Posts tagged: Tammy Duckworth

Democratic U.S. Senators Refuse to Ban De Facto Infanticide

Written by Laurie Higgins

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act was just defeated because we don’t have enough U.S. senators who oppose infanticide. The vote was 53 in favor and 44 opposed—including 2020 presidential hopefuls Booker, Gillibrand, Harris, Klobuchar, Sanders, and Warren—falling 7 votes short of the 60 needed to pass. Illinoisans should take note that both our senators, Durbin and Duckworth, voted against banning de facto infanticide. This exposes the repugnant and pernicious moral degeneracy of many in our ruling class.… Continue Reading

Republicans Ignore Abortion as a Wedge Issue

Written by Cal Skinner
McHenry County Blog – Former Illinois State Representative

In 2010 State Senator Bill Brady (R-Bloomington) lost the gubernatorial race to Pat Quinn by 31,834 votes–less than one percentage point. Brady took a pounding from the pro-abortion Personal PAC’s television ads starting in early August.

Unlike Bill Clinton in his 1992 contest against George Bush, Brady never responded when he was attacked. On the abortion issue, he stood there like a punching bag and took the blows.… Continue Reading

Pat Brady Appointed to IL GOP Platform Committee


Written by John Biver

A couple of Illinois political friends and I have been joking for many years about the old saying “it can’t get any worse.” For the Illinois Republican Party, that saying has never been true. Things continually get worse, and failed party leaders are to blame.

One of those failed party leaders has just been appointed to an important post by the 6th District’s State Central Committeeman Brian Colgan, who formerly worked for Senator Mark Kirk and before that Congresswoman Judy Biggert.… Continue Reading

U.S. Rep. Dold Has Money Edge in 10th District Rematch


Written by Russ Stewart

In Washington, D.C., “safe” is every politician’s, lobbyist’s and campaign fund-raiser’s favorite four-letter word, physically and politically, especially in the U.S. House, where the Republicans hold a 245-188 majority (with two vacancies).

Of the 435 seats up for election in 2016, according to nonpartisan prognosticators like the Rothenberg and Gonzales Political Report, Rollcall, Sabato’s Crystal Ball and the Cook Political Report, only 32 are “in play,” which means susceptible to a party switch next year.… Continue Reading

The Weak Link in the GOP Senate Majority?


Senator Kirk and the GOP need to think hard about what happens next.

Written by John Fund

Illinois U.S. Senator Mark Kirk has won a lot of respect for his gritty recovery from a serious stroke in 2012. But his fellow Republicans worry that his recent political and verbal stumbles make him the most vulnerable GOP incumbent up for reelection in 2016 in a state Barack Obama won with 58 percent of the vote in 2012.… Continue Reading

The ERA and Mark Kirk, Quisling Extraordinaire


Written by Laurie Higgins

Another day, another notch in the “Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned” belt that is squeezing the life out of conservatives: Mark Kirk has hocked another loogie in the spittle-splashed faces of conservatives who held their noses and helped elect him. He, along with U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), has introduced a resolution to remove the ratification deadline for the Equal Rights Amendment, which has long since passed.

This comes on the heels of his shameless pandering to homosexual activists at a marriage-deconstruction rally in front of the U.S.… Continue Reading

Robin Kelly Gets Serious About Run Against RINO Mark Kirk


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According to Roll Call, Illinois Congresswoman Robin Kelly met with the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee about a possible U.S. Senate bid against Mark Kirk, who is considered the most vulnerable senator in 2016.

If Kelly, who is black, enters the race, she’d face a primary against fellow Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who entered the race a month ago. Democrats say Duckworth, who is disabled, offers a real challenge to Kirk, who is also disabled after a stroke in 2012.… Continue Reading

U.S. Reps. Duckworth & Schneider Denounce Hobby Lobby Decision


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U.S. Representative Brad Schneider (D-Linconshire) is very upset about the U.S. Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision and now is asking those who agree with him to sign a petition in protest.

Most online people realize a petition is simply a ploy to build a database for the November election, but Schneider’s outreach on the topic clearly affirms he is more concerned about protecting government-funded birth control than protecting his constituents’ religious freedoms.

The same is true of his colleague U.S.

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