Posts tagged: Chuck Schumer

Lessons Learned: The GOP Weak Links

Written by J.R. Dunn

There is one single major cause for the chaos surrounding Republican SCOTUS confirmations over the past thirty years – the fulcrum for the entire exercise of humiliating conservative judges.  It’s not the Democrats, it’s not the left, and it’s not the feminists.  They aren’t the crucial factor.  They simply take advantage of it.

Quite simply put, it’s the GOP weak links.

Let’s be clear on terminology: these are not RINOs.  Of the four who succeeded in disrupting the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, none fits the classic mold of the RINO – the go-along-to-get-along type who adapts liberal principles and policies to reap benefits at the expense of rank-and-file Republicans.  … Continue Reading

Investigate the U.S. Senate Democrat Wrecking Machine

Written by Michelle Malkin

How did we get here? The Kavanaugh U.S. Supreme Court nomination circus didn’t happen by accident. The emergence of incredible — and by “incredible,” I mean the literal Merriam-Webster definition of “too extraordinary and improbable to be believed” — accusers in the 11th hour was no mistake.

It is my contention that this grand unearth-and-destroy spectacle was planned, coordinated and facilitated by U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats and their staffers.

After the FBI finishes its Freshmen Booze Investigations, Federal Barfight Interrogations and Fraternity Barfing Incidents probe of every last Yale and Holton Arms acquaintance and publicity hound ever photographed with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, every cog in the Resistance Wrecking Machine must be investigated:

Protest Orchestration.Continue Reading

Shifting the Roe Burden Back to Schumer

Written by William J. Watkins, Jr.

Much like King Nebuchadnezzar’s instructions to the three Hebrew boys, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has telegraphed to Judge Brett Kavanaugh a way out of the fiery furnace of confirmation.  Kavanaugh need not bow down to a golden image, but he must give obeisance to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark abortion case.  “The onus is on the nominee,” Schumer has declared, “to show where he or she might stand” on Roe.  … Continue Reading

Ghoulies: Parade of the Aborticrats

Written by Michelle Malkin

I thought we had seen it all from radical feminists — and what we’ve seen is way, way more than anyone other than a gynecologist needs to see.

Six years ago, Code Pink zealots traipsed across the fruited plain in giant female reproductive organ costumes demanding “respect” for women’s bodies and women’s abortion rights. They called themselves “dancing vaginas.”

Last January, militant femmes converged on the National Mall donning pink pussy hats, twirling nipple umbrellas, chanting, “Build a uterine wall!”… Continue Reading

McConnell and Ryan Should Resign

Written by Walker Wildmon

Republicans in Congress passed and President Trump signed a 2,200 page $1.3 trillion dollar budget. To say this bill is bad is an understatement. Haven’t you heard this all before? It seems like every other month I’m writing about how Congress passed a horrible budget deal. That’s because this isn’t the first time we’ve crossed this bridge.

This budget funds Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider. It hardly funds a fraction of President Trump’s proposed border wall.… Continue Reading

What’s the Deal With Congressional Republicans?

Written by Brian C. Joondeph

Every few months, Republicans behave stupidly, causing their voters to again ask themselves, “Why vote Republican?”  Supporting congressional Republicans seems an exercise in futility – Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown, ready to kick a conservative field goal, only to have Lucy pull the football away at the last second.  I have asked this question several times

We all know the words to the Republican song we have heard every two years for the past decade.  … Continue Reading

Leftists versus the People

Written by Jeffrey Folks

Do they really hate ordinary people that much?

Yes, they do.  For liberals, the distinction between the “dumb masses” and their enlightened selves renders life meaningful.  Disdain for ordinary folks is not just an ancillary trait of liberalism.  It is fundamental to the its nature.

At its heart, liberalism is a gnostic religion, and the essence of that religion is the believer’s faith that he possesses the means of changing the world for the better.  … Continue Reading

Democratic Leaders Can’t Agree on Issue of Abortion

Written by Joshua Denton

In another recent blow to the Democratic Party’s overall opposition to pro life stances, California Governor Jerry Brown stated that pro life constituents should be welcome in the Democratic Party.

In an interview Sunday, August 6, with NBC’s “Meet the Press” the California Governor (who is himself a former Jesuit novice) said, “I’d say, look, even on the abortion issue, it wasn’t very long ago that a number of Catholic Democrats were opposed to abortion,” Mr.… Continue Reading

Now is the Season for Success for the GOP on the Issues Battlefield

Written by John Biver

Military historian and premier political analyst Victor Davis Hanson asked a critically important question in a recent column: Can a divided America survive?

Some conservatives would have liked to adjust the focus of that question: can America survive without a religious revival mirroring past Christian awakenings in our nation’s history.

Let me ask you to set the spiritual aspect aside for the moment since this is an article addressing political issues. Here’s how I want to frame the question: can America survive if the elected Republicans in the U.S.… Continue Reading

The New Conservative Legal Mainstream—and Why the Left is Worried

Written by John A. Sparks

U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Patrick Leahy claimed that newly confirmed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was not in the “legal mainstream.” They were referring to the “living Constitution” approach to constitutional interpretation. That interpretative approach, still thriving today and embraced by the liberal left, says that the U.S. Constitution should be a document that judges regard as one “that evolves, changes, over time, and adapts to new circumstances, without being formally amended.”… Continue Reading