Posts tagged: Black Lives Matter

By Their Red Stars You’ll Know Them

Written by Robert Knight

Bob Avakian, chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCPUSA), has endorsed Joe Biden for president.

Mr. Avakian, who has led the party since 1979, says he doesn’t particularly like Mr. Biden, but that electing him is necessary for “the overthrow of this system, as the fundamental solution to the continuing horrors this system causes for the masses of humanity.”

That “system” is our self-governing republic with its constitutionally-guaranteed rule of law, property rights, the freedoms of religion, speech, press and assembly, and free market economics.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Black Families Matter (Part 1)

Written by Benjamin Smith

The Black Lives Matter movement is a shallow movement, one which has taken up a sledgehammer to address a complex problem in need of a more skillful approach. Speaking at a Black Families Matter rally held in Flossmoor (in front of Southland Smiles Dental and across from the new Planned Parenthood facility), Rev. Dr. Eric Wallace stressed that while black lives, white lives, all lives matter, what is foundational and truly vital to our nation right now are strong families parented by a mom and a dad.… Continue Reading

Black Families Matter, Part 1 (Illinois Family Spotlight #211)

The Black Lives Matter movement is a shallow movement, one which has taken up a sledgehammer to address a complex problem in need of a more skillful approach. Speaking at a Black Families Matter rally held in Flossmoor (in front of Southland Smiles Dental and across from the new Planned Parenthood facility), Rev. Dr. Eric Wallace stressed that while black lives, white lives, all lives matter, what is foundational and truly vital to our nation right now are strong families parented by a mom and a dad.… Continue Reading

Leftist Rioters, Like their Marxist Muses, Are Literal Revolutionaries

Written by David Limbaugh

How do we make sense of the nonstop craziness going on in our society? Is there a common denominator, or is it all happening randomly?

Well, it’s unlikely that multiple sectors of society just happen to be imploding at the same time without some causal forces behind them. And you don’t have to be a garden-variety conspiracy theorist to realize that some kind of intelligent design is at work here.

I personally think we’re in the throes of spiritual warfare.… Continue Reading

Embers Of Racism, With Obama’s Help, Turned Into An Inferno

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

It’s official. We are now a racist nation. And it happened almost overnight.

Consider the following examples.

Yusra Khogali, a Black Lives Matter leader, recently wrote that “white people are a genetic defect of blackness,” and that “whiteness is not humanness. In fact, white skin is sub-human.”

Ms. Khogali added, “White people are recessive genetic defects. This is factual … Black people simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to.”… Continue Reading

The Chicago Funeral Shooting Shows Yet Again How Black Lives Don’t Matter to Politicians

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Where are all the frantic press releases from every corporation in America amid the worst mass shooting of black people in Chicago’s recent memory? Where are the protests? The demands for more prison time? More cops? Or, if you only get your news from superficial corporate media sources, perhaps you don’t know what I’m talking about.

While most people bring flowers and tissues to funerals, that is not the Chicago way. There, they bring guns. … Continue Reading

The Race Hustle in the BLM Era

Written by Robert Knight

The Chinese COVID-19 lockdown has cost tens of millions of Americans their jobs, but one group is doing quite well, thank you.

That would be race hustlers, who have been thriving since George Floyd’s shocking death in police custody in late May and the protests and riots that followed.

The race hustlers have struck it rich thanks to their counterparts in the streets who are looting, burning, and shooting people. That sends chills up corporate spines.… Continue Reading

The Black Lives Matter Agenda Is Racist And Anti-Semitic. Why Are Politicians Embracing It?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

When was the last time we saw governments embrace the violent, racialist political agenda of a specific racist organization and make the citizenry obey it by force of law while exempting its adherents from the actual laws on the books? If you are conjuring up images of the KKK during the Jim Crow days in the South, you are not missing anything. So why is this suddenly OK when it comes to an organization that names itself Black Lives Matter?… Continue Reading

Here’s Why the NBA’s Social Justice League is Such a Bad Idea

Written by Peter Heck

Every so often, even though I know better, I flip over while driving and scan my favorite sports talk radio stations. Unfortunately, ESPN radio has become insufferable just like the rest of the network. It was only on for about 10 seconds before I heard someone say something to the effect of, “Where sports and social justice meet.” I turned it off.

It’s not that I don’t care about justice or am indifferent to our social problems.… Continue Reading

10 Ways Trump Can Push Law and Order – and Make it Stick

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Tweeting out “Law and Order!” every few days with an exclamation mark is OK, but it’s little solace to this country when we are actually suffering from the most widespread and protracted period of anarchy and violence in the modern era. It’s time for President Donald Trump to act on law and order, push a winning legislative and budgetary agenda with safety and security as its cornerstone, and communicate those ideas every day to the silent majority looking to the president to fight back.… Continue Reading