Posts tagged: Robert Mueller

“Insurrection” vs. Numerous Subversions of the American Left

Written by Trevor Thomas

With U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s release of thousands of hours of Capitol surveillance video footage to Tucker Carlson, and Carlson’s subsequent airing of the footage on his popular FOX News show, it’s more clear now than ever: What the American left did to Trump, on COVID, on crime (especially the ANTIFA/BLM riots), at the border, and the like, was FAR worse than anything that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.… Continue Reading

‘Explainer’ Articles Insist Nobody ‘Spied’ on Trump

Written by Tim Graham

There’s a second wave of media reaction to John Durham‘s latest filing on the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation. The first wave was silence, hoping somehow the whole story would vanish. Now the second wave is “Explainers,” which attempt to hem and haw defensively through the whole business.

The Associated Press “Explainer” was headlined “How the latest Trump-Russia filing generated buzz.” This article was sent to me on Twitter by a fellow who apparently hates Donald Trump with the energy of a thousand suns, so that illustrates the type of people who eagerly share these dismissive articles.… Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton Should Apologize for the Biggest Political Hoax Since Titus Oates

Written by Michael Barone

It’s the biggest political hoax since Titus Oates’s allegations of a “Popish Plot” to assassinate King Charles II in 1678. Oates’s charge of a Jesuit conspiracy swept through London and led to the execution of four innocent men before Oates was proved a fraud.

The full consequences of the great political hoax of our time — the charge that former President Donald J. Trump was colluding with Russia — are not yet fully apparent.… Continue Reading

Biden Corruption Runs Through Ukraine, Russia, and China

Written by Robert Knight

You know something’s up when the media bury a story that would have been a no-brainer for Page One if the subject was a Republican.

A new U.S. Senate report exposes shocking corruption involving Hunter Biden, who made millions in Ukraine at the natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, when his father, Vice President Joe Biden, was President Obama’s Ukraine point man.

We’ve long known some of this, but the sheer scope of the influence peddling and sums involved are stunning.… Continue Reading

The Democrats’ Election Interference Projection

Written by David Limbaugh

You know what doesn’t pass the smell test in the Democrats’ sham impeachment crusade? Their main beef is that President Donald Trump abused his power to interfere with a presidential election (2020), yet that’s all they have been doing for the last three years.

Interference with a presidential election (2016) was also their allegation with the Russia-collusion hoax. Oh, my, how they revere the integrity of the election process.

Remember U.S. Rep.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Excessiveness Will Backfire

Written by David Limbaugh

How many times do Democrats get to cry wolf before a rational body politic tells them to go fly a kite? Instead of retreating with tails between their legs over their failed Russia hoax, they’re at it again.

Did any Democrats leading the false charge that President Donald J. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election ever apologize for putting the country through this nightmare? Did any of their media water carriers ever backpedal from their anti-Trump sensationalism?… Continue Reading

The Worm Has Turned on the Democrats

Written by David Limbaugh

The Democrats and their media colluders are belching last gasps of impotent protest as their dreams of interfering with the 2016 presidential election come to a screeching halt.

Through forlorn partisan lenses, they have watched the Mueller report, their joyride vehicle on the glorious highway to impeachment, spring four flat tires, all because of nails they placed on the road themselves.

As we watch the mainstream media grow hysterically strident, and the insolent U.S.… Continue Reading

Cognitive Bias and the Democrats

Written by Walker Wildmon

According to, “a cognitive bias is a mistake in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or other cognitive process, often occurring as a result of holding onto one’s preferences and beliefs regardless of contrary information. Psychologists study cognitive biases as they relate to memory, reasoning, and decision-making.”

The modern day Democratic Party seems to be full of members who struggle with a form of cognitive bias. Look at their behavior.

For over two years, Democrats have accused President Donald J.Continue Reading

Does the Media Deserve to Be Respected and Believed?

Written by Michael Barone

Is it true that Donald Trump’s bad habits are contagious? Is it true that his Democratic opponents and, even more, his critics in the press are increasingly given to terminological inexactitudes, if not downright lies?

Sure looks like it. Last week, large parts of the press — we’re looking at you, CNN and MSNBC — were gleefully reporting and commenting on the BuzzFeed story about President Trump having allegedly ordered his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to members of special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s staff.… Continue Reading

The Four Pillars of the D.C. Swamp: Part 2

Written by Walker Wildmon

There are four pillars of the Swamp in Washington, D.C. Each of these pillars works against the American people and President Trump’s agenda.

The legislative branch and judicial branch are the first two pillars; they are discussed here in Part 1 of this blog series. Each institution, in its original form, was created for good. Now, these once good institutions have been remade into something that has and continues to hurt our country.… Continue Reading