Posts tagged: critical race theory

Trump Squeezing the Lifeblood Out of Money-Sucking Critical Race Theory Hucksters

Written by Laurie Higgins

On June 29, 2020, Karen Attiah, the black, 34-year-old Global Opinions editor for Jeff Bezos’ liberal rag the Washington Post and Fulbright scholar who received her bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University and master’s degree from Columbia University, tweeted this:

The lies and tears of White women hath wrought:

-The 1921 Tulsa Massacre

-Murder of Emmet Till

-Exclusion of Black women from feminist movements

-53% of white women voting for Trump.Continue Reading

Voters Must Choose Between Revelation or Revolution This Election Year

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Eric Voegelin was born in 1901. In 1919, he enrolled in the University of Vienna. He studied Karl Marx, read “Das Kapital” and embraced Marxism. However, as he watched the Bolshevik Revolution’s bloodlust play itself out in the streets of Russia, Voegelin concluded he was wrong. Therefore, he abandoned socialism and its assumptions of race and class conflict and became a member of the Austrian economics clan.

In addition to having a first-hand account of the ways of Vladimir Lenin, Voegelin also had a front-row seat to the rise of Adolf Hitler.… Continue Reading

What a Millennial Biden Voter Thinks About Race

Written by Laurie Higgins

If you haven’t spoken to a Millennial Harris/Biden supporter, continue reading for a better understanding of the ignorance that “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) results in, which in turn should make it clear how critically important it is for President Trump to be re-elected.

Following Monday’s article about President Trump’s outstanding decision to prohibit federal agencies from funding CRT, I had a Facebook discussion with a Millennial who has swallowed the destructive ideology hook, line, and lethal sinker.… Continue Reading

Trump Ceases Federal Funding of Racist Critical Theory Propaganda

Written by Laurie Higgins

Totalitarians and other assorted radicals in America and around the world are fervently hoping Joe Biden will be elected. Communists, Marxists, anarcho-communists, radical Islamists, “trans”-cultists, homosexual activists, feticidal feminists, climate doom-mongers, and Critical Theory racists are cheering attacks on private property, public peace, historical monuments, and American founding principles while spending their days until the election filling balloons with feces and urine to throw at police.

They’re hoping for a Kamala Harris/Biden victory so they can strengthen their iron grip on American institutions and brass-knuckled destruction of our foundational principles.… Continue Reading

The Democratic Agenda: Is This Really What Americans Want?

Written by Laurie Higgins

Democrats label those who object to the Black Lives Matter organization and Critical Race Theory “racist.”

Democrats label as “racist” or Uncle Toms those who have different ideas from Democrats on how to address the problems that plague urban black communities.

Democrats label as ” racist” anyone who objects to police brutality and acts of racism by police but supports police departments.

Democrats fire people for moral or political views with which they disagree.

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Critical Race Theory’s Destructive Impact on America

Written by Carol M. Swain

Under the guise of a venture called the “1619 Project,” revisionist history about race in America is being introduced into classrooms across America without undergoing the normal peer review expected of educational materials. August 2019 marked the birth of the project, a publication of The New York Times Magazine and the Pulitzer organization, containing a collection of essays and artistic works to commemorate the 400-year anniversary of slavery in America.… Continue Reading