP Platform

Written by Paul Caprio

It is our understanding that the RNC is considering a national platform without mentioning pro-life, pro-family, or parents’ rights issues. That would be a major mistake. Here is why:

Pro-Life Catholics and evangelical Christians make up the largest single GOP voting bloc. Many are low frequency GOP voters, if they vote at all. In 2016 and 2020, evangelical Christians voted for President Donald Trump at a rate of 75-78 percent, according to most post-election polls.… Continue Reading

The Media Skipped the Democrat Warning of Biden’s Mental Decline

Written by Tim Graham

As the Democrats struggle among themselves over President Joe Biden’s declining mental state and his declining poll numbers, it did not have to end up at this impasse. The Democrats and all their “mainstream” media enablers who claim they love democracy didn’t want any serious or rigorous primary challenge for Biden.

Is it possible that Democrats are still haunted by Ted Kennedy challenging President Jimmy Carter in 1980? The parallels between Carter and Biden on foreign fecklessness and domestic inflation are obvious.… Continue Reading

Seven Years Ago Climate Scientists Warned the Maldives Were Disappearing. Guess What?

Written by Peter Heck

I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. From a recent New York Times piece, spectacularly entitled, “A Surprising Climate Find:”

‘I’m confident that there’ll be islands in the Maldives’ 50 or 100 years from now, one of the researchers on the team, Paul Kench, told me while we were on Dhigulaabadhoo. ‘They’re not going to look like these islands; they’re going to be different. But there will be land here.’

Just a casual admission that those islands the climate change cult said were going to disappear aren’t going to be disappearing after all.Continue Reading

Calvin Coolidge on The Declaration of Independence

The following text is perhaps one of the most insightful appreciations of the Declaration ever pronounced. President Calvin Coolidge gave this speech in Philadelphia on July 5, 1926, marking the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. We hope you will find it encouraging.

‘If All Men Are Created Equal, That Is Final’

“If we are to maintain the great heritage which has been bequeathed to us,
we must be like-minded as the fathers who created it.”
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Children Do Best When They Have a Mother and Father Bound to Each Other in Marriage

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Progressives frequently point fingers at those who disagree with them, calling them deplorables, Bible-thumping rubes and science deniers. Yet without fail, our accusers rarely provide any evidence to support their claims. The leftists’ call to “respect the science,” i.e., look at the obvious empirical evidence, almost always works against them rather than for them and their utopian schemes.

This is true across the spectrum of the current political debate. Be it inflation, foreign policy, immigration, racism, the efficacy of masks, climate change or gender identity, when we look at the empirical data relevant to any of these topics, the science screams that progressives are wrong and conservatives have been right all along.… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Missed Opportunity to Uphold Freedom of Speech

Written by Robert Knight

The U.S. Supreme Court works in strange and mysterious ways.

It can enrage the progressive left with a solidly constitutional ruling like Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022), which overturned Roe v. Wade and sent the issue of abortion to the states.

But it can also amaze and frustrate conservatives, as when it refused before and after the 2020 election to review Pennsylvania officials’ unconstitutional changes to election procedures.

“We failed to settle this dispute before the election and thus provide clear rules.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden: 2024 Democratic Nominee or One Term Has-Been?

Written by David E. Smith

In the wake of Thursday’s Presidential Debate between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, pundits on both side of the political spectrum agreed that President Biden’s mental acuity, weak voice and stammering and halting answers were alarming. Makes one wonder just who is behind the curtain in the White House making decisions.

Prior to this debate, there may have been some whispers in the wind about replacing Biden as the pro-abortion Democratic nominee, but those whispers are now being spoken loudly by political strategists and analysts on cable TV and news talk radio.… Continue Reading

There’s a Charlottesville Every Week, and Joe Biden Is Fine With It

Written by David Harsanyi

Not long ago, Snopes, a left-wing “fact-checking” site, finally admitted that Donald Trump had never called the neo-Nazis who marched at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017 “very fine people.”

For years, Democrats, including President Joe Biden, have repeated this false claim. Indeed, Biden, who’s been running for the presidency since 1987, ludicrously told the press in 2019 that the events in Charlottesville, and Trump’s alleged reaction, inspired him to run in 2020.… Continue Reading