Posts tagged: Barrack Obama

Some Good News Overlooked in all the Media Hysteria

Written by Micah Clark

There have been a whole lot of news distractions since President Donald J. Trump took office.  Some of them he brought upon himself, but most are ploys of the liberal media and part of the far left’s agenda to cripple his presidency.

Daily media obsessions with things like Russia have hidden a very positive result of the Trump election.   In his first 200 days, President Trump has nominated 44 federal judges including U.S.… Continue Reading

The Mother of All Scandals

Written by David Prentice

There is an answer to Hillary’s question, “What Happened?”

And yes, it should be considered a dumb question rather than a book title.  But the short answer to her question is:  She fooled almost the entire left, for over two decades.  Oh wait, that was a book title, not a question.

And therein lies her biggest problem.  She’s not really asking the question as she should be, she’s not reflecting.  Instead, she’s wagging a finger and blaming everyone else for her loss.… Continue Reading

Why It Matters Hillary Clinton Erred in Stating Our National Motto


Written by Dr. Mark Creech

Was it simply a faux pas? Was it ignorance? Or was it intentional? These were the questions running through my mind as I listened to Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

After mentioning that she and other Democrats were meeting in Philadelphia, the nation’s birthplace, Clinton briefly talked about the struggle that our nation’s 13 colonies had in coalescing around the shaping of our Republic. “The revolution hung in the balance,” she said, but they found “common purpose.”… Continue Reading