Posts tagged: Democratic Party

How Compassionate Is the Democrats’ Open-Borders Policy?

Written by David Limbaugh

People are having fun lampooning Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s selective exploitation of Scripture to support the Democrats’ advocacy of open borders, but let’s not allow this mirth to distract us from larger questions.

The incoming congresswoman tweeted: “Joy to the World! Merry Christmas everyone — here’s to a holiday filled with happiness, family, and love for all people. (Including refugee babies in mangers + their parents.)”

Let’s put aside that Ocasio-Cortez is conflating the Nativity story described in Luke’s Gospel, in which Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem to register for the Roman census, with Matthew’s description of the couple’s fleeing to Egypt to protect Jesus from King Herod’s decree to murder every boy age 2 or younger in Bethlehem.… Continue Reading

When the Democrats Win, Freedom Loses

Written by Star Parker

The headlines about the incoming 116th Congress scream that our representation has never been so “young,” so “blue,” so “diverse.”

If diversity is about how people look, this Congress is very diverse. It’s a fact that there has never been so great a number of representatives who are women and people of color.

There are 124 women, 55 blacks, 43 Latinos and 15 Asians.

But if diversity means diversity of thought, it’s practically nonexistent.… Continue Reading

Let the Democrats Keep Showing Their Hand

Written by David Limbaugh

The Democratic Party’s emerging radical bloc is alarming, but the leftist group’s youthful intemperance could backfire and re-energize Republicans’ 2020 electoral prospects.

Even before all the hanging chads and miraculously divined ballots have been examined in Florida, newly elected leftist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already engaging in activism in the halls of Congress. On Tuesday morning, the future representative from New York joined a protest organized by the Sunrise Movement outside the offices of Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi to demand immediate action on climate change — as if the dinosaur wing of the Democratic Party weren’t sufficiently extremist on environmental issues.… Continue Reading

The Gloomy American Left

Written by David Limbaugh

The fury of leftists is a constant today, and it’s not just because they hate President Donald Trump. Despite all their dreamy talk of compassion and love, they seem to be a miserable lot.

Democrats recaptured control of the U.S. House of Representatives [last] week, and leftists are already grinding their teeth over Trump and salivating at the prospect of putting him and Justice Brett Kavanaugh through investigatory and impeachment hell for the next two years.… Continue Reading

Black Conservatives Building up Steam With Blexit

Written by Rachel Alexander

Its name’s a play on Brexit, Great Britain’s movement to leave the European Union. Its members believe the Democratic Party takes them for granted and does not represent their interests. They’ve become increasingly frustrated in recent years with the Democrats’ letting illegal immigrants into the country, taking jobs away from them. The movement is selling clothing to publicize its efforts.

They call their movement “Blexit.” And they come from the Democratic party’s most loyal voting group.… Continue Reading

The Kavanaugh Hearing and the Galling, Teeth-Grinding Hypocrisy of Democrats on Criminal Justice

Written by Daniel Horowitz

“So, is she lying or telling the truth?” That is the question on all the minds of the political animals, but that is not the most important question for the average citizen or for those who care about public policy. With a growing trend of sexual accusations coming forth from decades ago lodged against all sorts of people, this is about more than the two subjects of the public spectacle. The most important question is what sort of standard we are going to pursue for criminal justice, whether in a real court or a court of public opinion.… Continue Reading

Will the GOP Back Its Pro-Life Platform With Action? (Video)

Written by Tamara Jackson

Our nation was founded unlike any other nation in history. England embraced a feudal system, followed by a system of peerage and a (dead) state church whose head was the country’s sovereign and often tyrannical ruler.

France endured a godless revolution, resulting in a political system constrained by the motto: “liberté, égalité, fraternité.” (i.e. “liberty, equality, brotherhood”)

That sounds noble, but devoid of God and godly principles, only freedom and equality are left, both determined precariously by the whims of the masses rather than transcendent Truth.… Continue Reading

Identity Politics: A Cynical Electoral Tactic

Written by David Limbaugh

No offense, my Democratic friends, but only in the modern Democratic Party could a Democratic icon such as Andrew Cuomo fearlessly and publicly claim that America “was never that great.” Just two decades ago, few Democrats would dare make that statement.

Lest you fall for the lie that this was merely a one-off hyperbole, notice the full range of Cuomo’s intentional remarks.

Gov. Cuomo’s Remarks

“We’re not going to make America great again,” said the New York governor.… Continue Reading

Polling Milestone: Democrats Officially Prefer Socialism to Capitalism

Written by Peter Hasson

Democrats have a more positive view of socialism than they do of capitalism, a Gallup poll published Monday reveals.

Fifty-seven percent of Democrats view socialism favorably, while just 47 percent of Democrats have a positive view of capitalism, according to the poll. In contrast, 71 percent of Republicans have a positive view of capitalism, while just 16 percent viewed socialism favorably.

Monday’s poll was “the first time in Gallup’s measurement over the past decade that Democrats viewed socialism more favorably than capitalism,” the polling firm noted.… Continue Reading

Freeing People from Left-Wing Lies

Written by Tom Trinko

The majority of Democratic voters are victims of a deliberate conspiracy by the leftist media, academia, and the Deep State to mislead them through lies of omission and commission.

A recent Pew survey shows that leftists are much more likely not to want to associate with people who don’t share their political views than are conservatives.  Furthermore, leftists are more likely not to know any conservatives.

Look at the electoral map from 2016 – the blue areas are all tiny and tightly grouped.… Continue Reading