Posts tagged: Amy Coney Barrett

SCOTUS Missed Opportunity to Uphold Freedom of Speech

Written by Robert Knight

The U.S. Supreme Court works in strange and mysterious ways.

It can enrage the progressive left with a solidly constitutional ruling like Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022), which overturned Roe v. Wade and sent the issue of abortion to the states.

But it can also amaze and frustrate conservatives, as when it refused before and after the 2020 election to review Pennsylvania officials’ unconstitutional changes to election procedures.

“We failed to settle this dispute before the election and thus provide clear rules.… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Waffles on Abortion Drugs

Written by Daniel Horowitz

During his 2005 confirmation hearings, Chief Justice John Roberts compared the role of the U.S. Supreme Court to that of an umpire calling balls and strikes. But what happens when the umpire allows one team more at-bats than the other? Once again, the much-vaunted conservative U.S. Supreme Court is a one-way ratchet for left-wing litigation. Some things never change.

When Donald Trump was president, not a single major administrative policy went unchallenged by the officiously litigious left-wing legal movement.… Continue Reading

A Twilight Zone America Endures The Border Crisis

Written by Robert Knight

Whenever I hear the White House insist the border is secure, inflation is no problem, and that boys are really girls if they feel like it, I look around for Rod Serling.

You half expect to see the vintage TV show host emerge from a misty backdrop to say, “What you’re seeing is a replica of reality, not reality itself. You have been transported to a parallel universe where evil is good, wrong is right and bitter is sweet.… Continue Reading

How Conservatives Misjudge the U.S. Supreme Court

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Six of the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices have been appointed by Republicans, yet red states are now being prevented by federal courts from keeping boys out of girls’ bathrooms. What was the point of the generation-long battle for control of the high court?

A three-judge panel for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in August upheld a lower court ruling forcing the Metropolitan School District of Martinsville, Indiana, to allow people to enter the school bathrooms of their choice, not the one that matches their sex.… Continue Reading

Despite Overturn Of Roe, Surgical Abortions Increase Nationwide

On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States released its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In Dobbs, the Court overturned its disastrous 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade that created an abortion-on-demand regime throughout the United States. Now, the elected branches of government are free to make abortion policy without interference from federal courts.

Following the Court’s decision in Dobbs, legislatures in pro-life states across the nation have taken steps to curtail or dramatically reduce the availability of abortion.… Continue Reading

Exposing the Radical Effort to Destabilize the Supreme Court

Written by Jorge Gomez

The U.S. Supreme Court is under all-out attack. Recent headlines reveal a concerted effort to manufacture an “ethics” scandal about Justice Clarence Thomas, the Court’s leading conservative and one of the foremost defenders of religious liberty. Justice Neil Gorsuch has also been the target of this smear campaign.

Democrats in Congress, along with their allies in left-wing radical groups and the media, are bringing back calls for radical court “reform.” A constitutionally suspect “judicial ethics” bill was introduced and the U.S.… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Case of Colorado Web Designer Has Big Implications for Religious Liberty

Written by Jorge Gomez

The U.S. Supreme Court recently announced it will hear 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, a free speech case that could have major implications for religious liberty. This is a case being handled by our friends at the Alliance Defending Freedom.

It involves Lorie Smith, a Christian web designer from the Denver-area who declines to create wedding websites for same-sex couples, because of her religious beliefs. The case is expected to be heard during the Court’s next term, which begins in October.… Continue Reading

Should Legal Abortion Be Killed?

Written by Mike McManus

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments this week on whether to overturn its Roe v. Wade decision of 48 years ago that legalized abortion.

It is considering a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks – well before the established point of fetal “viability” at around 24 weeks. Many pro-life leaders hope the nation’s highest court will use this opportunity to reverse Roe v. Wade to protect unborn children.

Roe v.Continue Reading

Justices Barrett and Breyer Speak Out Against Court-Packing Threats

Written by Jorge Gomez

As members of the Democratic Party recently doubled down on their calls to pack the U.S. Supreme Court, Justices Stephen Breyer and Amy Coney Barrett issued a series of responses to those pushing to rig the Court for ideological and political gain.

In an interview with Fox News, Justice Breyer warned of the dangers of altering the structure of the Court. When asked about the idea of increasing the number of justices on the bench, he responded:

“Well, if one party could do it, I guess another party could do it…On the surface it seems to me you start changing all these things around, and people will lose trust in the court.”

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Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett Deal Crushing Blow to Religious Liberty

Written by Daniel Horowitz

James Madison once wroteGovernment is instituted to protect property of every sort” and that “conscience is the most sacred of all property.” Yet just before July 4 weekend, the U.S. Supreme Court, by denying an appeal in an important religious liberty case, has essentially abrogated both property and conscience rights, as well as the right to use one’s own property in accordance with deeply held religious beliefs. So much for self-evident truths, inalienable rights, and the institution of government to secure these rights.… Continue Reading