Posts tagged: Loretta Lynch

The Russia Collusion Hoax

Written by Michael Barone

The report of special counsel John Durham is, or ought to be, devastating for anyone who has put any credence in what has now been definitively revealed to be the Russia collusion hoax.

With a painstaking examination of the evidence (1,753 footnotes!), Durham establishes conclusively that there was no basis for the FBI to have begun its Crossfire Hurricane investigation of ties between the Trump campaign and Russia in July 2016. The Bureau acted on “raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence” and without checking with intelligence entities.… Continue Reading

The Mother of All Scandals

Written by David Prentice

There is an answer to Hillary’s question, “What Happened?”

And yes, it should be considered a dumb question rather than a book title.  But the short answer to her question is:  She fooled almost the entire left, for over two decades.  Oh wait, that was a book title, not a question.

And therein lies her biggest problem.  She’s not really asking the question as she should be, she’s not reflecting.  Instead, she’s wagging a finger and blaming everyone else for her loss.… Continue Reading

The Power of Lawlessness


Written by Robert Knight

Moral anarchy takes many forms.

It can percolate upward, when petty crimes are ignored by the authorities.

This used to happen routinely under progressive leadership in New York City, where litter, graffiti and boorish public behavior signaled the real and present danger of more serious crimes like muggings, murders and rapes.

Beginning with policing minor violations, crime-busting U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani restored order while serving as New York’s mayor from 1994 to 2001.… Continue Reading

The Stupidity of the Left


Written by Bruce Walker

The lame excuse a sitting attorney general gave for meeting privately with the husband of a prime FBI suspect who was himself a possible target of investigation reveals, if we needed more revelation, the mental vacuity and profound ignorance of leftism.  Anyone familiar with the cognitive degradation of Marxism can see the pattern.

When the Bolsheviks first came to power, there were some bright, though of course wicked, minds: Lenin, Bukharin, Trotsky. … Continue Reading

Totalitolerance Unleashed


Written by Robert Knight

Ever notice how threats of force invariably follow the Left’s pleas for “tolerance?”

Let’s call this criminalization of dissent “totalitolerance.”  This term has been around since at least 2013, but it deserves wider circulation, given the ferocity and frequency of progressive attacks on free speech.

In California, Attorney General Kamala Harris demanded the names of donors to conservative nonprofits in order to expose them to the kind of harassment endured by supporters of the Prop 8 marriage amendment referendum in 2008. … Continue Reading

Obama’s Coed Bathroom Madness


By J. Matt Barber

President Barack Obama has done lost his mind. He’s just flushed the civil rights of men and women, boys and girls, to pee in peace and shower without having naked, sexually confused or sexually predatory members of the opposite sex ogling them, or intentionally exposing their genitalia for a cheap thrill.

Reports Fox News:

“The Obama administration has sent a letter to every public school district in the country telling them to allow transgender students [meaning students pretending to be the opposite sex] to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their chosen gender identity, as opposed to their birth certificate.

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GOP Leaders Ignore Their Conservative Base by Confirming Loretta Lynch


Written by Jeff Crouere

It happened again last week, a painful reminder that the GOP leadership in Congress is pathetic. The President’s radical nominee for Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, was confirmed with ten Republican votes. Without Republican votes, Lynch could not have become U.S. Attorney General. Lynch will now replace Eric Holder, the most controversial and racially divisive Attorney General in American history.

In her testimony to Congress, Lynch made it clear that she would continue the policies of her liberal predecessor, support the Obama agenda, and had no problem with the President’s highly questionable use of executive power to grant amnesty to five million illegal immigrants.… Continue Reading

The Race Card and the Left


Written by David E. Smith

In a sanctimonious and dramatic way, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin recently took to the Senate floor to attack Republicans for holding up the nomination of Loretta Lynch as U.S. Attorney General, saying:

And so, Loretta Lynch, the first African-American woman nominated to be attorney general, is asked to sit in the back of the bus when it comes to the Senate calendar.  That is unfair. It’s unjust. It is beneath the decorum and dignity of the United States Senate.

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U.S. Senate Dems Block Anti-Human Trafficking Bill Over Abortion


Written by Michael Gryboski

A previously bipartisan U.S. Senate bill meant to combat human trafficking is now being blocked by Democrats over an abortion funding provision.

Senate Democrats have threatened to block Senate Bill 178 over a provision added by Republicans regarding abortion funding.

“Republicans cast this as a routine extension of the so-called Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds for abortions except in limited circumstances,” reported Fox News.

“But Democrats said the legislation would mark a significant expansion since it applies to personal funds paid in fines.”… Continue Reading