Written by Daniel Horowitz
When was the last time we saw governments embrace the violent, racialist political agenda of a specific racist organization and make the citizenry obey it by force of law while exempting its adherents from the actual laws on the books? If you are conjuring up images of the KKK during the Jim Crow days in the South, you are not missing anything. So why is this suddenly OK when it comes to an organization that names itself Black Lives Matter?… Continue Reading
Tags: Allyson Rowen Taylor, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Conservative Review, Daniel Greenfield, Daniel Horowitz, David Duke, E Pluribus Unum, Facebook, Jewish Lives Matter, Jews, Jim Crow, KKK, Louis Farrakhan, Nazis, neo-nazis, New York Times, NYPD, Palestinians, Rodney King, sin, StandWithUs, the Constitution, the South
Federal Issues, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political | Benjamin D. Smith |
July 13, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by Denyse O’Leary
The term “alt right” is thrown around a lot these days to account for Donald Trump’s winning the U.S. presidency. Mainstream media, blindsided by results they should have been able to predict, are deflecting blame. Many conjure a vast, shadowy, menacing group that propelled Trump to power in hidden ways. A more accurate story is more complex—and far more of a problem for the generic worldview of current mainstream media.
So what actually is the alt right?… Continue Reading
Tags: Allum Bokhari, alt right, Andrew Maranta, Breitbart, Darwinism, David Duke, Donald Trump, Frank Hilliard, Giles Fraser, H.L Mencken, Julius Evola, Ku Klux Klan, Michael Brown, Milo Yiannopoulos, Nazis, Newt Gingrich, Nicholas Wade, Oswald Spengler, Richard Spencer, Sam Francis, Stephen Bannon
Political | David E. Smith |
November 25, 2016 8:00 AM |
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Written by Daren Jonescu
One predictable element of the current Republican primaries is that each time Donald Trump‘s supposed inevitability is challenged, he will tell you it is because the process is unfair. He, his official spokesmen, his “unofficial” enforcers, his sycophantic “conservative media” surrogates, and his hornet’s nest of online commenters, consistently greet any momentary setback with a cacophonous chorus of “rigged,” “stolen,” and above all “unfair.”
To be fair to Trump, it is true that life really is unfair sometimes.… Continue Reading